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        검색결과 305

        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The combination of sports and the IT industry has reached a variety of fields, especially in the area of broadcasting technology. Due to diverse preference of viewer and the rising number of channels, broadcasting companies provide differentiated contents to reach a dominant position. Therefore, each broadcasting company has their own strategy to produce contents through special technology skills to hold a top position amongst other companies. According to Eric Rothenbuhler's ‘media niche theory’, when there exists numerous media device with identical resources, the competition to survive between the devices become intense and soon draws a line between the superior and inferior devices which results in eliminating the less viewed media devices out of the race. To secure the uniqueness of the media broadcasting market like the ecosystem, the object is to verify the effectiveness of the convergence of sport broadcasting technology skills and IT technology. Therefore, the media devices and the newly developed technology for video production method were the independent variables. Additionally, the dependent variable was the media effect. Concretely, the media device technology variable set as 3DTV, video production method was set as the variable for FreePointView(FPV) and media effect was separated into arousal and presence level. Recent technology is developed three-dimensionally so that the viewers can feel as close to reality as possible and the most current
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In 2015, the movie “Northern Limit Line” which based on the naval battle of South and North Korea occurred in 2002 was premiered (Los Angeles Times, 2016). This movie made a significant contribution to improve the image of the R.O.K Navy. Brand Placement (BPL) was used to promote the R.O.K Navy in this movie (Karrh, 1994; Van Reijmersdal, Neijens & Smit, 2007). The R.O.K. Navy is trying to build powerful naval forces with the slogan called “The Ocean Navy”. It is essential to acquire the elite military forces who can help the Korean Navy to accomplish its strategic goal and heighten the competitiveness. The acquired elite military forces are expected to demonstrate their own ability while they serve the R.O.K. Navy. They will have positive influences to the local communities as the supporters of the R.O.K. Navy after they are discharged. This research analyzed BPL effect in terms the recruitment of workforce. This research identified the relationship among BPL, organization image, organization reputation, employment brand equity and intention to pursue job opportunity in R.O.K Navy. In previous researches, the effect of image can be applied to corporate brands, product, individual brands, geographical areas, events and people (Balmer, 1997). The image of organization can remind people of the particular organization (Cable & Yu, 2006). The reputation is a dynamic interaction construct with the image, and defined as a subjective judgment based on the reliability and integrity about the organization in long term (Clardy, 2012). Employment brand equity is defined as outcome of applicant’s decision choices attributable to job seeker’s beliefs about the organization as employer(Han & Collins, 2002). Marketing literatures on employment brand equity can be useful in helping to understand how job seeker develops beliefs about organization as employer. Although many researches studied BPL, organization image and reputation, employment brand equity, etc., little researches have been conducted to integrate the variables mentioned above in public sector such as the military forces. Samples of this research consist of people who watched the movie called “Northern Limit Line”. SPSS and AMOS package programs are employed to analyze the data. Marketing strategy for a public sector such as Korean Navy based upon the results of the findings from this study is expected to position Korean Navy as more efficient and effective organization to recruit better quality human resources.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Multisided platforms (e.g. eBay, Airbnb, Facebook, Apple’s iOS etc.) are marketplaces to facilitate direct interactions between two or more customer or participant groups and enable the value to customers on one side of a platform typically to increase with the number of participating customers on another side (Hagiu, 2014). Platform is a business model to have the more knowledge of its customers and become more networked (Weill & Woerner, 2015). Collaborative consumption platforms (CCPs) are marketplaces to facilitate sharing activities such as the form of renting, lending, trading, bartering and swapping of goods or services based on Möhlmann’s (2015) definition. The rise of information and communications technology (ICT) such as the internet or mobile apps enables an easy access on CCP, which facilitates peers to trade and decrease transaction costs (Möhlmann, 2015). Although CCPs can create