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Tooth Wear of Two Male Giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis) in Winter Season KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/47660
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한국동물생명공학회지 (구 한국수정란이식학회지) (Journal of Animal Reproduciton and Biotechnology)
한국동물생명공학회(구 한국수정란이식학회) (Journal of Animal Reproduction & Biotechnology)

Two male reticulated giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata), 21-year-old, died of nutritional deficiency that primarily caused by serious tooth wear at Seoul Zoo in winter. A 970 kg-weighed giraffe showed tooth wear of premolars, molars and incisors at necropsy. A foreign body in the rumen, congestion and ulcer of abomasum and duodenum were also observed. Mild appearance of serous fat atrophy in pericardial sac suggests that lack of nutritional intake caused by tooth wear can become harmful enough to threat life. At the necropsy of a 1,290 kg-weighed giraffe, a large quantity of sandy soil were found in the rumen which would stuck the pathway of well-fermented ruminal contents at esophageal groove. Nutritional deficiency could be suspected to urge this giraffe to graze grass on the ground along with sandy soil. Secondarily, the soil damaged teeth and become a culprit making irregular tooth wear and mild serous fat atrophy. Nutritionally good care of geriatric animals is needed especially for browsing animals like giraffes and critically in winter season.

  • Yong, Hwan-Yul