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Survey and Analysis for Establishing a Crisis Response System in the Jeonbuk Region’s Small and Medium sized Enterprise Dense Areas KCI 등재

전북지역 중소기업 밀집 지역의 위기대응 시스템 구축을 위한 실태조사 및 분석

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438211
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국산업경영시스템학회지 (Journal of Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering)
한국산업경영시스템학회 (Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering)

This study aims to identify crisis signs in small and medium enterprise (SME)-concentrated regions and establish measures to prevent economic recession and normalize regional economies through proactive responses. To achieve this, we investigated and analyzed the crisis status and outlook of companies located in Jeonbuk, their detailed management conditions, management issues by industry, difficulties in business operations, and policy demands. Out of 4,144 SMEs in Jeonbuk's concentrated areas, 270 companies responded to the survey. The results showed that 60% of the responding companies perceived their current management situation as being in a state of crisis. However, the outlook for the next quarter and the following year is expected to improve. Notably, compared to manufacturing companies, non-manufacturing firms responded that their crisis situation in the next quarter would not improve and expected the crisis to persist. In terms of detailed business conditions, regardless of the distinction between manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors, all aspects of the survey, including domestic sales, export sales, operating profit, financial status, and the number of employees, indicated better prospects for the next quarter and the following year compared to the current quarter. The study's findings suggest that companies in SME-concentrated areas of Jeonbuk are relatively accurate in recognizing the crisis situation of their own businesses and operating markets. Additionally, the companies responded that crisis monitoring is necessary. Differences in difficulties faced by the manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors imply the need for industry-specific financial support programs. Based on the survey results, we propose financial support projects tailored to the manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors, considering the degree of market competition. For more precise research, future studies will involve extracting larger samples and conducting a detailed analysis by subdividing manufacturing sectors (e.g., food, metal) and non-manufacturing sectors (e.g., agriculture, design).

1. 서 론
2. 조사 방법
3. 조사 결과
    3.1 응답기업 특성
    3.2 위기상태 및 전망
    3.3 기업 세부 경영현황
    3.4 경영상 애로요인 및 정책수요
4. 결 론
  • HeeSeung Choi(The Graduate School of Convergence Technology Management, Jeonbuk National University, UNICC Inc.) | 최희승 (전북대학교 융합기술경영학과, 주식회사 유닉)
  • JiYeong Ha(UNICC Inc.) | 하지영 (주식회사 유닉)
  • Jihyun Ha(UNICC Inc.) | 하지현 (주식회사 유닉)
  • Heena Kim(UNICC Inc.) | 김희나 (주식회사 유닉)
  • Joonsoo Bae(The Graduate School of Convergence Technology Management, Jeonbuk National University) | 배준수 (전북대학교 융합기술경영학과) Corresponding author