
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 997

        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For safe management of spent nuclear fuels, they should be delivered to repository or waste disposal site. As the amount of spent nuclear fuel transportation is expected to increase in the future due to the provision of an intermediate storage facility, the necessity to secure transportation cask is emerging. In order to secure the spent nuclear fuel transportation cask, it is necessary to analyze the regulatory processes for domestic and foreign spent nuclear fuel transportation cask. In this study, the regulatory processes for domestic and foreign spent nuclear fuel transportation cask was analyzed. In this study, the IAEA, US, and Korea spent nuclear fuel transportation cask regulatory processes were analyzed. The domestic and foreign spent nuclear fuel transportation cask regulatory processes consist of design phase, manufacturing phase, and operation phase. In the design stage, the transport requirements are designed in accordance with the safety requirements of international organizations and countries. The application to be submitted when applying for approval should include a safety analysis report, evidence proving compliance with safety requirements et al. In the manufacturing stage, it is a stage to check whether the safety requirements are satisfied before the first use after manufacturing the transportation cask. Inspections include welding inspection, leakage inspection, shielding inspection, and thermal inspection. In the operation stage, it is a stage of periodically performing inspections for continuous maintenance of the package when the transportation cask is used. The inspection items to be performed are similar to the manufacturing stage and typically include performance inspection of components and leakage inspection. In this study, domestic and foreign spent nuclear fuel transportation cask regulatory processes were analyzed. It was found that the domestic and foreign spent nuclear fuel transportation cask regulatory processes consist of the design phase, the manufacturing phase, and the operation phase. The results of this study can be used as basic data for policy decision-making for the spent nuclear fuel cask.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        One of the promising candidates for heat transfer fluid is molten chloride salts. They have been studied in various fields such as the electrolyte of pyroprocessing, the molten salt reactor coolant, and the energy storage system media. Main considerations for utilizing molten chloride salts are the compatibility of salts with structural materials. The corrosion behavior of structural materials in molten chloride salts must be understood to identify suitable materials against the corrosive environment. In this study, the corrosion behavior of a candidate structural material, Hastelloy N, in molten LiCl- KCl salt at 500°C were investigated by the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) method. The sheet type of Hastelloy N was utilized as the working electrode in LiCl-KCl to measure the EIS data for 100 hours with 5 hours of time intervals. The EIS data were measured in the frequency range from 104 Hz to 10-2 Hz with the AC signal (amplitude = 20 mV) at open circuit potential. The capacitance semicircle observed in Nyquist plots for all periods indicates that charge-transfer controlled reactions occur. As the immersion time progresses, the radius of the semicircle in Nyquist plots and the impedance and phase angle in Bode plots decrease. These behaviors suggest a decreasing reaction resistance and the corrosion reactions are accelerated with the immersion time. The EIS data were fitted using the equivalent circuit to achieve quantitative results. Two capacitor-resistor components were considered due to the overlapped shape of two valleys in phase angle. The depressed shape of the semicircle in Nyquist plots led to the use of the constant phase element(Q) instead of the capacitor. Therefore, R(Q(R(QR))) circuit was selected to fit the EIS data. Fitting results show that the charge transfer resistance decreases dramatically within 1 day and then converges. The film resistance shows no clear trends, but the increase of the film admittance value indicates the decreased film thickness. Consequently, the film appears to exist like the oxide layer but it does not act as a protective layer. The real-time EIS data were measured in molten salt and provides the corrosion behavior over time. The corrosion mitigation strategy should consider that the corrosion of Hastelloy N accelerates over time and its intrinsic film cannot act as the protective layer. The next steps of this study are to evaluate other candidate structural materials and to demonstrate the presence of the film.