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“属国”意识与晚清对朝政策之转型研究 KCI 등재

The Consciousness of “Vassal” and The Transformation of the Late Qing Dynasty’s Policies for Korea

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438881
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,800원
中國學 (중국학)
대한중국학회 (Korean Association For Chinese Studies)

In the middle to late 19th century, the traditional tributary system centered around China began to show signs of instability due to external pressures, and the suzerain vassal relationship between China and Korea also entered a crucial transitional period. Prior to 1879, the Zongli Yamen always consistently maintained in its correspondence with foreign countries that the suzerain-vassal relations between Modern China and Korea was “vassal but autonomous” relationship. However, this concept of “vassal autonomous” began to change after Japan annexed Ryukyu in 1879. Officials of the late Qing Dynasty represented by He Ruzhang, engaged in multiple discussions about the East Asian situation and the suzerain-vassal relationship between Qing and Korea, and gave birth to the argument that “vassal≠autonomy”, and their positioning of the Korea began to take on the color of Elements International Law. Subsequently, the Qing government’s policy towards Korea gradually shifted from the traditional suzerain-vassal relationship to the modern treaty system, and public law in the “vassal state” is increasingly strong.

19世纪中后期,以中国为中心的传统朝贡体系因受外部冲击而逐渐呈现动摇之势,中 朝之间的宗藩关系也随之进入到一个关键的转型期。1879年以前,清总理各国事务衙门在 致欧美各国的照覆中,一直坚持中朝宗藩关系是“属国自主”关系。这种关系是清政府在 面对内外压力时采取的一种外交策略,总理衙门试图通过对外强调属国的自主性来维持在 朝鲜的宗主国地位,同时以此避免与西方列强产生直接冲突。然而,这种“属国自主”的 宗藩观念自1879年日本吞并琉球后,开始发生转变。晚清官员们围绕当时的东亚时局和中 朝之间的宗属关系进行过多次讨论,并孕育出“属国≠自主”的论调,他们对朝鲜的定位 开始带上了西方公法的色彩。此后,清政府的对朝政策逐渐从传统的宗藩关系转变为以近 代条约体系为导向,宗藩概念中的“属国”意识也开始具有日益浓厚的公法色彩。

1. 绪论
4. 朝美条约的签订及对朝政策之变化
5. 结语
  • 张爔月(复旦大学历史学系博士研究生) | 장희월
  • 徐允京(复旦大学中国语言文学系博士后) | 서윤경 Corresponding author
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