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韩国安保外交的战略性变化对韩半岛局势的影响 KCI 등재

The Influence of Strategic Changes of South Korea's Security Diplomacy on the Korean Peninsula

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/413146
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 5,200원
한국과 세계 (Korea and World Review)
한국국회학회 (Korea Society of Assembly Studies)

自金正恩成为北韩最高领导者后,北韩持续地进行了核试验并试射导弹 ,此举不仅加深了各利益相关国对韩半岛安全局势的担忧,还进而引发了 一系列连锁效应。韩国在2017年也经历了朴槿惠政府因“崔顺实门”丑闻 被弹劾下台,和共同民主党文在寅就任新总统等“大事件”。随着北韩在 核问题上越走越远,原本志在继承和发扬“阳光政策”的文在寅新政府的 安保外交立场在一定期间内也逐渐发生战略性变化,不仅加强了同美国的 “传统”同盟关系,还在一定时期针对北韩在北核问题上的强硬态度,选 择性地加强了韩美同盟和美日同盟的战略合作。但随后文在寅利用“平昌 奥运会”的机会对北韩释放出了积极信号并获得了回应,两国拉开了以“ 平昌奥运会”为契机的南北对话序幕,扭转了南北关系的态势。本文以韩 国安保外交的战略性变化对韩半岛的局势影响为研究目的,采取了文献研 究方法进行分析。本文捕捉到了在北韩核导挑衅达到最高潮时,韩国文在 寅政府安保外交政策出现了虽然短暂却明显的战略性变化。不过韩国认识 到了单靠巩固军事同盟并不是解决韩半岛核问题的合理选项,转而加强对 北韩的对话协商,带动韩半岛局势走向了缓和和对话,进而有望推动韩半 岛实现最终的和平和繁荣。

After becoming North Korea's leader, Kim Jongen conducted nuclear tests and missile launches, which not only deepened the relevant countries’ concern about the security situation in the Korean peninsula, but also caused the South Korea to introduce THAAD system from the US, causing a series of knock-on effects. After going through Park Geunhae government’s “Choi Sunsil scandal”, Moon Jaein became the new president of South Korea. As North Korea walked to more extreme on the nuclear issue, Moon government, which originally wants to inherit and carry forward the "Sunshine Policy", has gradually changed security strategic diplomatic stance by not only strengthening the "traditional" alliance with the United States, but also by discussing necessity of enhancing Korea-US and US-Japan alliance. However Moon government knew the “violence to violence” method might help improve the military deterrence against North Korea, but it’s not conductive to ease the situation. This paper adopted literature research method to analyze the influence of South Korea security diplomacy’s strategic change and its influence on the Korean Peninsula. South Korea realized that strengthening military alliance is not a rational choice, but insisting conversation and peace negotiation can find the way out of the dilemma. By doing this, South Korea performed a “sports diplomacy” to North Korea and brought Korea peninsula back to a relatively peaceful and consultative atmosphere.

摘 要
I. 序言
II. 从“韩美、美日同盟”看韩民族对日本恩怨沉积
    2. “韩美、美日同盟”的形成过程
III. 文在寅政府安保外交的战略性变化
IV. 安保外交战略性变化对半岛局势的影响
V. 结语
  • 涂 波(新罗大学) | Bo Tu (Silla University)