작전 및 군수 효율성을 고려한 전투기별 무장 최적 선정 모형
This study proposes a mathematical model to optimize the fighter aircraft-weapon combinations for the Republic of Korea Air Force. With the recent emergence of the population cliff issue due to declining birth rates in Korea, there is an urgent need for efficient weapon system operations in light of decreasing military personnel. This study aims to enhance operational environments and mission efficiency within the military. The objective is to reduce the workload of pilots and maintenance personnel by operating an optimal number of weapons instead of deploying all possible armaments for each aircraft type. To achieve this, various factors for optimizing the fighter-weapon combinations were identified and quantified. A model was then constructed using goal programming, with the objective functions based on the compatibility, Circular Error Probable (CEP), and fire range of the weapons, along with the planned wartime mission-specific weapon ratios for each aircraft type. Experimental analysis of the proposed model indicated a significant increase in mission performance efficiency compared to the existing system in both operational and maintenance aspects. It is hoped that this model will be applied in military settings.