
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 41

        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To be better fit for highways, pavement systems are required to provide comfortable and safe driving and be structurally durable. Composite pavements can be an effective option as they are more durable by placing a high functional asphalt overlay on a rigid concrete base layer. In order to apply a composite pavement system to the field, it is necessary not only to develop technologies that prevent reflecting crack and deterioration of the base layer, but also to improve bonding performance of materials and ensure structural performance as a pavement system against traffic loading. In advanced countries like Japan, USA and Europe, high-functional composite pavement systems are being put into practice across new highway networks. In this study, we evaluated structural performance (rutting, reflecting crack, and deflection) by applying traffic loads of actual highways through an accelerated pavement tester (APT) of a composite pavement section made up of a quiet porous surface laid over a water-proofing layer, a continuously reinforced concrete base, and a lean concrete sub-base layer, which was developed with new pavement methods used for each layer prior to field application. The APT specimen was constructed with paving materials and equipment actually used on site in the same dimensions (W3.5m*L14m*H2m) as actual highway sections in Korea, and 3-axle double-wheel heavy load (45ton) cart type KALES(Korean Accelerated Loading and Environmental Simulator) traveling on the specimen in both directions was used to simulate traffic loading. After applying around 8,574,000 ESALs of traffic loads, no reflecting crack occurred on the asphalt surface of the composite pavement, without surface distress except for rutting. In order to examine what causes rutting of pavements, we surveyed thickness of pavements by layer and measured asphalt density.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Some of the deicer ingredients are the same as fertilizer ingredients from agricultural activities. The goal of this study is to distinguish the components of highway deicer from the components used for agriculture. Among the deicer ingredients, Ca and Cl are substances which can be supplied by fertilizer or livestock manure. However, fertilizer and livestock manure contain plenty of nitrogen, organic matter, phosphoric acid and magnesium, including deicer ingredients. The soil physico-chemical characteristics were analyzed according to the distance from the highway. The physico-chemical analysis items of the soil include electrical conductivity, total nitrogen (TN), available phosphate (Av.P), organic matter (OM), ammonia nitrogen (NH4-N), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC). In the case of effective phosphoric acid, leaching into the subsoil is very low due to various binding mechanisms in the soil. However, it is considered that the compost (fertilizer) applied to the topsoil is mixed with the soil by the tillage or flattening operation. In addition to the organic matter content of the subsoil appear to 10% or more is that in some cases exhibit a similar level as the topsoil. The average soil organic matter content of about 2.6%. This results shows that an excess of organic compost in the study area flows into subsoil and was mixed with the subsoil. The high EC value at the points outside the snow removal effect range level is not considered to be affected by the deicer. The results of the survey showed that the values were differently detected by agricultural activities, and that they should be approached in a complex way in their interpretation.