Coming with the well-being era, consumer’s demand for safe agricultural products is increasing. So, it is urgent to develop an environment-friendly rice production system. Accordingly, this study was conducted to develop an environment-friendly rice production system by using Amo known as EM(effective microorganisms) and also known as being effective in environment-friendly rice production with several other environment-friendly agricultural materials. The highest number of tillers per hill was obtained from level 2 of EM treatment (48.8 tillers per hill), while the lowest was obtained from the control plot (41.0 tillers per hill). Leaf area per hill at heading stage was the highest in level 3 of EM treatment (3228.5㎠), while control was the lowest leaf area (2264.7㎠), which is 70.2% compared to the level 3 of EM treatment. The highest effective tillers was obtained from the control (63.7%), while the lowest effective tillers was obtained from the level 3 of EM treatment (55.4%), which were treated with higher amounts of environment-friendly agricultural materials. Level 3 of EM treatment showed the highest number of panicles per hill (20.9), while the control showed the lowest number of panicles per hill (19.3). In the spikelets per panicle, level 2 of EM treatment showed the highest number of spikelets (85.2), while the control showed the lowest number of spikelets (81.9) and there was a statistically significant difference among the three levels and control. The highest grain filling ratio was obtained from the control (85.0%), while level 3 of EM treatment was the lowest grain filling ratio and there were no great difference between treatment levels. Regarding the 1000 grain weight, the control showed the highest 1000 grain weight (21.7g), which is heavier by about 1g compared to treatment levels. Level 2 of EM treatment showed the highest rough rice yield per 10a, while level 3 of EM treatment was the lowest and they also showed a statistically significant difference among treatment levels.