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        검색결과 1,884

        2018.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose – In this study, we consider and examine relationships between reasons for business switch or liquidation (BSL), and the demographics of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in South Korea. The related five variables are occupations, administrative districts, age of employer, firm age and foundation motivation. In addition, eleven levels in association with reasons for BSL visualize the corresponding demographics by measuring their similarity on the dimensional planes assuming that the association exists between variables under consideration. Research design, data, and methodology - This study is done by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups in 2016 and examines 20,307 small and medium enterprises. For examining the distinct relationships among variables under consideration, both chi-squared test and correspondence analysis as main statistical tools are used. Results - The results show that among levels of reasons for BSL the three levels –weakening profitability, poor sales and economic depression- are main ones for the five demographics variables mentioned above, and we can obtain the detailed associations between attributes of corresponding variables by inspecting the two dimensional plane. Conclusions - This study suggests reasons for BSL are closely associated with the five different demographics variables – Administrative districts, Firm age, Occupations, Age of employer and Foundation motivation-by looking over results.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the changes in the center of pressure (COP) by arousal regulation during static stability control task using various olfactory stimulating inhalant (ammonia, lavender and citrus). Methods: 11 healthy male adults (Mage = 28.55 years, SD = ±3.67) were recruited for the study. A biometric shirt was utilized to measure the heart rate while force plate (AMTI force-platform) was used to determine changes in COP area. The tasks were differentiated based on visual and ground proprioception (eyes open or close & presence of absence of memory foam). Results: The results of this study were as follows. First, for ammonia inhalant condition, average COP area lower than control condition. EO, EOC conditions had statistically significant lower value. Second, for lavender inhalant condition, average COP area higher than control condition. EC condition had statistically significant higher value. Third, for citrus inhalant condition, average COP area lower than control condition. EO, EC, and EOM conditions had statistically significant lower value. Lastly, there was significant differences in heart rate change in lavender inhalant, only. Conclusion: This study implies that the arousal regulation through olfactory inhalant affects the level of static stability. These results suggest that arousal regulation through olfactory inhalant may affect task performance and may contribute to improvement in performance of athletes.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: This study conducted a cross-cultural examination of behavioral activation/inhibition in physical education between Korean and Chinese middle school students. Methods: Korean participants were 494 students and Chinese participants were 447 students. We surveyed the BAS/BIS questionnaire for physical education. The data were analyzed by frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, a reliability analysis and independent t-test with confidence interval. Results: The following findings were obtained. First, the students’ BAS/BIS score were differentiated by country, gender and grade variable. Second, generally, Korean males tended to have higher positive teachers’ action-attitude scores than Chinese male students. Third, Korean female and male students showed higher BIS score including incompetence and negative teachers’ action than Chinese students. Fourth, there were also grade difference on positive teachers’ action-attitude and negative teachers’ action in both countries. Conclusion: We found some of the cultural background between Korean and Chinese middle school students and its psychological properties and suggested the cross cultural research in Nothern East Asian countries including China, Korea and Japan.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of this study was to identify the anti-oxidation, astringent, and inhibition effects of wild Ligularia fischeri on hyaluronidase and angiotensin conerting enzyme (ACE). In order to identify the total phenolic compound (TPC), various solvents were used for extraction showing hot water extract with the highest value of 14.42 GAE mg/g. In addition, ABTS radical scavenging activity measurements revealed an anti-oxdiation effect of 98.64-99.84% a hot water extract concentration of 50-200 μg/mL and a radical scavenging activity of 95.14-98.96% at a 60% ethanol extract content. If expressed in antioxidant protection factors (PF), the hot water extract showed 0.59-1.02 PF and the 60% ethanol sample displayed 0.30-0.74 PF. To identify the bio-activity effect, the hyaluronidase inhibition effect was determined as 4.66-35.00% in a 50-200 μg/mL hot water extract. Considering ACE inhibition effect, the hot water extract and 60% ethanol sample showed 0-64.24% and 46.12-69.64% inhibition effect, respectively. Lastly, when taking into account the astringent effect, the hot water extract with 50-200 μg/mL TPC concentration showed 15.68-26.92% and the 60% ethanol sample with an equal concentration exhibited 49.48-86.84%, which indicates the possibility to apply this product as a cosmetic source for pore contraction. Therefore, wild Ligularia fischeri extract can be used for anti-inflammation, high-blood pressure prevention, and as a source for health functional food with anti-oxidative properties.