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        검색결과 258

        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The residual amount of fumigant was measured over time after fumigation on pine wilt disease infected Pinus koraiensislogs in the forests of Yeoncheon and Pocheon. Dimethyldisulfide (DMDS, 99.6%) was treated in large scale fumigation(100m3) in Yeoncheon and measured after removing tarpaulin cover in the 2 weeks of fumigation. DMDS was detectedat the highest concentration of 77.9 mg/kg in the 2nd week of treatment and decreased to 0.6 mg/kg in the 24th week.Metam-sodium (25%) was treated in small scale fumigation (1m3) in Pocheon and the amount of methylisothiocyanate(MITC) was measured after removing tarpaulin cover at each time of investigation. MITC was detected at the highestconcentration of 72.0 mg/kg in the 2nd week of treatment and then decreased to 7.0 mg/kg in the 24th week. However,unlike DMDS, MITC in the 12th week was detected at high concentration similar to the 1st week, indicating that thecontinuity of the sealing with tarpaulin would have a decisive influence on the residual amount change in fumigated logs.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        H. mamoreus is a mushroom with abundant favor and medicinal use. However, its cultivation has problems such as the long cultivation period, low biological efficiency and microbiological contamination, so new cultivars should be developed. In this study, 55 strains of H.marmoreus were analyzed with ISSR markers to identify precise genetic information in collected germplasm as mother strains in breeding. ISSR 13 and 15 markers were confirmed polymorphism. The three strains (KMC03106, KMC03107, and KMC03108) with white cap color were close genetic relationship in the UPGMA analysis of both the ISSR 13 and 15 markers. Especially in the PCR result of the ISSR 15, the collected germplasm were differentiated to three groups following collecting year. As these results, the ISSR 15 marker would be able to classify the phylogeny of cap color and genetic variation along the collecting year. Therefore ISSR markers will confer effective selection of mother strains for breeding of H. mamoreus.
        2017.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is a common oral mucosal disorder for which no curative treatment is available. We previously reported that decreased Streptococcus salivarius and increased Acinetobacter johnsonii on the oral mucosa are associated with RAS risk. The purpose of this study was to identify antibiotics that selectively inhibit A. johnsonii but minimally inhibit oral mucosal commensals. S. salivarius KCTC 5512, S. salivarius KCTC 3960, A. johnsonii KCTC 12405, Rothia mucilaginosa KCTC 19862, and Veillonella dispar KCOM 1864 were subjected to antibiotic susceptibility test using amoxicillin, cefotaxime, gentamicin, clindamycin, and metronidazole in liquid culture. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) was defined as the concentration that inhibits 90% of growth. Only gentamicin presented a higher MIC for A. johnsonii than MICs for S. salivarius and several oral mucosal commensals. Interestingly, the growth of S. salivarius increased 10~200% in the presence of sub-MIC concentrations of gentamicin, which was independent of development of resistance to gentamicin. In conclusion, gentamicin may be useful to restore RAS associated imbalance in oral microbiota by selectively inhibiting the growth of A. johnsonii but enhancing the growth of S. salivarius.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a leading causative agent of acute hepatitis in humans. Zoonotic HEV strains have been isolated from several animal species, including pigs. New HEV variants have been recently isolated from camels in the Middle East. In the present study, fecal samples from fallow deer, formosan deer, alpaca, and guanaco were analyzed for the detection of HEV. One HEV strain was detected from guanaco, a species of camelids. The nucleotide sequence of guanaco HEV was identical to those of deer HEV-3 strains, which implied the cross-species transmission of HEV-3 from deer to guanaco.