better customer experience than traditional business model, there is asymmetric information among peers, which results in lemons. Boudreau and Hagiu (2008) suggested that platforms owners should reduce lemons problems by establishing technical standards and interfaces, rules and procedures, defining the division of tasks, providing support and documentation and sharing information as non-priced instruments. Some attempts have been made in order to demonstrate online service failure or lemons on the web (Holloway & Beatty, 2003). In the Holloway and Beatty’s study (2003), the typology of online service failures has been provided and demonstrated how online retailers could manage their online service failures effectively. The solution to reduce information problems is signaling of trust about quality such as price, adverting, and warranties (Boulding & Kirmani, 1993). Trust in CCPS is to trust in other peers within the platform to share (Möhlmann, 2015). If a CCP cannot control opportunistic behaviors of peers, the peers participating in the CCP can be harmed as well as the CCP will fail to encourage more peers to participate and thus the social value of the CCP may decrease. It is important to understand decision making process of peers in CCPs and consider the motivations to use CCPs and the contexts at the same time. Enjoyment and economic benefits have a direct impact on behavioral intention to participate in CC in the motivation model by Hamari and his colleagues (2015). We suggest the motivatio ns such as enjoyment or economic benefits can be fit by the specific signals of peers in CCPs. The consumers with different motivations to use CCPs can perceive signals for trust differen tly. The more people pursue hedonic value for CCP, the more they tend to make a decision de pending on heuristics rather than elaborate cognitive process. The more people pursue utilitar ian value for CCP, the more they tend to make a decision depending on elaborate cognitive pr ocessing. We conduct two experiments to examine the fit between motivations and signals of CCPs. The interaction effect between motivations to use CCPs and types of signals is investigated through ANOVA test. People to use CCPs for enjoyment have more usage intention when they are exposed by more reviews rather and CCP with low governance power. On the other hand, People to use CCPs for convenience have more usage intention when they are exposed by high review quality and CCP with strong governance power rather than low governance. Social marketers and public policy makers seek to spread CC for the sake of fostering sustainable consumption behavior and promoting public sharing events (Möhlmann, 2015). Sharing and collaborative consumption can be solutions against global warming, rising fuel and raw material prices, growing pollution, and other anticipatable trends (Belk, 2014). CCPs strive to make people participate to create value of their CCPs based external crosseffect by providing various signals for peers with different motivations. Thus public policy makers should foster CCPs rather than encourage people directly to participate. In addition, public policy makers should give CCPs self-regulation that can decide the types of governance and policies to reduce lemons market problems. Our research contributes to the literature on market failures in CCPs by highlighting the importance of the fit between the motivations to use CCPs and signals. Although people have motivation to participate in CC, they are not willing to participate in CCPs without trust of other peers or goods and services. Thus CCPs need to provide peers with proper signals.
        2016.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        ‘Mantari’ is a new variety of oyster mushroom for the bottle culture. It was bred by mating with monokaryons isolated from ‘DM11732’ and ‘Chunchu-2ho’. The optimum temperature for the mycelial growth was 26~29°C on PDA medium and that for the primordia formation and the growth of fruiting body of ‘Mantari’ was 18°C and 16°C on sawdust media. It took 32 days to finish spawn running, 4 days to finish primordia formation, 3 days to finish fruitbody growth in the bottle culture. In the characteristics of fruit body, pilei were round type and dark grayish, stipe color was gray-white color and stipe shape was long and thin. The yield per bottle was 179g/900ml and was 5% higher than that of control veriety(Chunchu-2ho). As results of the physical properties of fruit body, springness, cohesive, gumminess and brittleness of stipe tissue were 96%, 76%, 160g and 15kg, respectively.