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, we investigated the effect of the extracts from Vaccinium oldhamii on cell proliferation and the regulatory mechanisms of cyclin D1 protein level in human cancer cells. The branch extracts from Vaccinium oldhamii (VOB) showed higher inhibitor effect against the cell growth than leave extracts (VOL) and fruit extracts (VOF) in human colorectal cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, non-small lung cancer, pancreatic cancer and liver cancer cells. In addition, VOB decreased cyclin D1 level at both protein and mRNA level. MG132 treatment attenuated VOB-mediated cyclin D1 downregulation. A point mutation of threonine-286 to alanine attenuated cyclin D1 degradation by VOB. In addition, the inhibition of nuclear export by leptomycin B (LMB) attenuated cyclin D1 degradation by VOB. But, the treatment of PD98059 (ERK1/2 inhibitor), SB203580 (p38 inhibitor), SP600125 (JNK inhibitor), LiCl (GSK3β inhibitor), LY294002 (PI3K inhibitor) or BAY 11-7082 (IκK inhibitor) did not affect VOB-induced cyclin D1 degradation. In conclusion, VOB induced cyclin D1 degradation through redistribution of cyclin D1 from the nucleus to cytoplasm via T286 phosphorylation of cyclin D1, which resulted in the inhibition of cancer cell proliferation.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Hibiscus syriacus (H. syriacus) as the national flower of Korea has been used as the herbal medicine in Asia. In this study, we evaluated the anti-inflammatory effect of 70% ethanol extracts from the root of Hibiscus syriacus (RHS-E70) and elucidated the potential signaling pathway in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 cells. RHS-E70 dose-dependently suppressed NO production by inhibiting iNOS and IL-β expression in LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 cells. RHS-E70 inhibited the phosphorylation and degradation of IκB-α, which contributed to the inhibition of p65 nuclear accumulation and NF-κB activation. Furthermore, RHS-E70 suppressed the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and p38, which results in the inhibition of ATF2 phosphorylation and subsequent nuclear accumulation. These results indicate that RHS-E70 may exert antiinflammatory activity by inhibiting NF-κB and MAPK/ATF2 signaling. From these findings, RHS-E70 has potential to be a candidate for the development of chemopreventive or therapeutic agents for the inflammatory diseases.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The aim of study is to contribute to this knowledge-base by investigating the respiratory function, the metabolic rate and the difference of physiological responses un-der low water temperature (20℃→15℃) stress be-tween diploid and triploid far eastern catfish, Silurus asotus. During the 48 hrs of water temperature stress exposure time, the respiratory frequencies, CO₂ and NH₄+ concentrations of diploid had higher values than those of triploid (p<0.05). However, pH of triploid was higher than those of diploid (p<0.05), and oxygen consumption rate was not different between diploid and triploid (p>0.05). The level of plasma cortisol and plasma glucose of triploid was lower than those of the diploid (p<0.05). However, in case of lactic acid, there were not significant between triploid and diploid (p>0.05). These results suggest that diploid was more sensitive for low water temperature stress response than triploid in this species.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The changes in extreme daily rainfall totals in Punjab Province, Pakistan, during the period (1981- 2014) are examined in this study. The analysis was focused on the extreme annual and monthly rainfall events, by processing the exceeding of the daily rainfall over various thresholds, which are indicators for the incidence of extreme rainfall events. To analyze the changes in extreme rainfall events and trends of the time series of the annual number of extreme rainfall days (%) the thresholds of 30mm and 50mm has been estimated. Evidence from the twelve stations considered shows that there is an increase in annual number of extreme rainfall days (%) in dataset. These changes of heavy and extreme rainfall events pronounce significant environmental consequences which cause considerable impact on society.
        2018.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose - This work analyzes, in detail, the specification of vector error correction model (VECM) and thus examines the relationships and impact among seven economic variables for USA - balance on current account (BCA), index of stock (STOCK), gross domestic product (GDP), housing price indices (HOUSING), a measure of the money supply that includes total currency as well as large time deposits, institutional money market funds, short-term repurchase agreements and other larger liquid assets (M3), real rate of interest (IR_REAL) and household credits (LOAN). In particular, we search for the main explanatory variables that have an effect on stock and real estate market, respectively and investigate the causal and dynamic associations between them. Research design, data, and methodology – We perform the time series vector error correction model to infer the dynamic relationships among seven variables above. This work employs the conventional augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Phillips-Perron (PP) unit root techniques to test for stationarity among seven variables under consideration, and Johansen cointegration test to specify the order or the number of cointegration relationship. Granger causality test is exploited to inspect for causal relationship and, at the same time, impulse response function and variance decomposition analysis are checked for both short-run and long-run association among the seven variables by EViews 9.0. The underlying model was analyzed by using 108 realizations from Q1 1990 to Q4 2016 for USA. Results – The results show that all the seven variables for USA have one unit root and they are cointegrated with at most five and three cointegrating equation for USA. The vector error correction model expresses a long-run relationship among variables. Both IR_REAL and M3 may influence real estate market, and GDP does stock market in USA. On the other hand, GDP, IR_REAL, M3, STOCK and LOAN may be considered as causal factors to affect real estate market. Conclusions – The findings indicate that both stock market and real estate market can be modelled as vector error correction specification for USA. In addition, we can detect causal relationships among variables and compare dynamic differences between countries in terms of stock market and real estate market.