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Social interactions have been established as a means to help promotions and sales for manufacturers and retailers. Word-of-mouth (WOM), in particular, is proven to increase awareness and drive purchases. Given that small offline retailers have limited resources in marketing, online WOM can play a key role for their offline business performance. In this paper, we focus on two types of online WOM, public discussion and social referral, and study their generation processes by taking into account the multichannel context of both online purchases and offline consumption. To this end, we combine data from three sources: product (or deal)-level sales from a major deal site in South Korea, social interaction records collected by web crawling, and retail revenues at a district level from Korea National Statistical Office. We use a multivariate poison lognormal model to estimate three equations in the same structure with correlated errors, which only differs by the following dependent variables: number of product discussion, number of social referral, and the number of social coupons sold. Our empirical analyses suggest the following. First, the two types of WOM respond in opposite directions for the influencers in the multichannel sales context: the greater number of co-located online deals decreases public discussion but increases social referral. Next, the larger offline retail size increases public discussion, but has no significant effect on social referral. Finally, the results provide practical insights that small offline retailers can improve sales in the multichannel context by effectively managing the generation of different types of online WOM.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The research shopping involves making use of multiple channels for a single shopping incident, such as searching from one channel and buying from another (Neslin et al. 2006, Neslin and Shankar 2009, Verhoef, Neslin and Vroomen 2007). This is an opportunistic behavior on the side of the consumers, and may result in an unfair advantage of the retailers in one channel consumers choose to purchase from. For instance, consumers may browse a product in a brick-and-mortar store, making use of the retail space and sales assistance, and proceed to buy online from another retailer which offers lower price. This is called a “showrooming” behavior (when focusing on the consumer), or channel-free riding (when focusing on the business) (Mehra, Kumar, & Raju 2013, Van Baal & Dach 2005). Offline retailers are wary of this phenomena that may lead to higher costs and lower sales, and attempt to discourage it (Rapp et al. 2015). For instance, Borders and Circuit City, the former US national chains with a substantial offline market presence, went out of business presumably due to the showrooming phenomenon (Gustin, 2012; Passariello, Kapner, & Mesco 2014). However, recent studies show that research shopping across multiple channels within one company can be managed and contributes to firm profitability in the long run (Verhoef, Kannan, & Inman 2015, Zheng et al. 2016). Kumar & Venkatesan (2005) reveal that consumers who uses multiple channels are the ones with greater customer lifetime value and with less churn intention (Blattenberg, Malthouse, & Neslin 2009, Stone, Hobbs, & Khaleeli 2002). Neslin & Shankar (2009) suggest a practical discussion on market strategy in which customers who visited offline stores can be encouraged to repeat-purchase or to foster brand involvement by maintaining contact in another channel (e.g., email newsletter). It is particularly desirable to lure online consumers to an offline site, since they tend to make greater amount of purchases in a brick-and-mortar store (Ansari, Mela, & Neslin 2008). In the age of effortless access to and switching among a plethora of channels by consumers, it is critical for a business to understand and make best of the situation. In this regard, understanding consumers in terms of who are more likely to display research shopping tendency is crucial. Depending on whether a person tends to do research shopping, business should suggest and offer different channels for different purposes (Verhoef, Kannan, & Inman 2015, Zheng et al. 2016). For instance, those with high tendency to research shop can be approached in one channel, and nudged to another for purchasing. Those with low tendency should be directed to the final purchasing channel. With this in mind, we aim to investigate research shopping behaviors and individual covariates of these shoppers using individual-level responses. We conducted an online survey in France during September 2014 in cooperation with an anonymous global marketing research firm. The survey focused mainly on exploring customers’ shopping behavior in the apparel industry, as customers’ research shopping behaviors are salient in this industry because of its experiential attributes (Girard, Silverblatt, & Korgaonkar, 2002; Klein, 1998), while traditional patterns of purchasing using only one channel is also prevalent. After a discussion with the research firm about the French apparel industry and main customers’ demographics, we restricted the respondent pool to those between the ages of 25 and 54 who have abundant experience and an active role in apparel shopping. Responses from a total of 400 participants were used in the analyses. The dataset includes