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《可洪音義》卷十七校箋札記 KCI 등재

Collation and Annotation Notes on Volume 17 of Ke Hong Yin Yi

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438542
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 6,600원
漢字硏究 (한자연구)
경성대학교 한국한자연구소 (Center For The Study of Chinese Charaters in Korea, Kyungsung University)

The Ke Hong Yin Yi is not a dictionary that summarizes and lists the general meanings of words in the traditional sense. It is closer to the nature of following the content of the book for annotation and clarification, and is designed to serve the reading of specific Buddhist scriptures. Therefore, the quality of its phonetic annotations should be assessed within the context of the scriptures themselves. Moreover, during its transmission, some version errors have been introduced, which also affect the reader’s use. This study examines the entries in Volume 17 of Ke Hong Yin Yi that contain editorial or phonetic annotation errors, among other issues. The results of this examination hold significant reference value for the in-depth research and comprehensive organization of Ke Hong Yin Yi.

1. 引言
2. 校箋札記
3. 小結

  • 韓小荊(蘇州大學文學院教授) | Xiaojing HAN
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