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녹색성장 실현을 위한 Poly-Butylene Adipate Terephthalate(PBAT) / Polybutylene succinate(PBS) 블렌드 생분해성 고분자 복합막 제조 및 성능평가

Fabrication and performance evaluation of poly-butylene adipate terephthalate (PBAT) / polybutylene succinate (PBS) blend biodegradable polymer composite membrane to realize green growth

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438999
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한국막학회 (The Membrane Society Of Korea)
  • 황정선(인천대학교 에너지화학공학과) | Jeongsun Hwang (Department of Energy and Chemical Engineering, Incheon National University (INU), Incheon, Korea)
  • 김정(경희대학교 화학공학과) | Jeong F. Kim (Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyunghee University (KHU), Yongin, Korea) Corresponding author