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浙江溫嶺、玉環方言啼哭義口語詞[da31]本字爲“沱”考 KCI 등재

The Original Character of [da31] which Means Crying in Wenling and Yuhuan dialects of Zhejiang Dialect is “Tuo (沱)”

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438556
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 6,300원
漢字硏究 (한자연구)
경성대학교 한국한자연구소 (Center For The Study of Chinese Charaters in Korea, Kyungsung University)

Inspired by the Sound-change Trajectory Method to identify the original written form of a word proposed by Mr. Pan Wuyun潘悟雲, it is proved that the lost iconographic symbols for the orphanized lexical item used as a verb which means crying (read as [da31]) in Wenling and Yuhuan dialects of Wu吳language is “Tuo (沱)”, which is Change-resistant form of the grade 1 of non-labial vowel in Guo Auslaut 果摄开口一等. “Tuo (沱)” is an adjective, which extends its meaning along the line of “abundant water” “rain drooping” and “tears drooping”. With the expansion of collocation range, it is extended to a verb which means flowing. The verb “Tuo (沱)” which means crying in Wenling and Yuhuan dialects is derived from the verb which means flowing, and is a feature word in Wenling and Yuhuan dialects.

1. 問題所在 
2. 啼哭義動詞“沱”在方音個案中的滞後音變
3. 訓詁溯論:“沱”的詞義演變 
    3.1“沱江” “江水別流” 
    3.2“水盛” “雨盛” “淚垂貌&quat;
4. 方言層面“沱”的啼哭含義來源 
5. 餘論

  • 蔣來(南開大學文學院博士研究生) | Lai JIANG
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