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A Study on the Influence of Grit on Academic Self-Efficacy and Academic Stress in College Physical Therapy Students KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438495
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국제물리치료연구학회 (International Academy of Physical Therapy Research)

Background: Grit, academic self-efficacy, and academic stress are crucial factors affecting a student’s ability to adapt to college. Objectives: The influence of grit on academic self-efficacy and academic stress among college physical therapy students was analyzed. Design: Questionnaire design. Methods: A total of 208 three-year undergraduate physical therapy students were surveyed using a structured questionnaire that assessed their grit, academic self-efficacy, and academic stress. The levels of each factor, the subfactors influencing each factor, and their correlations were analyzed. Results: Among college physical therapy students, having lower daily study hours was associated with lower grit and academic self-efficacy and higher academic stress. Younger students showed lower self-regulatory efficacy and self-confidence and higher levels of academic stress (P<.05). An analysis of the correlations of each factor revealed a significant correlation: the higher the students’ grit, the higher their academic self-efficiency and the lower their academic stress. Additionally, higher academic self-efficacy was significantly associated with lower academic stress (P<.001). Conclusion: To enhance the grit and academic self-efficacy of three-year college physical therapy students and reduce their academic stress, it is necessary to manage their learning time, develop educational support programs according to age, and apply various teaching methods.

    Measurement Methods
    Data Analysis
    Characteristics of subjects
    Analysis of grit according to the general characteristics
    Analysis of academic self-efficacy according to thegeneral characteristics
    Analysis of academic stress according to the generalcharacteristics
  • Joongsan Wang(Department of Physical Therapy, Howon University, Gunsan, Republic of Korea) Corresponding author