A Study on Sino-Korean Environmental Cooperation Issues : Centered on Yellow Sand Management Cooperation
Dust pollution has recently become a shared environmental issue for both China and South Korea. This paper reviews the progress of China-South Korea cooperation on dust pollution control since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1992, covering developments and achievements in policy dialogue, technical exchanges, and joint research. Additionally, this paper highlights the issues and challenges in China-South Korea environmental cooperation, such as the impact of political and economic factors, insufficient cooperation mechanisms, and low levels of public engagement. Finally, with a view to the future, this paper proposes three policy recommendations to advance environmental cooperation between the two countries: 1) strengthening bilateral cooperation to enhance the sustainability of environmental policies; 2) improving multilateral cooperation mechanisms to promote technological innovation; and 3) encouraging public participation to build a diversified governance framework. Finally, it is recommended to further refine the public participation pathways in future cooperation, incorporating successful case studies, and to clarify the division of responsibilities among the stakeholders in the multilateral cooperation mechanism to enhance the feasibility of the collaboration.
黄沙污染在近年来成为困扰中韩两国的共同环境课题。本文将回顾中韩两国自1992年 建交以来黄沙治理合作的发展历程,包括政策对话、技术交流和联合研究等各个方面的进 展与成就。同时,本文将指出中韩环境合作中存在的问题与挑战,例如宏观政治经济因素 的影响、合作机制不足以及民间力量参与度不高等等。最后,面向未来,本文拟提出三点 政策建议,以推动两国环境合作向更深层次发展:一、加强双边合作,增强环境合作政策 的可持续性;二、完善多边合作机制,推动科技创新;三、鼓励公众参与,构建多元化治 理主体。最后,建议在未来的合作中进一步细化公众参与路径并结合成功案例,明确多边 合作机制中各主体的责任分工,以增强合作的可操作性。