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 증례는 복강경 담낭절제술 후 10년이 경과되어 발생한 총담관 결석의 예로, 결석 내 포함된 외과용 클립이 담관결석의 원인이 되었을 것으로 추정된다. 내시경으로 제거한 총 담관결석 내에 외과용 클립이 발견되어 수술시 사용한 외과용 클립이 총담관 내로 이동하여 총담관 내 결석의 핵으로 작용했을 가능성을 뒷받침한다. 담낭 절제술 후 발생한 우상 복부 통증으로 내원한 환자에서 외과용 클립에 의한 총담관 결석은 진단에 있어 고려해야 할 부분으로 생각된다. 진단은 단순복부촬영에서 우상복부에 금속성 물질이 관찰된다면 의심할 수 있겠으나, 내시경적 담췌관조영술에서 총담관 내에 음영결손과 결석 내부에 금속성 물질이 관찰될 때 가능하다. 치료는 일반적인 총담관 결석의 치료와 동일하며, 내시경을 이용한 유두괄약근 절개술 후 바스켓 및 풍선 카테터를 이용한 결석 제거가 유용하다.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The screening of effective lethal genes was conducted via the systemic delivery of dsRNA for the RNAi-based management of Tetranychus urticae. Six candidate genes (COPI coatmer, T_COPI; ESCRT III_Snf7, T_SNF7; Ribosomal protein S4, T_RPS4; v-ATPase A subunit 2, T_V-ATPase; Aminopeptidase N, T_APN3; Acetylcholinesterase, T_AChE) and two reference genes (EGFP and T_AChEintron) were tested for the experiment. The permeated dsRNA to the leaf disc (ca. 30 mm diameter) was detected at 6 h after treatment, indicating that dsRNA could move through veins on the leaf. In the reference gene selection, the T_AChEintron was chosen for its low mortality compared with EGFP gene. In the evaluation of mortality, the T_COPI, T_V-ATPase and T_RPS4 exerted higher toxicities at 24 hour after treatment among six genes tested. Interestingly, T_APN3 showed toxicity after 72 hour. In summary, the dsRNA delivery via leaf disc was effective in screening lethal genes and some genes, such as COPI, V-ATPase and RPS4, can be applicable for establishing a RNAi-based control system against T. urticae.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The resistance levels against carbamates (CB) and organophosphates (OP) were determined through bioassay and quantitative sequencing (QS) methods in 16 field populations of Nilaparvata lugens. The resistance levels to CB and OP by bioassay were 1.3~47.5-fold and 1.4~14.4-fold higher than a susceptible strain, respectively. The QS protocol was established to determine the allele frequencies of eight point mutations on acetylcholinesterase putatively associated CB and OP resistance. The allele frequencies of four mutations in local populations (G119A, F/S330Y, F331H and I332L) ranged from ca. 0.0~51.7%, 1.0~44.3%, 8.5~57.3% and 7.12~56.6%, respectively. The average prediction limits were –9.6±5.1~7.7±2.9%. The F330Y, F331H and I332L were tightly linked each other, suggesting these mutations may occur simultaneously. In the correlation analysis, G119A was not well correlated with both insecticides (r2= less 0.25), whereas F/S330Y, F331H and I332L showed better correlation with the resistance levels of carbamate (r2=0.590) than organophosphate (r2=0.235). This finding indicates that F/S330Y, F331H and I332L mutation frequencies are suitable for detecting carbamate resistance in N. lugens. QS will be applicable for the rapid monitoring of resistance levels to CB insecticides in N. lugens.