        2018.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In the globalization and free trade era, the current account deficit problem is a common phenomenon experienced by most countries, both developing and developed countries. Also with managed floating regime of exchange rate, it becomes very important to analyze the dynamics of current account balance which determine the trade. The deficit condition has lasted for four years in Indonesia, as well the deficit value above the value of the surplus that has been experienced during the period 2005-2011. This study is firstly aim to examine the condition of the deficit which happens in the export and import, manufactured goods and oil and gas, whether related to the transaction of goods and services. We try to build a predicted model which near the actual. Then, the focuses examines an exchange rate volatility impact on current account deficit. The model used in this research is a simultaneous model of Indonesia current account deficit from 2005 to 2014. The simulation result indicated that depreciation increase surplus to current account deficit. The decrease of export manufactured goods (non oil and gas) higher than the increase of import. For the oil and gas sector, depreciation of the rupiah against the US dollar results in an increased burden of higher oil and gas imports due to import transactions.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Vietnam is entering an important phase of urbanization that corresponds to the current economic development. Developing logistics of Vietnam in general, and Haiphong particularly, is urgent in order to meet the need for the economic development of Viet Nam in this period of international integration. Hai Phong’s development record over the past 20 years is remarkable. In conjunction with the local government’s efforts, external factors, such as increasing direct foreign investment, is turning Hai Phong into Vietnam’s logistics hub. However, even though Hai Phong accounted for 98% of North Vietnam’s throughput, its logistics services are low level, the ports are fragmented, and the port management scale is backward, with the legal system overlapping. This paper has systematically evaluated the development of Haiphong city during recent years, then offers some solutions to develop logistics for Hai Phong ports.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of this study was to determine the mitotic intervals (τ0) of two consecutive cell divisions and synchronous embryonic cleavage in grass puffer, Takifugu niphobles at different water temperatures (18, 20, 22, and 24℃). The color of the fertilized egg was light yellowish. The egg type was demersal and unadhesive. Egg weight was 0.09±0.002 mg. The sizes of unfertilized eggs were smaller than fertilized eggs in major axis and minor axis at 20℃ (p<0.05). The size of the fertilized egg of 18℃ water temperature group at the blastodisc stage was the smallest (p<0.05), but no significant differences were observed in the other water temperatures group except 18℃ water temperature group (p>0.05). The first cleavage stages at 18, 20, 22, and 24℃ were at 75, 90, 105, and 120 mins, respectively. As water temperature was increased, embryonic development and formation time of the first cleavage furrow were accelerated. There were negative correlation between τ0 and water temperature for grass puffer (Y=–1.225X+70.05, R2=0.988, n=10, where Y was τ0 and X was temperature). This study confirmed that successful hatching of grass puffer was related to water temperature. Chromosome manipulation will be helpful for this species using cleavage frequency and τ0.