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Digitization and automation technologies have rapidly maximized productivity and efficiency in all industries over the past few decades. Construction automation technology has either stagnated over the same period or has not kept pace with overall economic productivity. According to the research studies up to now, the output of concrete structures using coarse aggregates (8mm or more) is very limited due to the limitations of equipment and materials. In this study, information on the development process of 3DCP equipment that can print concrete structures with the printing width (100 mm or more) and printing thickness (30 mm or more) using a 3DCP material mixed with coarse aggregate (8 mm or more) is provided. To verify the performance of the developed 3DCP equipment, experimental data are provided on output variables, the number of layers, and the inter-layer printing time interval. The evaluation and verification data of various mechanical properties (compressive and splitting tensile strength) of printed materials using coarse aggregates are provided.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        게임을 구현하는 동안 주기성을 보장해야될 필요성이 있는 경우가 많이 있다. 예를 들어 많은 경우에 캐릭 터의 충돌은 주기적으로 처리되어야 될 필요성이 있는데 주기적으로 처리하지 못하는 경우 게임에서 충돌 을 감지하지 못하는 경우가 발생할 수 있다. 또한 슈팅 게임에서는 많은 경우에 사용자의 편의를 위하여 특 정 버튼을 누르면 무기를 자동적으로 발사하는 기능을 포함하고 있어 주기적으로 무기를 발사해야될 필요 성이 있다. 한편 유니티를 사용하여 게임을 구현할 때 이러한 주기성을 보장하기 위해서 WaitForSeconds로 지연을 발생시킨 코루틴, InvokeRepeating, FixedUpdate, .NET의 Timers.Timer가 사용될 수 있다. 그러나 이러한 다양한 방법들로 인하여 방법의 선택에 어려움이 있어 연구를 진행하였다. 본 연구에서는 1분 동안 6000번 메서드를 주기적으로 실행하고 주기성과 횟수를 측정하였다. 또한 다양한 환경에서의 실험을 위하여 추가의 모델 렌더링이 없는 경우와 렌더링을 추가한 경우, 다양한 해상도에서 주기성과 메서드 호출 횟수를 모두 측정했다. 실험 결과, 부하가 적은 환경에서는 InvokeRepeating이 가장 6000회에 가까웠으며 부하가 큰 환경 에서는 Timers.Timer가 가장 6000회에 가까웠으며 실행 주기의 편차가 가장 적었다. 이러한 실험들을 통하여 유니티를 통하여 게임을 구현할 때 일정 시간 내에 실행되는 횟수가 중요한 게임에서 성능 부하가 크지 않 은 경우 InvokeRepeating을, 성능 부하가 크다면 .NET의 Timer를 쓰는 것이 적합함을 알아내었다. 본 연구를 통하여 개발자는 유니티에서 제공되는 주기성 제공 방법들 중에서 적절한 방법을 선택할 수 있다.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        독립형 VR기기가 활발히 개발되기 전 스마트폰을 HMD로 만들려는 움직임이 있었고 구글의 카드보드와 삼 성의 기어 VR이 그 예이다. 하지만 독립형 VR기기의 출시와 모바일 기기의 한계로 현재는 대부분 AR로 전 환되어 사용되었다. 그렇지만 지난 10년간 모바일 VR과 AR의 기술도 발달했지만, 그동안 모바일 기기의 성 능도 향상되었다. 따라서 발달한 기술들을 바탕으로 손 추적을 뛰어넘어 손동작 분류를 모바일 기기에서 기 존의 VR과 AR 콘텐츠와의 상호작용에 활용할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 Manomotion을 이용하여 2D 또는 3D 의 골격을 추적하고 손동작 분류를 구현했으며 게임을 사용하여 검증하였다.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서 Periphyllus acerihabitans를 국내에서 최초로 보고한다. 이 종의 분포지역, 기주식물, 무시성충의 형태학적 정보와 분류키를 제공 하였다.
        2022.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We assume that, even though Jeju Island ‘Peace’ Cherry Trees (1913), happened at different time and places, it connects each other as (1919) and Busan UN Forces Cemetery (1951) as an important connected diplomatic event of Provisional Government and Republic of Korea positively. Especially, it will bring a significant positive impact to Asia Community if we organize 2023 Korean Week Event: The First Korea Congress (1919) and Busan UN Forces Cemetery (1951) and suggest the invitation issues of UN Asia Headquarters to the Republic of Korea (2023) into Busan metropolitan city(Seoul, Kyunggi, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province) of Republic of Korea. We also assume Korean’s tolerance philosophy will Koreans to unite each other together if they will succeed to share spirit of tolerance from Busan UN Forces Cemetery. We have 2314 graves from 11 countries at the graveyard for UN Forces in Busan, which was built as the UN Headquarters Cemetery in January of 1951 and used as memorial space for participation in the Korean War, who had involved the War beyond their sacrifices. Recently we had 13 veterans, who got buried coming from 4 Americans, thre Hollanders, 2 Frenchmen, 2 Germans, 2 Englishmen, 1 Canadian and 1 headband after they died in their countries. (Joongang daily newspaper June 19, 2022). In the end they become Asian spirit of Toleran명 at the Busan UN Forces Cemetery beyond borders.