individual-level shopping characteristics, demographic information, and the extent of their research shopping behavior. Specifically, each customer was asked about their apparel shopping history (purchase frequency and expenditures on apparel) over the last three months for both offline and online retailers. In addition, demographic information such as gender, age, and educational background were asked. Using multiple questions, we captured shopper’s shopping traits, such as deal-proneness, quality-consciousness, and the degree of their shopping budget flexibility. To explore the individual characteristics of research shoppers, we modeled the probability of being a research shopper using a logistic regression model. From our modeling results, we suggest two notable findings. First, customers’ qualityconsciousness significantly increases their research shopping behavior, while their deal-proneness exerts little to no influence. We conclude this is due to extensive and systematic search tendency shared by quality-conscious customers, based on previous findings in the literature. That is, quality-consciousness induces customers to search carefully across multiple channels to check on multiple quality dimensions of the options at hand, and possibly discover other similar options that may maximize their satisfaction (Lysonski, Durvasula, & Zotos 1996, Sprotles & Kendall 1986, Wesley, LeHew, & Woodside 2006). However, deal-proneness is not associated with research shopping behavior presumably because the one dimension that these customers value (i.e., price) can be easily searched in one channel—the online channel. The literature supports this finding, since studies show that deal-prone customers tend to shop more online (Close & Kukar-Kinney 2010, Devaraj, Fan, & Kohli 2002, Zhou, Dai, & Zhang 2007). We also find that the association between quality-consciousness and research shopping behavior is more pronounced when the shoppers are flexible with their shopping budget. That is, when shoppers are both quality-conscious and willing and able to consider other options or additional items beside the one they have originally planned before shopping, their research shopping tendency is enhanced. We explain that this is because consumer behaviors and decisions are made upon limited resources (e.g., time, effort, and money), and that customers with flexible resources are more likely to extend and manage their choice set (Maity, Dass, & Malhotra 2014, Malhotra 1982). These consumers do not refrain from including options that are better yet more expensive, as they can afford the superior option that suits their tastes (Becker, 1965; Ghose & Han, 2011), and without the fear of creating regrets due to discovering unaffordable options (Lenton, Fasolo, & Todd 2008). We expect our work on research shopping to provide insights to both researchers and practitioners, as today’s multi-channel environment provides opportunities for businesses to manage their customers strategically over several channels they are present in. Therefore, the research is expected to be a useful reference for understanding multi-channel shoppers for the academics, and a valuable guide to retail firms that aim to not only cope with the multi-channel environment but to become a true omni-channel player.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of combined wedge on the range of motion in ankle and knee joint, ankle eversion moment and knee adduction moment, and center of pressure excursion of foot for genu varus among adult men during gait. This study was carried out with 10 adult men for genu varus in a motion analysis laboratory in J university. The subjects of the experiment were measured above 5cm width between the knees on contact of both medial malleolus of ankle while standing. The width of their knees in neutral position was measured without the inversion or eversion of the subtalar joint by the investigator. The subjects of the experiment were ten who were conducted randomly for standard insole, insole with 10° lateral on rear foot wedge, insole at 10°lateral on rear foot and 5° medial on fore foot wedge. Before and after intervention, changes on the range of motion in ankle and knee joint, ankle eversion moment and knee adduction moment, and center of pressure excursion were measured. In order to compare analyses among groups; repeated one-way ANOVA and Scheffé post hoc test were used. As a result, combined wedge group was significantly decreased compared to control wedge group in terms of knee varus angle in mid-stance(p<.05). Combined wedge group was significantly decreased compared to lateral wedge group in terms of ankle eversion moment in whole stance(p<.05). Combined wedge group was significantly decreased compared to lateral wedge group in terms of knee adduction moment in whole stance(p<.05). Combined wedge group was significantly decreased compared to lateral wedge in terms of center of pressure excursion in whole stance(p<.05). The results of this study suggest that combined wedge for genu varus decreased ankle eversion moment and knee adduction moment upon center of pressure excursion. We hypothesize that combined wedge may also be effective in the protection excessive ankle pronation.