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        검색결과 327

        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We have determined the complete mitochondrial genome of the yellow-spotted long horned beetle, Psacothea hilaris (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), an endangered insect species in Korea. The 15,856-bp long P. hilaris mitogenome harbors gene content typical of the animal mitogenome and a gene arrangement identical to the most common type found in insect mitogenomes. As with all other sequenced coleopteran species, the 5-bp long TAGTA motif was also detected in the intergenic space sequence located between tRNASer (UCN) and ND1 of P. hilaris. The 1,190-bp long non-coding A+T-rich region harbors an unusual series of seven identical repeat sequences of 57-bp in length and several stretches of sequences with the potential to form stem-and-loop structures. Furthermore, it contains one tRNAArg-like sequence and one tRNALys-likes equence. Phylogenetic analysis among available coleopteran mitogenomes using the concatenated amino acid sequences of PCGs appear to support the sister group relationship of the suborder Polyphaga to all remaining suborders, including Adephaga, Myxophaga, and Archostemata. Among the two available infraorders in Polyphaga, a monophyletic Cucujiformia was confirmed, with the placement of Cleroidea as the basal lineage for Cucujiformia. On the other hand, the infraorder Elateriformia was not identified as monophyletic, thereby indicating that Scirtoidea and Buprestoidea are the basal lineages for Cucujiformia and the remaining Elateriformia.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was conducted to improve the effect of environment-friendly Tetranychus urticae pesticide through the development of Tetranychus urticae biopesticide using the plant extract. Tested extracts were fig leaf extract, viburnum erosum extract; besides Sophora flavescens Ait extract, Derris root extract, Tobacco leaf extract, and they were proved to be the caricidal effect of two spotted spider mite adults by spraying on the French bean leaf inoculated for Tetranychus urticae with each concentration; 500ppm, 200ppm, 100ppm, 50ppm. In the control treatments, caricidal effect was compared with only ‘Eungsami’ (500ppm, 200ppm, 100ppm, 50ppm), of which the main ingredient as environment-friendly organic material is, and distilled water. The caricidal effect of tested extracts to the two spotted spider mite adult was the highest in the Sophora flavescens Ait extract and Tobacco leaf extract over 90%, and comparatively low in the Derris root extract. When the caricidal effect of ‘Eungsami’ was compared with two spotted spider mite adults with each concentration, ‘Eungsami’(500ppm) and Tobacco leaf extract(500ppm) were very excellent as each 95.5%, 98.7% in treated concentration. The effect of Sophora flavescens Ait extract was also high as 96.5%. In the low concentration(50ppm), Sophora flavescens Ait extract was 45.8%, Tobacco leaf extract was the most effective as 53.8%.
        2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The endogenous retrovirus-like elements (HERVs) found on several human chromosomes are somehow involved in gene regulation, especially during the transcription level. HERV-H, located on chromosome Xp22, may regulate gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPR) in connection with diverse diseases. By suppression subtractive hybridization screen on SV40-immortalized lung fibroblast (WI-38 VA-13), we discovered that expression of HERV-HX2, a clustered HERV-H sequence on chromosome X, was upregulated in immortalized lung cells, compared to that of normal cells. Expression of HERV-HX2 was then analyzed in various cell lines, including normal somatic cells, cancer cells, SV40-immortalized cells, and undifferentiated and differentiated human embryonic stem cells. Expression of HERV-HX2 was specifically upregulated in continuously-dividing cells, such as cancer cells and SV40-immortalized cells. Especially, HERV-HX2 in HeLa cells was highly upregulated during the S phase of the cell cycle. Similar results were obtained in hES cells, in which undifferentiated cells expressed more HERV-HX2 mRNA than differentiated hES cells, including neural precursor and endothelial progenitor cells. Taken together, our results suggest that HERV-HX2 is upregulated in cancer cells and undifferentiated hES cells, whereas downregulated as differentiation progress. Therefore, we assume that HERV-HX2 may playa role on proliferation of cancer cells as well as differentiation of hES cells in the transcriptional level.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We have investigated the optical properties of the global haze on Titan from spectra recorded between 7100 and 9200Åwhere CH4 absorption bands of various intensities occur. The Titan spectra were obtained on Feb. 23, 2005 (UT), near the times of the Cassini T3 flyby and Huygens probe, using an optical echelle spectrograph (BOES) on the 1.8-m telescope at Bohyunsan Observatory in Korea. In order to derive the optical properties of the haze as a function of altitude, we developed an inversion radiative-transfer program using an atmospheric model of Titan and laboratory CH4 absorption coefficients available from the literature. The derived extinction coefficients of the haze increase toward the surface, and the coefficients at shorter wavelengths are greater than those at longer wavelengths for the 30 - 120 km altitude range, indicating that the Titanian haze becomes optically thin toward the longer wavelength range. Total optical depths of the haze are estimated to be 1.4 and 1.2 for the 7270 -7360Åand 8940 -9150Å ranges, respectively. Based on the Huygens/DISR data set, Tomasko et al. (2005) reported total optical depths of 2.5 - 3.5 at 8290Å depending on the assumed fractal aggregate particle model. The total optical depths based on our results are smaller than those of Tomasko et al., but they partially overlap with their results if we consider a large uncertainty from possible variations of the CH4 mixing ratio over Titan's disk. We also derived the single scattering albedo of the haze particles as a function of altitude: it is less than 0.5 at altitudes higher than ~150Km the average particle radius is smaller than the wavelengths, whereas near the surface, it becomes comparable or greater.