        2018.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        하천 관리에 있어 도달시간은 중요한 인자 중의 하나이다. 특히 사회적으로 다양한 하천 활용에 대한 요구가 높아짐에 따라 친수공간으로써 하천에서의 정확한 도달시간 산정은 홍수시 주민 대피 시간 확보 등을 위해서 매우 중요하다. 그러나 과거 도달시간 산정에 대한 연구는 자연 하천의 복합 유역에서의 단일 수문사상에 대하여 연구가 수행되어왔으며, 도심하천의 단일유역을 대상으로 복합 수문 사상에 대한 도달시간 산정방법의 개발은 미흡한 실정이다. 따라서 최근 집중호우에 의하여 빈번한 침수 피해가 발생된 부산광역시 대표 도심하천인 온천천 유역에 대하여 과거 10년(2006~2015년) 동안의 강우-유출량 자료를 이용하여 도달시간을 산정하였고, Matlab 기반의 인공신경망 기법을 이용하여 신뢰성을 검토하였다. 12시간 이상 무강우를 기준으로 총 254개의 강우 사상을 분리하였고, 이를 바탕으로 총 강우량, 총 유출량, 첨두 강우량/총 강우량, 첨두 유출량/총 유출량, 지체시간, 도달시간 등 총 6개의 변수를 산정하여 인공신경망 모형의 훈련 및 검증에 활용하였다. 그 결과 훈련에 과 예측 및 검증에 활용된 입력 변수의 상관관계는 각 각 0.807 및 0.728로 나타났으며, 연구결과를 바탕으로 도심하천의 도달시간 산정결과의 신뢰성 분석에 이를 활용할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2018.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose - This paper discusses cross-cultural management (CCM) in China and how its business students get prepared by university cross-cultural management courses for an international market. Research design, data, and methodology – It was therefore decided to do an online content analysis looking at CCM courses offered by a number of Chinese universities first, and second to conduct a quantitative survey on CCM courses as well as topics among Chinese undergraduate business students at a large Eastern Chinese university. Results - From fundamental aspects, seven Chinese cultural standards emerge which highly influence the behaviour of the Chinese. There is a tendency to imply the integration of not only local but also cross cultural issues in academic management courses. Besides Hong Kong, there are currently 17 Chinese universities and schools accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) that explicitly requires cross-cultural management competencies in undergraduate and graduate degree programmes. In addition, the study confirmed that two-third of the sample (Chinese undergraduate business students) had taken cross-cultural management courses. Conclusions - The results of this research have made it clear that Chinese universities and schools are aware of the importance of cross-cultural management competencies.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, we elucidated anti-cancer activity and potential molecular mechanism of 70% ethanol extracts from Taxilli Ramulus (Taxillus chinensis (DC.) Danser) (TR-E70) against human colorectal cancer cells. Anti-cell proliferative effect of TR-E70 was evaluated by MTT assay. The effect of TR-E70 on the expression of cyclin D1 in the protein and mRNA level was evaluated by Western blot and RT-PCR, respectively. TR-E70 suppressed the proliferation of human colorectal cancer cell lines, HCT116 and SW480. Although TR-E70 decreased cyclin D1 expression in protein and mRNA level, decreased level of cyclin D1 protein by TR-E70 more dramatically occurred than that of cyclin D1 mRNA. Cyclin D1 downregulation by TR-E70 was attenuated in presence of MG132. In addition, TR-E70 phosphorylated threonine-286 (T286) of cyclin D1. TR-E70-mediated cyclin D1 degradation was blocked in presence of LiCl as an inhibitor GSK3β but not PD98059 as an ERK1/2 inhibitor and SB203580 as a p38 inhibitor. Our results suggest that TR-E70 may downregulate cyclin D1 as one of the potential anti-cancer targets through GSK3β-dependent cyclin D1 degradation. From these findings, TR-E70 has potential to be a candidate for the development of chemoprevention or therapeutic agents for human colorectal cancer.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A total of 447 accessions consisting of seven Brassica spp.; Brassica carinata (34), B. juncea (199), B. rapa subsp. dichotoma (18), B. rapa. subsp. oleifera (14), B. rapa subsp. rapa (36), B. rapa subsp. trilocularis (56) and B. alba subsp. alba (90) were studied for their morphological characters and fatty acid compositions. There was a wide variation for morphological traits, oil content and fatty acid composition among Brassica species. Seed number/silique and yield/plant were varied from 4.2 (B. alba) to 25.1 (B. rapa subsp. trilocularis) and from 170.7 g (B. rapa subsp. oleifera) to 351.9 g (B. juncea L. Czern.), respectively. Among Brassica species, B. rapa subsp. trilocularis exhibited the highest oil (29.2%), stearic (20.4%) and erucic acid (45.3%) content. B. carinata had the highest content of palmitic (5.2%), oleic (21.2%) and linolenic acid (11.1%). B. rapa subsp. dichotoma and B. rapa subsp. oleifera exhibited the highest content of linoleic (8.1%) and behenic (26.9%) acid, respectively. B. rapa subsp. trilocularis exhibited the highest (45.3%) erucic acid content and significant positive relationship was observed between oleic acid and linoleic acid. This variation of agronomic and fatty acid compositions in Brassica species can be utilized to develop new varieties.