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        검색결과 757

        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In Korea, methyl bromide(MeBr) is the only registered fumigant for quarantine application in imported timbers and wood packaging materials to control foreign wood-destroying pest. Under a agreement in the Clean Air Act and the Montreal Protocol to MeBr's ozone depleting properties, the use of MeBr is now strictly restricted and phased out year by year, even though there are exemptions for QPS (Quarantine and Pre-shipment) and CUE (Critical Use Exemption). However, due to increasing of global trades and protection of agro-ecosystem in imported counties against quarantine pests, MeBr in QPS use is increasing (16,304t in 2005, approximately 8.7% increase based on 1996), and domestic consumption of MeBr is recorded up to 938t (annual average among 2003 and 2005), especially the 67% percent (628t) of total MeBr uses imported timber and wood packing materials. Since ethanedinitrile (EDN) was patented by CSIRO in Australia, BOC and Dongbu have tried to develop and commercialize EDN as a timber fumigant. This is updated information on the developmental status of EDN, which included the biological efficacy to target pests and the penetrating aspect to target commodity in the semi-field and various field trials. Based on current results, EDN could replace MeBr for using timber fumigation and would play an important role in the ozone layer protection.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to investigate the relationship between PSS-HSP70 gene polymorphism and artificial insemination (AI) reproductivity in the pigs. The RFLP polymorphism of PSS and the SSCP polymorphisms of HSP70 K1, K3 and K4 PCR product were detected different patterns. In the experiment for AI of fresh semen, spring and fall season showed higher litter size born of 10.89 head than 10.47 head of summer season. Landrace was showed higher litter size of 9.96 head than that of Duroc and Yorkshire (p<0.05). Stress relating PSS and HSP70 polymorphism of PSS-Normal, HSP70 K1-BB, K3-AB, K4-AA showd a highest litter size born of 10.97 head and litter size born alive of 10.69 head than that of the other polymorphisms(p<0.05). In the experiment for AI of frozen semen, effects of season and pig breeds were not showed for litter size born. The stress relating polymorphism of PSS-Carrier, HSP70 K1-BB, K3-BB, K4-AB showed highest litter size born of 11.29 head and litter size born alive of 10.82 head and PSS-Normal, HSP70 K1-BB, K3-AB, K4-AA showed the lowest litter size born of 8.48 head and litter size born alive of 7.33 head than that of the other polymorphisms(p<0.05). These results suggest that AI litter size born for the stress of forzen thawed semen may be affected by PSS and HSP70 polymorphism in pigs.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to establish the early pregnancy diagnosis with evaluation of size of embryonic vesicles and change of crown-rump length (CRL) by transrectal ultrasonography in the Korean black goats. Early pregnancy diagnosis was performed in the 114 goats from 19 to 35 days after coitus by transrectal 5.0 MHz transducer. Embryonic vesicles and CRL in the 142 goats from 19 to 42 days was measured to establish the correlation between gestational age and these parameters. The early pregnancy diagnosis achieved 80% accuracy after days 25 and 100% accuracy after days 28 after breeding. Diameters of embryonic vesicle and CRL were significantly increased with the gestational age. In these facts, early pregnancy diagnosis is possible on Days 25 after breeding and measurement of embryonic vesicles and CRL were useful to predict the gestational age in Korean black goat.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        From the HCN observations of dense molecular cloud L694-2, Lee et al.(2007) determined internal distributions of density and velocity for the cloud. The density profile collaborates roughly with the Bonnor- Ebert gas sphere, but the velocity field departs significantly from the result of numerical simulations that are started from the BE sphere. Taking L694-2 as an example of collapsing clouds, we have performed a series of collapse simulations and determined initial configurations for the cloud in such a way that the resulting density and velocity profiles both match with the empirically deduced ones. Among many trial configurations the cloud which is initially uniform in density and bound by an expanding envelop depicts most closely the empirically obtained profiles of both density and velocity.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Statistical analyses were performed to investigate the relative success and accuracy of daily maximum X-ray flux (MXF) predictions, using both multilinear regression and autoregressive time-series prediction methods. As input data for this work, we used 14 solar activity parameters recorded over the prior 2 year period (1989-1990) during the solar maximum of cycle 22. We applied the multilinear regression method to the following three groups: all 14 variables (G1), the 2 so-called 'cause' variables (sunspot complexity and sunspot group area) showing the highest correlations with MXF (G2), and the 2 'effect' variables (previous day MXF and the number of flares stronger than C4 class) showing the highest correlations with MXF (G3). For the advanced three days forecast, we applied the autoregressive timeseries method to the MXF data (GT). We compared the statistical results of these groups for 1991 data, using several statistical measures obtained from a 2x2 contingency table for forecasted versus observed events. As a result, we found that the statistical results of G1 and G3 are nearly the same each other and the 'effect' variables (G3) are more reliable predictors than the 'cause' variables. It is also found that while the statistical results of GT are a little worse than those of G1 for relatively weak flares, they are comparable to each other for strong flares. In general, all statistical measures show good predictions from all groups, provided that the flares are weaker than about M5 class; stronger flares rapidly become difficult to predict well, which is probably due to statistical inaccuracies arising from their rarity. Our statistical results of all flares except for the X-class flares were confirmed by Yates' X2 statistical significance tests, at the 99% confidence level. Based on our model testing, we recommend a practical strategy for solar X-ray flare predictions.