        2018.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        고무화합물 형태로 구성된 조영제의 병에 Syringe Connector의 Spike를 연결 시 고무의 찢김 정도를 알아보고 찢김 및 분쇄로 인한 합성고무의 혼입 유무와 분쇄된 합성고무가 검출 시 분쇄물의 크기를 실험을 통해 알아보고자 하였다. 그 결과 찢김 정도의 경우 Syringe Connector의 끝과 최초 접촉하는 앞면이 약 3.14±0.04 ㎜로 뒷면 보다 많이 찢겼으며, 실험 대상인 10 병의 조영제에서 평균 7 개에서 15 개로 모두 분쇄물이 검출되었다. 검출된 분쇄물을 이용하여 크기를 측정한 결과 평균크기는 약 7.89±0.31 ㎛이었다. 향 후 다양한 실험 및 분석방법을 통한 추가실험과 더불어 흡인된 분쇄물 차단을 위한 미세 필터타입 자동주입장치의 개발이 필요하며, 분쇄물 유입 시 치명적 사고를 대비하여 관련기관의 관심 또한 필요할 것으로 사료된다.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Angelica gigas is a monocarpic perennial plant. A. gigas, also called DangGui or Korean Angelica, is a major medicinal herb used in Asian countries such as Korea, Japan and China. In Korea, we are using the roots of A. gigas. but, Chinese using Angelica sinensis and Japanese using Angelica acutiloba with the same name 'DangGui'. The biggest problem in the use of A. gigas is the confusion with A. acutiloba or A. sinensis. This confusion can cause an medical accident or lack of pharmacological ingredients. In this study, we developed chloroplast InDel markers that can distinguish A. gigas, A. acutiloba or A. sinensis. Methods and Results : We collected 14 Angelica plant samples including A. gigas, A. acutiloba and A. sinensis and extrated DNA using CTAB method. The DNA was diluted to 10 ng/㎕ and kept -20℃. We designed the primer sets using CLC Main Workbench based on chloroplast DNA InDel region of between A. gigas and A. acutiloba. PCR were performed on the 14 Angelica plant samples including A. gigas, A. acutiloba and A. sinensis (5 repeats each). Electrophoresis was performed using fragment analyzer automated CE system. We designed 6 InDel primer sets and the primer sets amplified the amplicons effectively. Three of the 6 primer sets showed polymorphism. Conclusion : We could distinguish A. gigas, A. acutiloba, and A. sinensis using 2 newly developed InDel markers.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘Clara’ 품종은 국립원예특작과학원에서 2005년도에 육성한 포인세티아 품종으로 초장이 작고 컴팩트한 수형으로 포엽의 형태는 난형이며 엽맥 사이 주름의 정도는 약하다. 포엽의 길이와 폭, 잎몸의 길이와 폭, 엽병의 길이는 짧으며 단일처리 후 약 9주일이 경과하면 충분히 착색되어 출하가 가능한 품종이다. 2008년 5월과 10월 ‘Clara’ 품종의 캘러스가 형성된 삽수에 100Gy의 감마선을 24시간 동안 처리하여 유기한 돌연변이를 이용하여 2010년과 2013년에 국립원예특작과학원에서 ‘Clara Pink’와 ‘Clara White’품종을 육성하였다. 이 두 품종들은 포엽의 색이 완전히 변한 변이주를 선발하여 계통화 하였으며 2008년 5월에 감마선을 처리한 삽수들 중 포엽의 색이 분홍색인 변이지를 선발하여 2009년에 2차에 거쳐 특성검정을 실시하였다. 2010년에 ‘원예 D5-2’를 육성한 후 3차 특성검정과 품종평가회를 실시하여 최종선발하였으며, 농작물 직무육성 신품종선정위원회를 거쳐 ‘Clara Pink’로 명명하였다. 2005년 10월에 감마선을 처리한 삽수들중에서는 포엽의 색이 연황색인 변이주를 선발하여 계통화 하였으며, 2012년과 2013년에 1,2차 특성검정을 실시하였다. 2013년에 ‘원예 D5-34’를 육성하여 특성검정과 품종평가회를 실시하고 농작물 직무육성신품종선정위원회를 거쳐 ‘Clara White’로 명명하였다. ‘클라라 핑크’와 ‘클라라 화이트’ 두 품종 모두 ‘클라라’ 품종과 같은 소형으로 적심하지 않은 상태에서도 분지가 많이 발생하는 컴팩트한 수형이다. 포엽의 형태는 결각이 없는 난형이며, 엽맥 사이에 약한 주름이 있고 단일처리 후 약 9주일 경과하면 완전히 착색된다. 잎몸의 모양은 난형이며, 엽병의 길이는 짧다. 그러나 ‘클라라 핑크’와 ‘클라라 화이트’ 품종의 포엽과 엽맥의 안토시아닌 발현에 차이를 나타내었다. ‘클라라 핑크’ 의 포엽은 분홍색이며, ‘클라라 화이트’의 포엽은 연황색이다. 또한 ‘클라라 핑크’ 와 ‘클라라 화이트’ 품종은 ‘클라라’ 품종과 비교해서 잎자루 윗면의 안토시아닌 발현 정도가 약하였으며, 잎몸 윗면의 가운데 맥의 색이 ‘클라라’ 품종은 녹색과 빨강색이 함께 발현되었으나, ‘클라라 핑크’ 와 ‘클라라 화이트’ 품종은 녹색만 발현되었다.
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