The purposes of this study was to evaluate the effect of low power GaAsAl laser on tissue contraction in a linear incision wound on rat skin. The linear incision wound was made on the midline of the backside in the experimental animals. Low power laser applications with different intensities such as 3, 6, or 10 mW were applied to the experimental animals twice a day for 10 days. On either the seventh or tenth postoperative day, the quantitative analysis of the inflammatory reaction surrounding the linear incision wounds on the rats were performed using enzymatical analysis of myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity. The number of neutrophil was from a normal blood sample that was obtained from the normal experimental animals. Each concentration of neutrophil showed .04-.62 unit activity of MPO. Therefore, the 6 unit activity of MPO per neutrophil was unit. On the 7th and 10th post operative day, non treated tissues demonstrated increased MPO activity as compared to that of normal tissue. These data indicated that the inflammatory reaction of tissue was induced after wound induction and the MPO activity were increased in the inflammed tissues. While both 3 mW or 6 mW intensity of laser treatments did not affect the tissue MPO activity, 10 mW intensity of laser treatment significantly decreased the tissue MPO activity on the 7th and 10th post operative day. These data demonstrated that only 10 mW intensity of laser treatment successfully suppressed tissue inflammatory reaction after wound induction. In conclusion, these findings suggested that 10 mW of GaAIAs laser treatments effectively suppressed the inflammatory reaction of tissue that was induced during the wound healing process.