In this study, analytical study on the missile impact behavior of the nuclear power plant SC(steel plate concrete) wall was carried out to set up the future direction for the reasonable design method development.
Four set of pre-test impact analysis of the SC wall were performed. Finally, analytical results were compared with the actual test results, and the adequacy of the analytical method was verified. Calibrations of the analytical parameter will be performed, and the optimized analytical method is to be developed for the post-test analysis.
In this study, using the finite element program(ANSYS), was carried out the modeling for the stainless steel large capacity water tank. In addition, it was confirmed the safety of the structure of the snow and wind load. In addition, we performed a optimization design. As a result, it was confirmed for the combination load and maximum stress to occur into the allowable stress.
An experiment to understand how natural fiber reinforcement would influence rammed earth P-δ curves was conducted. The experiment results showed that the natural fiber reinforcement had generally increased loads of specimens and that the longer the fibers and the higher the mixing ratios, the lpad degradation after failures tend to be slowly appeared.
This study was performed to analyze the flexural performance of large diameter PHC Pile reinforced with transveres and longitudinal rebar and in-filled concrete. From the flexural test result, it was found that the initial cracking strength and maximum flexural strength of composite PHC pile were approximately 400% and 345% higher than that of the conventional PHC pile.
In this Study, the performance of the connection of Transfer-beam system suggested in the previous study was evaluated by the quasi-static test. The test model was applied to Top and Seat Angle Connection and modified SAC Protocol. The performance of the connection obtained by quasi-static test was shown in P-Δ and M-θ curve graph.
In this paper, the effect of selection of response parameters such as deck displacement and supporting moment on impact factor of open spandrel-concrete deck arch bridge is investigated by using a finite element analysis. In the result, under the vehicle loads passing the bridge from left to right direction, the highest value of impact factor develops when the supporting reaction moment at the far end (right end) of arch rib is selected.
The purpose of this study is to determine the force and deformation of the ceiling system according to the characteristics seismic wave and damping through the seismic response analysis. Assuming the ceiling system to Single Degree of Freedom(SDF) uses the CANNY in an analysis program. Period divided by the range based on the predominant period of seismic analysis is performed. Variables are seismic wave and damping. If the seismic wave in predominant period of less than 1 second is getting longer than predominant period of more than 1 second response acceleration was significantly reduced. Also, the larger the damping was found that the response acceleration and the displacement decreases.
The collapse probability of a structure designed according to the current domestic seismic design code, KBC 2009 is evaluated by the risk integral which simultaneously considers the seismic hazard curves and the probabilistic distribution of a structural collapse capacity. The evaluation shows that the prototype frames considering in this paper present different collapse probabilities in 50 years according to the heights and locations, although they are designed according to the same design requirements for steel intermediate moment resisting frames prescribed in KBC 2009.
This research is in developing a seismic isolation system for protecting a structure such as small non-structural assets at this point of time where seismological observation is on the rise in internal and external. this seismic isolation system was produced by using the damper with restoring force and damping force, and the LM guide which enable linear behavior, and progressed performance test.
Structural seismic base isolation is currently regarded as a satisfactory design technology both financially and in terms of safety. Structural seismic base isolation has been accepted for even nuclear power plant design and has even been actively applied. So this paper studies the Application and Standardization for Seismically Isolated Structure of Nuclear Power Plants.
Tuned Mass Damper (TMD) is a prominent mean of controlling structural vibration. Typically the TMDs are installed at the top of the structure. In this study, the effectiveness of the multiple tuned mass dampers (MTMD) distributed along with the height of structure is investigated for seismic loading. A ten storey building with lateral degree of freedom is modeled with distributed tuned mass dampers in the platform of MatLab R2010a. Though the first mode of a MDOF system dominates in response of the structure, it is also observed that the other mode can also have a significant role in the response reduction. Suitable location for the installation of the TMDs and there tuning frequencies are selected based on the mode shape and frequencies of the uncontrolled structure respectively. It is observed that distributed TMD is more effective than Single TMD and Multiple TMD installed at top of the structure in response reduction.
Damage states of an underground tunnel structure need to be defined in the estimation of its seismic fragility. They are identified in this paper by applying pushover analyses of an typical tunnel structure. Latin Hypercube sampling (LHS) technique is used to explicitly consider uncertainties in the associated design variables.
This paper prrsents results of Probabilistic Seismic Risk Assessment(PSRA) of an Saemangeum Dike considering uncertainties of earthquake occurrences. First the seismic vulnerability of a structure and the seismic hazard of the site are evalusted using earthquake sets and seismic risk map, and then seismic risk of the structure is assessed.
In this study, Long-period component seismic wave is determined to a large damage of the non-structural material as compared to the structure damage when it is input to high-rise buildings, which allows to perform a vibration table test, was evaluated for damage or loss of the non-structural material.
This paper presents the seismic assessment of the effect of vertical ground motion on the three-story RC building with different geometric configurations considering the vertical-to-horizontal peak ground acceleration (V/H) ratio increases. The effects of a suite of earthquake ground motion records on three-story RC buildings are presented and the results are compared with the case of horizontal only excitation. Interstory drift was considered as a global failure criterion, while the curvature ductility and shear capacity of structural members were monitored to assess failure on a local level. The effect of vertical ground motion on axial force and shear capacity is also investigated.
Studies on the distribution of floor damage has been actively conducted through dynamic response analysis using short-period earthquakes. However, the damage caused by long-period earthquakes are likely to occur in Korea. In this study, the floor damage distribution of structure depending on the characteristic of seismic wave cycles was identified and compared, which leads the paper to serve as base line data for the future damage limitation.
Recent earthquake of incidence is increasing. The purpose of this study was to investigate the strain characteristics of bare frame with non-seismic details. The experimental investigation consisted of a cyclic load tests on 1/3-scale models of one story-one bay bare reinforced concrete frame.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the strain characteristics of frame retrofitting grid-type seismic member. The experimental investigation consisted of a cyclic load tests of one story-one bay reinforced concrete frame retrofitting grid-type seismic member.
It is possible for stress to concentrate due to interaction between shear wall and outer frame. In this study, proposed dual system installed the damper between shear wall and outer frame, and evaluated the seismic performance of the dual system through shaking table tests.
Based on the study of seismic retrofit of buildings using damper of apartment buildings, it was found that using genetic algorithm is efficient for seismic retrofit compare to existing way of retrofit. Therefore using genetic is recommended when seismic retrofit applied.