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시각화 설문카드를 이용한 공유형 전동킥보드 주차구획 선호도 분석 KCI 등재

Conjoint Analysis using Visualized Survey Cards for Shared E-scooter Parking Spaces

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/439414
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국도로학회논문집 (International journal of highway engineering)
한국도로학회 (Korean Society of Road Engineers)

In this study, we analyze the design preferences of parking spaces for shared e-scooters. The detailed purposes are to develop the attributes and attribute levels for the design of shared e-scooter parking spaces, derive profiles by combining the attributes and attribute levels of parking space design, collect preference data on parking-space design from shared e-scooter users, and analyze the preferences for parking space design. The attributes and attribute levels for the design of shared e-scooter parking spaces were developed based on a literature review and an investigation of shared e-scooter parking spaces. Using the full profile method and orthogonal design, the profiles were derived by combining the attribute levels. Preference data for parking space profiles were collected from shared e-scooter users using survey cards to visualize the profiles. Preferences for parking-space design were analyzed using conjoint analysis. Through a literature review and case studies, three attributes: parking angle and direction, parking unit, and parking method, along with their attribute levels were developed. By combining the attributes and their levels, 16 profiles for parking spaces were created. Preference data for these parking-space profiles were collected from 278 shared e-scooter users using a 10-point Likert scale. Using conjoint analysis, the utility and importance of the attributes and attribute levels for parking space design were analyzed. A parking-space design plan that considers the preferences of shared e-scooter users was proposed. The utilities of the attribute levels for shared e-scooter parking space design were derived. Among the attribute levels, the 'compact parking unit' showed the highest utility for the parking unit, whereas 'head-in parking' had the highest utility for the parking method. For parking angle and direction, 'perpendicular parking' had the highest utility, followed by '45°, direction toward the facility’s passageway.' The importance of the attributes for shared e-scooter parking space design was also derived, with 'parking angle and direction' being the most important attribute. Finally, a parking space design plan for shared e-scooters was proposed using visualized survey cards.

1. 연구배경 및 목적
2. 문헌연구
    2.1. 컨조인트 분석에 대한 검토
    2.2. 공유형 전동킥보드 주차구획 설계에 대한 검토
3. 공유형 전동킥보드 주차사례 조사
4. 연구 방법
    4.1. 속성 및 속성수준 개발 방법
    4.2. 프로파일 구성 방법
    4.3. 프로파일 시각화 방법
    4.4. 선호도 설문조사 방법
    4.5. 컨조인트 분석 방법
5. 결과
    5.1. 속성 및 속성수준 개발 결과
    5.2. 프로파일 구성 결과
    5.3. 프로파일 시각화 결과
    5.4. 선호도 설문조사 결과
    5.5. 컨조인트 분석 결과
6. 결론
감사의 글
  • 구건형(경기대학교 도시, 교통공학과 석사과정) | Gu Gun-hyeong
  • 오흥운(경기대학교 도시, 교통공학과 교수) | Oh Heung-un Corresponding author