Effects of Different Blastocyst Production Techniques: In Vivo, In Vitro or Nuclear Transfer, on Pregnancy, Parturition and Viability of Hanwoo
본 연구는 체내, 체외 및 복제를 통하여 각각 생산된 배반포를 이식하여, 수란우의 수태율, 임신기간 및 유산율과 더불어 송아지의 생시 체중과 이후 생존율을 조사하였다. 그 결과, 수태 을은 체내수정란이 56.3%로서 복제 수정란의 19.4%에 비하여 유의하게 높았으나 (p<0.05), 체외수정란의 30.0%와는 유의성이 인정되지 않았다 유산율과 임신기간은 처리군 간에 유사한 경향이었다(유산을 0, 22.2 및 16.7%; 임신기간 278.8, 289.4
The present study was to investigate the pregnancy rate, gestation length and abortion rate of the recipients which transferred blastocysts produced by in-vivo collection, in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and nuclear transfer (NT). In addition, we investigate the birth weight and survival rate of the calves derived from the same methods. The pregnancy rate was 56.3% in-vivo blastocysts, significantly higher than 19.4% in NT blastocysts (p<0.05) but not significantly different from 30.0% in IVF blastocysts. The abortion rate and the gestation length did not differ among the treatment groups (abortion rate: 0, 22.2 and 16.7% respectively; gestation length: 278.8, 289.4 and 281.4 days respectively). The mean birth weight was significantly higher in NT calves (39.9kg) than in-vivo calves (25.5kg p<0.05). Recipients of in-vivo blastocysts (n=9) had all normal delivery and all of their calves survived on the 60 day from the birth. Recipients of IVF blastocysts (n=7) had all normal delivery but one of their calves died on the 48 day from the birth. Among recipients of NT blastocysts (n=5), three had normal delivery and two had Caesarean section. Among calves born through normal delivery (n=3) two died just after delivery but those born through Caesarean section all survived on the 60th day from the birth.