Effects of Seed Treatment with Several Systemic Insecticides to Rice, Barley and Soybean
본 실험은 침투성살충제 Fussol, Dimethoate, Metasystox 및 Dimecron을 벼, 보리 및 콩씨에 분의처리하였을 때 발아에 미치는 영향과 살충효과 및 그의 지속성을 알기 위해 실시하여 아래와 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1). 법씨는 Fussol처리에서 발아력을 완전히 잃었으며 Dimethoate 처이에서는 처리후 파종시까지 시간이 경과함에 따라 발아율이 크게 저하되었으나 Metasystox 와 Dimecron 처리에서는 발아저해가 비교적 적었다. 2) 보리씨는 Fussol처리에서 처리 후 1일 파종에서는 비교적 발아율이 높았으나 25일 파종에서는 발아력이 완전히 상실되었다. 그밖에 공시약제도 무처리에 비하여 약간의 발아저해가 있었으나 저장기문이 지나도 별로 발아력이 저하되지 않았다. 3) 콩씨에서는 처리후 1일 파종에서 공시약제 모두 비교적 좋은 발아율을 보였으나 Fussol, Dimethoate 및 Metasystox는 처리후 25일 파종에서 발아에 저해가 컸고 Dimecron 처리에서는 발아저해가 비교적 적었다. 4) 볍씨 처리에서 Dimethoate는 파종후 20일까지 끝동매미충에 대하여 살충력이 좋았으나 30일 에서의 살충력은 낮았다. 그밖에 약제처리에서는 살충력이 모두 낮았다. 5) 보리씨 처리에서 Dimethoate는 옥수수테두리진딧물에 대하여 비교적 살충효과가 좋았으나 다른 약제처리효과는 낮았다. 주당 평균 산난수는 무처리 13개에 대하여 Dimethoate 2개, Fussol 4개, Metasystox 6개, Dimecron 7개이었다. 6) 콩씨 처리에서는 파종후 9일까지 공시약제 모두 좋은 살충효과를 나타내었으며 18일 조사에서는 Dimethoate, Metasystox 및 Dimecron에서 비교적 중은 살충효과를 보였으나 Fussol만은 살충력이 무처리와 차리가 없었다. 7) 침투성살충제의 분의처리에 있어서 발아저해와 살충력 및 그의 지속기간은 약제의 종류, 종자의 종류, 처리후 파종시까지의 경과일수에 따라 큰 차이가 있는 것으로 본다
An experiment was carried out to investigate possible use of several systemic insecticides as seed treatment to control some insect pests of rice, barley and soybean. The insecticides were impregnated with active carbon dust and water solution of methyl cellulose as skicker. The seeds were dressed with the insecticides: Fussol (Monofluoroacetamide), Dimethoate (0, 0-dimethyl-S-(N-methyl carbamoylmethyl) phosphorodithioate), Metasystox (0, 0-dimethyl 0-2 ethylthioethyl phosphorodithioate), Dimecron (0, 0-dimethyl (diethylamide-1-chlorocrotonyl) Phosphate). The seeds were treated at the rate of by grain weight. Effects of seed treatments with systemic insecticides on the seed germination and insecticidal effectiveness were tested. Fer rice, no seed germination was observed in Fussol treatment. Dimethoate, Metasystox and Dimecron showed a slight reduction in germination when seeds were sown 1 day after treatment, but they showed gradual reduction in germination when seeds were sown 20 and 45 days after treatment. Especially Diriethoate treatment showed significant reduction in germination after 20 and 45 days of storage. All the insecticides reduced seedling stands of barley somewhat. No plant emergence was observed in Fussol treatments after 25 and :to days of storage. In case of the 40 days of storge in barley seed treated with Dimethoate, Hetasystox and Dimecron there was no gignificant reduction in plant emergence except Fussol treatment. Dimethoate was highly toxic to the soybean seed viability. However, there was no significant reduction in the soybean germination after 1 day of storage. in Fussol, Metasystox and Dimecron treatments After 25 days of storag in Fussol and Dimethoate treatments, no plant emergence was observed, and there was emergence in Metasystox treatment, and emergence in Dimecron treatment. Dimethoate treatment in rice seed(variety Suwon # 82) showed mortality at the twentieth day and at the thirtieth day after sowing against the green rice leafhopper, Nephotettix cincticeps But no visible effectiveness was observed in Metasystox and Dimecron treatments. Dimethoate treatment in barley seed resulted in low population density of aphids. Rhopalosiphum spp. Final observation on the number of eggs per plant was made at the fiftieth day after sowing, 2 in Dimethoate, 4 in Fussol, 6 in Metasystox, 7 in Dimecron, and 13 in check plots. All the insecticides tested resulted in good insecticidal effectiveness against the aphids, Aulocorthum solani on soybean plant at the ninth day infestation after sowing. Dimethote, Metasystox, and Dimecron treated soybean plants was still effective in controlling the aphids to the eighteenth day infestation,