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商周銅器銘文中的“셓”(上) KCI 등재

“셓”in the Inscriptions on Bronze Wares of Shang and Zhou Dynasties

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438545
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 6,100원
漢字硏究 (한자연구)
경성대학교 한국한자연구소 (Center For The Study of Chinese Charaters in Korea, Kyungsung University)

There is a character “셓” in the inscriptions on bronze wares of Shang and Zhou Dynasties, and up to now, the academic community is divided on the reading of this character. From the use cases where the character appear in the inscriptions on ancient bronzes, it is used as the appellation of the clan without exception, mainly as the single clan name, and then as the constituent of the compound clan name. However, why the clan is named as “셓” and what is the meaning of its configuration have been rarely mentioned. Combining the latest research results of the history and culture of ancient society and archaeology with the inspection and proofreading of the related words of this character, besides versifying with the handed down literature the paper, the paper holds that the character is actually related to the fishery production in ancient times as the symbol of the clan. The configuration of “셓” is the reflection of an image in which a caught fish is disemboweled and then stretched out by bamboo or branches to dry. And the structural meaning is “薧” corresponding to “鱻”, also known as “鱐” in the literature handed down from ancient times “The Three Rituals”, namely the dried fish said today.

1. 引言
2. 商周銅器銘文“셓”字出現頻率與形釐析 
    2.1 “셓”字出現的頻率
    2.2 “셓”系字字形釐析
3. “셓”系字與他的關聯
    3.1 合體字中的構件與“셓” 系字有關聯的字
    3.2 “셓”系字與它字並稱構成複合族名

  • 劉興均(三亞學院人文與傳播學院教授) | Xingjun LIU
  • 金偉(四川大學文學與新聞學院博士生) | Wei JIN
  • 花靖超(三亞學院人文與傳播學院副教授) | Jingchao HUA
  • 曹麗紅(三亞學院人文與傳播學院助教) | Lihong CAO
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