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흰색 뿔목이 신품종 ‘새얀’의 특성 KCI 등재

Characterization of a new variety Auricularia cornea ‘Saeyan’

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438268
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국버섯학회지 (Journal of Mushrooms (J. Mushrooms))
한국버섯학회 (The Korean Society of Mushroom Science)

‘Saeyan’is a mushroom variety with white-color, developed through single-spore crossing between the Auricularia cornea ‘Pungwoon’ (brown-colored) and the ‘JNM21235’ (white-colored). Using the RHS Color Chart, the superior strains with fruiting bodies were classified into eight colors, including light brown, dark brown, and white. Among these, the ‘Saeyan’ strain (JNM-MI-85) was selected as a new variety for its low wrinkle density, clean white color (NN155B), and reduced clustering of fruiting bodies. The ITS sequence analysis confirmed its classification as Auricularia cornea. It was named ‘Saeyan’, a pure Korean word meaning “new and white,” and filed for plant variety protection in 2018 (Application No. 2018-17). The variety was officially registered in 2021. ‘Saeyan’is characterized by its white fruiting body with an ear-shaped morphology. The optimal temperature range for mycelial growth is between 25°C and 30°C. Cultivation on sawdust bag substrate required approximately 38 days, with the primordia formation period being around 10 days. The total cultivation period was 112 days. The fruiting bodies exhibited a length of 55 mm, a width of 42 mm, and a thickness of approximately 0.92 mm. Mushroom formation can occur individually as single fruiting bodies or collectively as clustered formations. The mushroom yield was relatively high at 854 g/0.9 kg and demonstrated strong resistance to diseases.

서 론
재료 및 방법
    단포자 분리
    균사 배양 및 자실체 특성조사
    ITS 염기서열 분석
결과 및 고찰
    자실체 형태적 특성
    병해충 저항성 및 수량성
    종 분류
적 요
감사의 글
  • 김길자(전라남도농업기술원 식량작물연구소) | Kil-Ja Kim (Crop Research Division, Jeollanamdo Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Naju 58213, Korea) Corresponding author
  • 김다미(전라남도농업기술원 식량작물연구소) | Dami Kim (Crop Research Division, Jeollanamdo Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Naju 58213, Korea)
  • 마경철(전라남도농업기술원 식량작물연구소) | Kyung-Cheol Ma (Crop Research Division, Jeollanamdo Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Naju 58213, Korea)