Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the level of cultural competence of hospital nurses and identify factors influencing cultural competence based on general and cultural characteristics. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional descriptive design and 167 nurses who had been caring for foreign patients for past 1 year. Cultural competence, which is composed of four sub-dimensions (values related to cultural perception, cultural knowledge, cultural sensitivity, and cultural skills), personal and cultural characteristics were measured. Results: The participants were all women, with the mean age of 31.81±6.88 years, and clinical career was 8.76±6.81 years. Cultural competence score was 5.28±0.63 out of 7. Having a foreign friends, position, participation in foreign language classes, and working place had significant influence on hospital nurses’ cultural competence. The explained variance for cultural competence was 21.8%. Conclusion: The findings of this study indicate that nurses provide care by understanding patients with diverse cultural backgrounds and their health-related needs. To enhance the cultural competence of hospital nurses, systematic practical education and active organizational support based on standardized guidelines for caring for foreign patients are necessary.