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 조타기 작동 신호에 대하여 AIS 통신을 이용하여 상호 교환함으로써 상대선의 선회정보를 보다 신속히 파악할 수 있는 선회조기감지시스템을 구축하였으며, 이를 실선에 적용하여 해당 시스템의 실효성을 검증하였다. 조타 신호가 조타기를 작동함과 동시에 AIS를 통하여 송신되어 상대선의 ECDIS에 사용된 타각만큼 유색으로 표시되는 것을 확인하였다. 선회조기감지시스템을 통하여 상대선의 변침 상황을 조기에 감지할 수 있었으며, 이를 통한 선박 상호간 충돌회피가 조기에 가능할 것으로 판단된다. 또한, 의심 선박에 대한 VTS의 적극적 관제가 가능하고, 해양안전종합정보시스템을 통한 해양사고 분석에도 활용 가능할 것이다.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        선박엔진은 잔사유를 에너지원으로 활용하여 운항할 수 있으며, 이를 활용한 선박에서 환경 규제와 경제성을 모두 만족시키는 다양한 방안들이 모색되고 있다. 그 중에 한 방안으로 연료 첨가제를 활용하는 기술이 있을 수 있다. 분산제와 연소촉진제는 잔사유활용 시 엔진의 연소특성 촉진에 기여할 것이라는 기대를 받고 있다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 연소성 분석 장비(FIA/FCA)와 열 중량 분석 장비(TGA)를 활용하여 잔사유 연료첨가제가 혼합된 잔사유의 연소성을 분석하였다. 연소성 분석 장비(FIA/FCA)의 결과로는 연소에 의한 일의 총량을 분석하도록 분석법이 개발되었으며, 이 때문에 본 연구를 통하여 동일 장비를 활용하면서도 연소 효율을 간단하게 평가할 수 있는 방안을 제시하였다. 연소성 분석 결과인 ROHR 곡선으로부터, 단순한 삼각함수를 활용하여 연소특성을 예측할 수 있는 방안을 제시하였으며, 이 기법을 활용하여 기존의 압력 곡선과 유사한 결론을 도출할 수 있었다. 열 중량 분석(TGA)의 경우 연료유의 증발 특성에 민감하게 반응함을 확인하였고, 첨가제가 연료유 증발에 효과적으로 작용함을 확인하였다.
        2016.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Since the first Korean button mushroom ‘Sae-Ah’ developed in 2010, most farmers had wanted to cultivate a new variety. A new variety, ‘SaeJeong’, was developed in 2011, but this variety was difficult to cultivate in mushroom farm. To solve the variety problem, a new variety ‘Sae-do’ was developed in 2012. The variety, ‘Sad-do’, was made by crossing hetrokaryon A175 and homokaryon ASI1346-15 selected by genetic analysis. The heterokaryon A175 is crossed line between ASI1038-211 and ASI1346-20. The mycelium of ‘Saedo’ on CDA (compost dextrose agar) grew well at 25°C. The optimum pin-heading temperature of it was 13-15°C and optimum growing temperature was 13-20°C. Earliness (days required from casing to first harvesting) was 2 days shorter than control ‘Saejeong’. Even though the diameter of mature cap and the length of stipe were shorter than a control, the individual weight of fruiting body was heavier because of thick pileus and stipe. Therefore, the yield was increased by 1.89 times than control and the hardness of pileus was stronger. The field experiment of ‘Saedo’ variety has been started since 2013. Most farmers evaluated that the variety has good compost colonization and cap shape, and high yield in harvesting. For that reason, ‘Saedo’ has occupied half of the of distribution rate of Korean varieties. Also distribution rate of Korean varieties was increased from 26.1% in 2014 to 37% in 2015.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The goal of this master plan is to utilize the historical and cultural landscape resources of Deokjin park, with a thousand years of history, to improve the park’s value, promote the creative development of the historical and cultural landscape, increase the number of tourists, and tourists’ experience elating to traditional culture in the northern district of Jeonju, Korea. To establish master plan, this study analyzed the location, natural environment, and human environment of Deokjin park. The target of this study was limited to the area surrounding Deokjinji within Deokjin park. In order to reflect visitors’ opinions, a survey was conducted relating to the tourism resources around Deokjinji. “Masterpiece of the world! Deokjin park” was selected as a vision statement for the park. The theme of the master plan for the area surrounding Deokjinji is “Pure love that has bloomed for a millennium in Deokjinji,” with the motifs of millennial history and lotus flowers. The development strategy includes thematizing the love of Deokjinji over a thousand years, strengthening the connections with nearby resources, and specializing in the nightscape and nighttime activities. This study suggested the following as facilities for year-round tourism: a traditional dike to reinforce the historic nature of Deokjinji; a performing ferryboat that connects Deokjinji with Jeonju Pansori (traditional dramatic songs); a water lily greenhouse and a botanical garden of sweet-flags/lotuses, thereby using lotuses, as the representative resource of Deokjinji. In particular, the dike around Deokjinji has been designed as the millennial love dike trail, taking into account the historic nature and structural significance based on its thousand-year history and its unique curved shape.