2년령의 암컷 비글개에서 교배 후 7일째에 혈액장액성 질 분비물과 외음부 종창의 주증을 보여 이를 진단하기 위해서 질 도말 검사, 초음파 검사를 실시하였다. 초음파 검사 소견상 양측 난소에 10mm 이상의 낭종성 구조물이 다수 관찰되어 양측성 다포성 난소낭종으로 진단하였다. 또한 질 도말 검사에서는 각화 상피세포가 90% 이상이었으며, 수컷의 허용 반응을 확인한 결과 수컷의 허용은 물론 정상적인 교배가 이루어졌다. 이상의 소견을 종합해 본 결과 본 증례
A 2 years old female beagle dog was examined because of the vaginal discharge and vaginal swelling at 7th day after mating. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed multiple follicular cysts on both ovaries. Also, the ratio of superficial cells was above 90% based on vaginal cytology. She was still in standing heat, with the tail deflected up and flagging when a male sniffed the vulva and attempted to mount. The dog was diagnosed with multiple follicular cysts by vaginal cytology, clinical signs and ultrasonography. The dog was treated with GnRH injection by intramuscularly. The sizes of the cysts were decreased two weeks after GnRH treatment, and then the dog delivered an offspring at 68th day after last mating. To confirm the stage of estrous cycle, we performed hormone analyses, retrospectively concentration was 78pg/ml at diagnosis. Progesterone concentration was 6.9ng/ml at the last mating, and 66.9ng/ml at diagnosis. Therefore, we confirmed that follicular cysts was observed during diestrous stage in a beagle dog.