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이륜자동차 주행특성 분석 및 법·제도 개선방안 KCI 등재

Study on the Driving Characteristics of Motorcycles and the Enhancement of Laws and Systems

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/439416
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국도로학회논문집 (International journal of highway engineering)
한국도로학회 (Korean Society of Road Engineers)

Motorcycles are becoming a major means of transportation in the delivery industry because of their mobility and economic feasibility, and their use is increasing with the spread of non-face-to-face culture. However, owing to the absence of a systematic maintenance and inspection system, illegal modifications, and a lack of safety education, the possibility of accidents is increasing, and social problems are intensifying. To address this issue, we aim to find ways to improve motorcycle safety. Problems were identified by registering motorcycles, driver crashes, and surveys of the current status of laws and systems. Subsequently, a questionnaire was administered to assess the actual conditions and perceptions regarding motorcycles. Finally, to analyze the driving characteristics of delivery motorcycles, traffic safety education was conducted for new delivery riders, and the driving characteristics were analyzed by collecting driving record data. In this study, a plan to enhance the license system, education, insurance, and educational programs is proposed to strengthen motorcycle safety. The licensing system needs to be elevated by age and classified by displacement, and delivery riders can improve their driving skills through mandatory traffic safety education. The insurance sector should introduce a system that discounts insurance premiums upon completion of training. Additionally, it is essential to prepare a systematic education program, including obstacle avoidance and simulation-based learning, by reflecting on the analysis results of road environments and driving data. In this study, insensitivity to safety, insufficient management systems, and lack of education and publicity were identified as causes of motorcycle driver crashes. It was confirmed that most types of dangerous driving were improved through traffic safety education. However, some limitations were observed, such as an increase in the right-hand rotation over time during sudden turns. Future research is needed to enhance laws, systems, and driver safety by analyzing driving characteristics in a broader context based on actual driving records and images.

1. 서론
2. 연구의 흐름
3. 선행연구 고찰
    3.1. 이륜자동차 관련 연구
    3.2. 디지털운행기록계 관련 연구
    3.3. 연구의 차별성
4. 이륜자동차 현황분석
    4.1. 이륜자동차 등록 및 사고현황
    4.2. 이륜자동차 관리 및 정비제도
    4.3. 배달 이륜차 관련 법·제도
5. 설문조사 분석
    5.1. 운행행태분석을 위한 설문조사
    5.2. 이륜자동차 인식조사를 위한 설문조사
6. 이륜자동차 주행특성 분석
    6.1. 주행데이터 수집
    6.2. 위험운전유형 분석
7. 토론
8. 결론
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  • 오주택(한국교통대학교 도시, 교통공학과 교수) | Oh JuTaek Corresponding author
  • 주재홍(한국교통안전공단 교통안전교육처 연구위원) | Joo Jae-Hong
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