Embryonic compaction is essential for normal preimplantation development in mammals. The present study was to investigate the effects of compaction patterns on developmental competence of pig embryos. The proportion of blastocyst formation derived from compacted morula was higher than those of compacting and pre-compacting morula (P<0.01). Nuclei numbers of inner cell mass (ICM), trophectoderm (TE), and total of blastocysts derived from compacted group were also superior to those of compacting and pre-compacting groups (P<0.05). Then, compaction patterns, developmental ability and structural integrity were compared between mono- and poly-spermic embryos. The rate of compacted morula in mono-spermic embryos was higher than that of poly-spermic embryos (P<0.05). Especially, the rate of blastocyst formation derived from compacted embryos in mono-spermic embryo group was higher than that of poly-spermic embryo group (P<0.05), although no difference was detected between the two groups in the structural integrity. Finally, we confirmed that beta-catenin was differentially expressed according to compaction patterns in morula and blastocyst stage embryos. In conclusion, our results suggest that the compaction patterns during preimplantation development play a direct role in developmetal competence and quality of pig embryos.