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『历朝捷录』的书志学考察 KCI 등재

The Bibliographical Study of “Li chao jie lu”(历朝捷录)

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/416070
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 5,500원
中國學 (중국학)
대한중국학회 (Korean Association For Chinese Studies)

『历朝捷录』是明代顾充编纂的一部纲鉴体史著,记载了东周威烈王至宋帝昺一千七百 余年间历代帝王的治迹。该书体例上虽模仿朱熹的『资治通鉴纲目』,但内容叙述上更加精 简。所以一经发行便得到读者青睞,特别是对科举的初学者犹为便利。该书版本非常多 样,除顾充编纂的原本外,还衍生出各种补编本和评注本。然而,在清朝严格的禁书政策 之下,『历朝捷录』及衍生出的诸版本屡遭查禁,但仍有部分版本流传至今。笔者调查了现 存相关版本,并以『历朝捷录大成』二卷,『新镌增定历朝捷录全编』四卷,『新镌历朝捷录 增定全编大成』四卷,『重刻音注历朝捷录』四卷,『新刻开基翰林评选历朝捷录总要』四 卷,『镌重订补注历朝捷录史鉴提衡』四卷,『新刻余赓之先生鉴定历朝捷录』七卷,『历朝 捷录』十二卷,『历代捷录』八卷,共九个版本为中心,分析了各版本的构成及特征,目的 在于为读者的版本选择上提供参考。

“Li chao jie lu”(历朝捷录) is a history book of Gangjian style compiled by Gu Chong(顾充) in the Ming Dynasty. It records the governance of the emperors of all dynasties during the 1,700 years from King Weilie of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty to Emperor Bing of the Song Dynasty. The style imitates Zhu Xi’s “Zi zhi tong jian gang mu”, but the narrative is more concise. Therefore, it has been favored by readers after its release. Especially it‘s convenient for beginner spreparing for imperial examinations. There are many versions of this book. Among them, in addition to the original version compiled by Gu Chong, various sequel versions and annotated versions have also been derived. However, under the strict banning policy of the Qing Dynasty, “Li chao jie lu” and its derivative versions have been repeatedly banned, but some versions are still circulated to today. In this article, the author investigated existing relevant versions, took “Li chao jie lu da cheng” 2 juan, “Xin juan zeng ding Li chao jie lu quan bian” 4 juan, “Xin juan zeng ding Li chao jie lu quan bian da cheng” 4 juan, “Chong ke yin zhu Li chao jie lu” 4 juan, “Xin ke kai ji han lin ping xuan Li chao jie lu zong yao” 4 juan, “Juan chong ding bu zhu Li chao jie lu shi jian ti heng” 4 juan, “Xin ke yu geng zhi xian sheng jian ding Li chao jie lu” 7 juan, “Li chao jie lu” 12 juan, “Li dai jie lu” 8 juan, a total of nine versions as the research object, analyzed the content composition and characteristics of each edition, and aimed to provide readers with a reference for the choice of editions.

1. 前言
2. 时代背景
3. 版本及特征
4. 结语
  • 苗凯悦(韩国学中央研究院 韩国学大学院 古文献管理学专业 博士课程) | 묘개열
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