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도시부 도로 신호교차로 대상 노면전차 운영전략 연구 KCI 등재

Evaluation of Tram Operation Method at Signalized Intersections on Urban Highways

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438120
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국도로학회논문집 (International journal of highway engineering)
한국도로학회 (Korean Society of Road Engineers)

This study points out the traffic safety inhibition problem in which the yellow time length at a signal intersection can be set differently depending on the tram, and proposes a way to overcome it. This study proposes a twofold approach for trams to coordinate with the yellow signal phase designated for general vehicles, utilizing a schedule-speed-based operating speed adjustment and departure time control at stations. To validate the proposed method, simulations were conducted for a planned tram corridor in the Wirye District, Seoul. The simulation environment was developed using the simulation of the urban mobility model. The operational characteristics of tram services in the main and branch-line sections were analyzed. In the upstream section of the mainline, the operating speed was 22.04 km/h, with a total dwell time of 400 s across 10 stations, resulting in zero intersection stops. Regarding the downstream section, the operating speed was 17.71 km/h, and one intersection stop was observed. In contrast, for the upstream section of the branch line, the operating speed was 14.73 km/h and there were two intersection stops, while the downstream section yielded an operating speed of 18.12 km/h, and also comprised two intersection stops. This study examined a novel operational strategy for trams near intersections along tram corridors without directly modifying the signal system. This strategy effectively utilizes tram stop dwell time and traffic signal information. It focuses on adjusting tram speeds to ensure smooth and safe passage through signalized intersections and optimizing operations so that trams approach and cross intersections at a consistent speed. Designed as a universal model, this strategy is adaptable to various regions and environments, rather than being limited to a specific area. It is expected to support tram operation planning by considering diverse factors, such as urban structure, traffic density, and intersection characteristics. Moreover, it provides valuable guidance to ensure the punctuality and stability of tram operations in a range of urban and traffic contexts.

1. 서론
2. 문헌 고찰
3. 연구 방법
    3.1. 노면전차 황색신호 길이 검토
    3.2. 제안된 신호시간 연계 노면전차 운영 방안
4. 연구 검증
    4.1. 평가 지표 선정
    4.2. 모의실험 환경 구축
5. 연구 결과
6. 결론
  • 조재호(국립한국교통대학교 석사과정) | Jo Jae-Ho
  • 김진태(국립한국교통대학교 교수) | Kim Jin-Tae (Professor Dept. of Transportation Systems Eng., Graduate Shool of Transportation, Korea National University of Transportation, Uiwang 16106, Korea) Corresponding author