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國際中文教材中未收録至《等級標準》的 手寫漢字分析 ——以《漢語教程》和《發展漢語·初級綜合》爲例 KCI 등재

Analysis of Handwritten Chinese Characters that are not Included in the “Grading Standards” in International Chinese Textbooks ——Take “Chinese Course” and “Developing Chinese·Elementary Comprehensive Course” as Examples

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438553
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 6,000원
漢字硏究 (한자연구)
경성대학교 한국한자연구소 (Center For The Study of Chinese Charaters in Korea, Kyungsung University)

For a long time, the teaching concept of “monism” has made the field of international Chinese teaching focus on “words”, not “Chinese characters”. Chinese characters that are difficult to teach and learn have not been effectively improved. In 2021, the introduction of the “Chinese Proficiency Grading Standards for International Chinese Language Education” set a new direction for international Chinese education, and the practice of listing a handwritten Chinese character list separately for the first time also reflects the importance of Chinese character teaching. Long before the introduction of the “Grading Standards”, a small number of international comprehensive Chinese textbooks had compiled handwritten Chinese character lists, but there were many handwritten Chinese characters that were not included in the “Grading Standards”. This kind of Chinese characters or have a large number of strokes, or the shapes of the strokes are more difficult, or the structures are more complex, or the ability to form words is weak, etc., which is exactly the opposite of the characteristics of the “Grading Standards”. According to the results of the relevant analysis, it can provide practical reference for the compilation of Chinese characters in textbooks in the future.

1. 引言
2. 《等級標準》手寫漢字特點 
    2.1 筆畫數量較少
    2.2 筆形難度較低
    2.3 偏旁簡單且構字能力較强 
    2.4 結構較簡單
3. 兩套教材的未被收録手寫漢字及特點 
    3.1 認讀等級略高
    3.2 知識深淺不一
    3.3 書寫難度較高
    3.4 使用頻率較低
4. 針對國際中文教材手寫漢字編選的相關建議 
    4.1 强调手寫漢字編選的規範性與实用性
    4.2 重視手寫漢字自身知識的展示與呈現
    4.3 兼顧手寫漢字構詞的時代性與經濟性

  • 張陽(鄭州大學文學院、漢字文明研究中心副教授,碩士生導師) | Yang ZHANG
  • 趙柯夢(鄭州大學文學院碩士生) | Kemeng ZHAO
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