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Glucosinolates (GSLs), beneficial secondary metabolites for human health are abundantly present in radish vegetable. Radish is a member of Brassicaceae family and its seed, leaf and root contain very important GSLs. The objective of this study was to determine the variation of individual and total GSL contents in leaves and roots of 44 radish (Raphanus spp.) germplasm (26 R. sativus L., 3 R. raphanistrum, and 15 R. sativus L. var. raphanistroides Makino), and compare the GSL contents between leaves and roots among three Raphanus species. Thirteen GSLs were identified, being the glucoraphasatin (GRS) and glucobrassicin (GBS) the most abundant aliphatic and indolyl GSLs in both the leaves and roots. Variation in individual and total GSL contents was found among the germplasm of three Raphanus species. The GRS content was higher in roots than that of leaves in all three Raphanus species but the GBS content was higher in leaves than roots. GRS was represented 87.0%, 92.7% and 94.7% of the total GSL in roots of R. sativus L., R. raphanistrum and R. sativus L. var. raphanistroides (Makino) germplasm, respectively. Germplasm of R. raphanistrum exhibited the highest (average, 79.5 μmol/g dw) total GSL with a ranged from 62.7 to 92.9 μmol/g dw. The germplasm IT119288, Joseonmu and IT119262 from R. sativus L., RA 504 and K046542 from R. raphanistrum, and Gyeongju-2003-32 (G2003-32) and IT302373 from R. sativus L. var. raphanistroides (Makino) had high total GSL contents and these could be good candidates for developing the functional compounds-rich varieties in radish breeding program.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Bisphenol-A(BPA) is a member of alkylphenol family, and shows adverse effects including reduced fertility, reproductive tract abnormalities, metabolic disorder, cancer induction, neurotoxicity and immunotoxicity. In the present study, we conducted Hershberger assay to evaluate whether the two candidates to replace BPA have androgenic or antiandrogenic activity. The assay was carried out using immature castrated Sprague–Dawley male rats. After 7 days of the surgery, testosterone propionate (TP, 0.4 mg/kg/day) and test materials (low dose, 40 mg/kg/day; high dose, 400 mg/kg/day) were administered for 10 consecutive days by subcutaneous (s.c.) injection and oral gavage, respectively. Test materials were BPA, isosorbide (ISO) and cyclohexanedimethanol (CHDM). The rats were necropsied, and then the weights of five androgen-dependent tissues [ventral prostate, seminal vesicle, levator ani-bulbocavernosus (LABC) muscle, paired Cowper’s glands, and glans penis] and three androgen-insensitive tissues (kidney, spleen and liver) were measured. All test materials including BPA did not exhibit any androgenic activity in the assay. On the contrary, antiandrogen-like activities were found in all test groups, and the order of the intensity was CHDM > BPA > ISO in the five androgen-sensitive tissues. There was no statistical difference between low dose treatment and high dose treatment of BPA group as well as ISO group. In CHDM group, high dose treatment exhibited most severe weight reduction in all measured tissues. There was no statistical difference in androgen-insensitive tissue measurements, except BPA groups. Since the effects of ISO treatment on the accessory sex organs were much less or not present at all when compared to those of BPA, ISO could be a strong candidate to replace BPA. CHDM treatment brought most severe weight reduction in all of androgen-sensitive tissues, so this material should be excluded for further screening of BPA substitute selection.
        2017.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A coating system derived from the combination of a sodium and a potassium water glass was developed to apply for steel in oxidizing and humidity environments at elevated temperature. Parameters such as filler volume, viscosity or coating thickness were varied to optimize the coatings. The coated specimens were investigated by TGA, SEM/EDS, and XRD to clarify the microstructure morphology and anti-oxidation behavior. Finally, oxidation tests, adhesion tests, thermal shock resistance tests and humidity resistance tests were performed to evaluate the performance of developed coating.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Religious intolerance has become a common feature of many countries in recent times. Studies have revealed a worldwide increase in government regulations and social hostilities against religious beliefs and practices. The stifling impact of both government and society on the market for religion, warrants closer scrutiny. This study examines the relationship between government regulations and social hostilities towards religious beliefs and practices, for the period of 2001-2011 for a sample of 45 European countries. The Generalized Method of Moments dynamic panel estimation technique is employed to analyze the micro panel dataset of 45 European countries, to establish the possible relationships that may exist between these variables. The theoretical framework for this study is based on the Religious Economies Theory and the Supply Side Theory of Religion. The results of this study show evidence of the positive relationship between government regulations and social hostility. Interestingly, the study also revealed that the impact of social hostility on the level of government restrictions is smaller in magnitude compared to the reverse impact of government restrictions on social hostilities, indicating the dangerous role played by governments in inciting social hostilities, when they regulate or restrict religious beliefs and practices.