        2007.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Physicochemical qualities and consumer acceptability of chocolate layer cake were studied with varied levels of rosemary powder at 0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6%. The ash content of the cake increased from 2.30 to 3.10%, as the amount of rosemary powder increased from 0 to 0.6%, and the carbohydrate content of the cake decreased as the addition of rosemary powder increased. There were no significant differences in moisture contents and pH values among the samples and the pH values of all samples were within the typical pH range of 7.5-8.0 for chocolate, layer cakes. Water loss from the control cake was greater than that from the cakes with rosemary powder supporting the suggestion that the addition of rosemary powder to the chocolate layer cake could increase moisture retention of the cake. Consumer acceptability of all the samples showed higher prefierences of more than 7 points. Rosemary aroma, mint flavor and after taste were highly positively corrεlated with the fat content. Fat and ash content of the cake, which tended to increase in proportion to the rosemary powder content, were negatively correlated with acceptance of herb flavor, sweet taste, moistness, softness and intensity of softness but positivεly correlated with intensity of herb flavor. With the results above, trials on chocolate layer cake using rosemary powder were successfully performed within the ranges tested.
        2007.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the cytotoxicity of commonly used local anesthetics was evaluated on odontoblasts which are essential for pulpal homeostasis in vitro. Local anesthetics, such as articaine, bupivacaine, levobupivacaine, lidocaine, mepivacaine, prilocaine, and procaine, were tested on the odontoblast cell line, MDPC-23. The concentration-and time-dependent cytotoxic effects of local anesthetics on odontoblasts were measured by MTT assay. Among local anesthetics treated for 18 h, only bupivacaine significantly showed cell death in a concentration-(LC50=1.2mM) and time-dependent manner. To confirm cell death induced by bupivacaine, the observation of cell morphology and FACS using Annexin V and propidium iodide (PI) staining were performed. As a result of Annexin V and PI staining, as well as the morphological change, only bupivacaine induced apoptotic cell death on odontoblasts when compared with levobupivacaine and lidocaine. These results suggest that bupivacaine might affect normal pulpal integrity even after uneventful local anesthesia.
        2007.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Al t hough substance P(SP) , a potent pro- inflammatory peptide, is involved in inflammation and immune responses‘ t he eff'ect of SP on t he expression of macrophage inflammatory protein 3a (MIP- 3α CCL20) in periodontal liga ment(PDL) cell s a re unknown, Equally as enigmatic is the link between SP, t he stress protein heme oxygenase- l(HO-l) ‘ and CCL20 procluction, We investigated whether SP induces the release of chemokine CCL20 from immortal ized PDL(IPDL) ceJJ s‘ and fur ther c l a꺼 SP mediated pathways, We also examined the relationship between HO-l a ncl CCL20 by t reating PDL cells with SP, Incubating IPDL cells with SP increased expression of CCL20 mRNA a nd CCL20 protein in a dose-time dependent manner Highly selective p38 and ERKl/2 inhibitors abrogated SP-induced expression of CCL20 in IPDL cell s, SP is a lso responsible for ini t iating phosphorylation of I/C B, degradation of Iκ B‘ ancl activat ion of NF'-/C B, SP induced expression of HO-l in both a concentration- and time-dependent man nel ‘ and CCL20 refl ected s imilar patterns, The inductive effects o[ SP on HO- l and CCL20 wer e enhanced by HO- j inducer hemin and the membrane-permeable cGMP analog 8-bromo-cGMP, Conversely, this pathway was inJübited by t he 1-10난 inhi bitor zinc protoporphyrin IX(ZnPP IX) and the selective inl뼈itor of guanylate cyc1ase‘ lH-[l , 2, 4Joxad iazole[4‘ 3-aJquinoxal in-l-one (ODQ) , We report herein the pathway that connects SP along with other modulators 。f neuroimmunoregulationto the induction of HO-l and t he inflammatory mediator MIP-3a /CCL20 in IPDL cell s‘ which play an important role in the development 01' periodontitis or inflamrnation during orthodontic tooth movem
