This research was studied whether umbilicus level of belly is to same Gv4 (命門) level of back or not. we know that Gv4 (命門) is located at L2-L3 The survey was done on 50 case of low back pain with L-spine X-ray. The resurts obtained here were as follows: 1. Umbilicus level of belly is to same L4 body level of back. (52%) 2. Umbilicus level of belly is to same L4-L5 level of back. (30%) 3. Umbilicus level of belly is to same L3- L4 level of back. (10%) 4. Umbilicus level of belly is to same L5 body back. (8%) As you see on the above results, umbilicus level of belly is not to same Gv4 (命門) level of back.