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反切 표음방식 고찰 - 『廣韻』 陰聲韻 韻目 反切 분석에 기반한 KCI 등재

A Study on the Phonetic Method of Fanqie : Focusing on the Analysis of Fanqie of the Rusheng Rhymes in Guangyun

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/417042
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 9,800원
中國學 (중국학)
대한중국학회 (Korean Association For Chinese Studies)

『광운(廣韻)』 의 입성운(入聲韻) 반절을 음운 자질에 근거해 성모와 주요모음, 운미의 자질 대응 관계를 분석한 연구를 살펴보면, 반절상·하자가 피절자와 일정한 대응 관계를 이루는 것을 알 수 있다. 본 연구는 『광운(廣韻)』의 음성운(陰聲韻) 반절을 분석하였다. 음성운은 운미가 모음이거나 없는 글자로 개미운(開尾韻), 서성운(舒聲韻)이라 한다. 입성운과는 구분되는 음성운 반절에서도 반절상·하자가 피절자와 일정한 대응 관계를 보이는지 확인하였다. 성모는 『광운(廣韻)』 자모(字母)의 조음자(articulator)에 기반하여 대응 관계를 분석하고, 운모는 운두(韻頭), 운복(韻腹), 운미(韻尾)를 나누어 호(呼), 등(等), 섭(攝)을 통해 대응 관계를 살펴보았다.

This study analyzed the Fanqie of the Yinsheng rhymes(陰聲韻) in Guangyun. The Yinsheng rhyme, also called the Kaiwei rhyme(開尾韻) or the Shusheng rhyme(舒聲韻), refers to a letter with a vowel as a rhyme or without a rhyme. This characteristic of the Yinsheng rhyme is what distinguishes it from the Rusheng rhyme. It was investigated whether Fanqie shangzi and Fanqie xiazi form a certain correspondence with Beiqiezi in Fanqie of the Yinsheng rhyme, which is distinct from the Rusheng rhyme. the correspondence between the Beiqiezi and the consonants of Fanqie shangzi and Fanqie xiazi was analyzed, based on the articulators of 36 characters in Guangyun, while the vowels were divided into a medial(韻頭), a nucleus(韻腹) and a coda(韻尾) to analyze the correspondence. The correspondence between a medial, a nucleus, and a coda was investigated using the letters Hu(呼), Deng(等), and She(攝), respectively. The findings showed that the phonetic method of Fanqie was considered so that Fanqie shangzi and Fanqie xiazi become a similar phoneme that corresponds to the beiqiezi while representing each consonant and vowel. It was found that Fanqie shangzi and Fanqie xiazi are the optimal pair selected to represent the sounds of beiqiezi and that they form a sophisticated and close relationship.

1. 머리말
2. 反切 표음방식에 대한 이해
3. 『廣韻』 陰聲韻 韻目 反切의 표음방식 분석
4. 맺음말
  • 김진희(한양대학교 중어중문학과 박사과정 수료) | Kim Jin-Hee
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