        2006.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2006.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2005.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Interlellkin • 8(IL-8) is an important cytokine involved in tllmor growth and angiogenesis in a variety of malig nancies. bllt the regll lation of IL-8 in 01 외 cancer cells are llnderstood . We invesLigated whether mi togen-activated protein kinases pathway is involved in iron chelator-mediated lL-8 produdion in inunortalized and malignant oral keratinocytes. In this study we examined the role of p38 and extracellular signal- reglllated kinase• 1/2 in the expression of [L-8 by DFO. Incllbation of IHOK and HN12 cel ls with DF'O increased the expression of 11-8 mRNA. as well as the release of IL-8 protein. The signal transdllction study revealed that both p38 and ERK1/2 were significantly activated in response to DFO. Accord ingly. the selective inhibitors for both kinases‘ eit her a lone or combination. abolished DFO- induced lL-8 secretion. indicating an importance of MAP kinase pathway. Interestingly. however‘ inhibition of the p38 and ERK pathway more attenuated IL-8 secretion in IHOK than in HN12 cells. DFO induced NF-kB activation , suggesting a NF-kB- dependent mechanism in DFO- induced IL-8 production. In addition, p38 and ERK inhi bition resulted in the accelerated degradation of lL-8 mRNA, suggesting that in IHOK and HN12 cells, p38 and ERK cunLr iullLe Lo DFO imluced IL-8 secretion by IHOK and HN12 cells via a posttranscriptional mechanism that involves stabilization 01' the IL-8 transcript. Finally. we investigatecl llsing specific inhibitors : 8NP and G8NO for NO c1onor. PDTC for potent inhibitor of NF-kB. Cycloheximide for inhibition of de novo protein synthesis. We observecl 8NP ancl PD1'C clepenclent IL-8 gene incluction in IHOK cell s. but not in HN12 cells used specific inhibitors‘ Collectively. these results demonstrate that‘ targeting MAP kinase ancl NF-kB pathway may be a potentiaI approacb to controlling the angiogenes is ancl growth 이 human oral cancers
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ixeris dentata is a typical oriental herb. It is a widely distributed perennial in Korea, Japan and China, which belongs to the Compositae Family. The whole plant of I. dentata has been used for the treatment of pneumonia, contusion, tumor and hepatitis.
        2004.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Human embryonic stem (ES) cells are derived from the inner cell mass of the preimplantation embryo. Human ES cells have the capacity to differentiate into various types of cells in the body. Human ES cells are indefinite source of cells for cell therapy in various degenerative disorders including neuronal disorders. Directed differentiation of human ES cells is a prerequisite for their clinical application. The objective of this study is to develop the culture condition for the derivation of neural precursor cells from human ES cells. Neural precursor cells were derived from human ES cells in a stepwise culture condition. Neural precursor cells in the form of neural rosette structures developed into neurospheres when cultured in suspension. Suspension culture of neurospheres has been maintained over 4 months. Expressions of nestin, soxl, sox2, pax3 and pax6 transcripts were upregulated during differentiation into neural precursor cells by RT-PCR analysis. In contrast, expression of oct4 was dramatically downregulated in neural precursor cells. Immunocytochemical analyses of neural precursor cells demonstrated expression of nestin and SOX1. When induced to differentiate on an adhesive substrate, neuro-spheres were able to differentiate into three lineages of neural systems, including neurons, astrocytes and oligo-dendrocytes. Transcripts of sox1 and pax6 were downregulated during differentiation of neural precursor cells into neurons. In contrast, expression of map2ab was elevated in the differentiated cells, relative to those in neural precursor cells. Neurons derived from neural precursor cells expressed NCAM, Tuj1, MAP2ab, NeuN and NF200 in immunocytochemical analyses. Presence of astrocytes was confirmed by expression of GFAP immuno-cytochemically. Oligodendrocytes were also observed by positive immuno-reactivities against oligodendrocyte marker O1. Results of this study demonstrate that a stepwise culture condition is developed for the derivation of neural precursor cells from human ES cells.