음압에 의한 세포막 신전으로 열리는 Stretch-activated channel(SAC)은 세포의 부피조적, 세포의 분화, 혈관 긴장도의 조절, 호르몬 분비 조절에서 SAC 존재 유무를 확인하기 위하여 patch clamp기법을 시행하여 SAC의 조절기전과 전기생리학적인 성질을 조사하였다. 음압이 주어지기 전에는 관찰되지 않던 단일통로 전류가 -20 cm이하의 음압이 주어졌을 때 관찰되었다. 음압에 의해 열리는 단일통로 전류는 이나 과 같은 일가 양이
Stretch-activated channels (SACs) responds to membrane stress with changes in open probability (Po). They play essential roles in regulation of cell volume and differentiation, vascular tone, and in hormonal secretion. SACs highly present in Xenopus oocytes and Ascidian oocytes are suggested to be involved in the regulation of pH and fluid transport to balance the osmotic pressure, but remain unclear in mammanlian oocytes. This study was investigated to find the presence of SACs in hamster oocytes and to examine their electrophysiological properties. To infer a role of SAC in relation to the development of early stage, we followed up to the stage of two-cell zygote with patch clamp techniques. Single channels were elicited by negative pressure (lower than 15 cm). Interestingly, SACs were dependent on permeable cations such as or . As permeable cation removed from both sides across the membrane, SAC activity completely disappeared. When permeable cations present only in intracellular compartment, outward currents appeared at positive potentials. In contrast to this, inward currents occurred only at the negative voltage when permeable cation absent in cell interior. These result suggests that SAC carry cations through the nonselective cation channel (NSC channel). Taken together, we found that stretch activated channels present in hamster oocyte and the channel may carry cations through NSC channels. This stretch activated-NSC channels may play physiological role(s) in oocyte growth, maturation, fertilization and embryogenesis in fertilized oocytes to two-cell zygotes of hamster.