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타이어 부착방지형 택코트의 기초물성 평가 KCI 등재

Evaluation of the Fundamental Properties of Trackless Tack Coats

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438114
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국도로학회논문집 (International journal of highway engineering)
한국도로학회 (Korean Society of Road Engineers)

This study investigated the tracking loss rate and shear bond strength under various conditions to evaluate the properties of a trackless tack coat used in asphalt pavement maintenance and conducted a field investigation in which the trackless tack coat was used. Typically, the loss rate and bond strength of a tack coat depend on various conditions. Therefore, to evaluate the loss rate of the tack coat, a wheel-tracking attachment loss rate and tack lifter test were conducted by simulating high-temperature exposure conditions, and the shear bond strength was measured according to the surface condition of the bottom layer. In addition, field investigations of cracks, rutting, and potholes were conducted at 11 sites five years after the application of the trackless tack coat. The results of the wheel-tracking loss rate evaluation showed that the loss rate differed depending on the conditions of the bottom layer, and the loss rate of the trackless tack coat was very low at the same temperature as that of the rapid strength concrete (RSC). In addition, in the results of tack lifter test at 65℃, which had the highest loss rate by wheel tracking loss rate test, it was found that loss rate of trackless tack coat was 0%–29% lower than that of RSC for the same exposure time. As a result of evaluating the effect of the bottom layer's condition on the shear bond strength, it was found that the trackless tack coat was about 20% higher than RSC under the same conditions. In addition, when foreign substances such as dust were present in the bottom layer, the shear bond strength was reduced by approximately 28%. Field investigations of the trackless-applied section showed that potholes and rutting did not occur, and alligator cracks and linear cracks occurred in some sections; however, it was judged that there was little direct relationship with the trackless tack coat. The trackless tack coat was found to have a slight loss owing to tracking, even at relatively high temperatures, and the shear bond strength was excellent. In addition, if the construction process is properly conducted, an advantage will be attained in securing the performance life of asphalt pavements.

1. 서론
    1.1. 논문개요
2. 실험방법
    2.1. 사용재료
    2.2. 동적전단 유변 물성
    2.3. 타이어 부착손실률
    2.4. Tack Lifter 시험
    2.5. 전단부착강도
    2.6. 현장추적조사
3. 실험결과
    3.1. 동적전단 유변 물성 검토결과
    3.2. 고온 환경에서의 부착손실률 검토결과
    3.3. 고온 환경에서의 Tack Lifter 시험 검토결과
    3.4. 전단부착강도 검토결과
    3.5. 현장추적조사
4. 결론
  • 임치수(전북대학교 토목, 환경, 자원, 에너지공학부 박사 후 연구원) | Lim Chisu
  • 정홍기((주) 일우PPC 대표이사) | Jeong Hongki
  • 이재준(전북대학교 토목, 환경, 자원, 에너지공학부 교수) | Lee Jaejun
  • 이강휘((재)한국건설생활환경시험연구원 대전충남센터 선임연구원) | Lee Kanghwi
  • 장대성(전북대학교 토목, 환경, 자원, 에너지공학부 박사 후 연구원) | Jang Daeseong (Researcher Department of Civil Engineering, Jeonbuk National University, 567, Baekje-daero, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeonbuk-do 54896, Korea) Corresponding author