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Refuse-derived fuel (RDF) produced using municipal solid waste was pyrolyzed to produce RDF char. For the first time, the RDF char was used to remove aqueous copper, a representative heavy metal water pollutant. Activation of the RDF char using steam and KOH treatments was performed to change the specific surface area, pore volume, and the metal cation quantity of the char. N2 sorption, Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometer (ICP-AES), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy were used to characterize the char. The optimum pH for copper removal was shown to be 5.5, and the steam-treated char displayed the best copper removal capability. Ion exchange between copper ions and alkali/alkaline metal cations was the most important mechanism of copper removal by RDF char, followed by adsorption on functional groups existing on the char surface. The copper adsorption behavior was represented well by a pseudo-second-order kinetics model and the Langmuir isotherm. The maximum copper removal capacity was determined to be 38.17 mg/g, which is larger than those of other low-cost char adsorbents reported previously.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Insect growth regulators (IGRs) are compounds that induce developmental anomalies such as premature molting or supernumerary larval stages. IGRs can be divided into 3 groups based on their mode of action, one of which is known as the juvenile hormone agonists (JHAs). Previously, we have developed a novel screening method which can identify juvenile hormone antagonists (JHANs) using a yeast-two hybrid system incorporating Aedes aegypti juvenile hormone receptor complex proteins (MET and FISC). It has been reported that plants may use IGRs in their defenses against insect herbivores. In this study, 171 plant essential oil samples were screened using the yeast-two hybrid system in order to identify JHAs and/or JHANs. Eight out of 171 samples, 4 JHA and 4 JHAN candidates, were selected and their insecticidal activities were investigated against A. aegypti larvae. They showed high levels of insecticidal activities, with LC50 values ranging from 11.2~21.4 ug/ml. These results indicate that plants do use JHAs and/or JHANs as a part of their defenses against insect herbivores. Also, JHAs and JHANs identified in this study could be exploited as effective biological control agents.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Insect growth regulators (IGRs) are insecticides that disrupt the normal development of target insects by inducing symptoms such as premature molting or supernumerary larval stages. IGRs are categorized into three types based on their mode of action. One of the them is classified as juvenile hormone agonists (JHAs). Recently, we developed a yeast-two hybrid system that can identify potential juvenile hormone antagonist (JHAN) candidates using Aedes aegypti juvenile hormone receptor complex proteins, known as MET and FISC. In order to identify novel JHAN compounds, approximately 8,700 basic chemical compounds were screened using the yeast-two hybrid system. Among them, 35 compounds were first selected based on consistency of JHAN activity, and their insecticidal activities were investigated against A. aegypti larvae. These compounds showed insecticidal activities about 1.7~3 times higher than that of pyriproxifen, which is a well known JHA insecticide. These results suggested that these JHANs can be used as effective JHAN insecticides.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs) are insecticides that disrupt the normal development of target insects by inducing symptoms such as premature molting or supernumerary larval stages. Juvenile hormone systems become the targets of two types of IGRs: the Juvenile Hormone Agonists (JHAs) and Juvenile Hormone Antagonists (JHANs). Pyriproxyfen is one of the chemical compounds widely used as JHA to control many kinds of insects while Kanakugiol is a plant-extracted compound which acts as JHAN. The small brown planthopper, Laodelphax striatellus, is one of the most serious pest insects of rice plants because it can transmit the rice stripe virus which often causes significant reduction of yield in the field. In order to analyze the differential gene expressions of L. striatellus upon JHA and JHAN treatment by using next generation sequencing technique, we sprayed Pyriproxyfen and Kanakugiol on 4th instar nymphs of L. striatellus respectively, and extracted total RNA for RNA-seq. The quality-filtered Illumina sequence reads of the control, JHA, and JHAN treated samples were mapped to the reference gene sequences by using the Bowtie2 software. Then the results of mapping by Bowtie2 were analyzed by eXpress software to quantity the differential gene expression.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Recently, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cry genes encoding insecticidal Cry proteins have been widely applied for the construction of transgenic crops resistant to insect pests. This study aimed to construct novel mutant cry1Ac genes for genetically modified crops with enhanced insecticidal activities. Using multi-site directed mutagenesis, 34 mutant cry1Ac genes were synthesized and converted at 24 amino acid residues, located on domain I (8 residues) and domain II (16 residues). These mutant genes were expressed as a fusion protein with polyhedrin using the baculovirus expression system. The expressed proteins were occluded into polyhedra and activated stably to 65 kDa by trypsin. Among these, Mut-N04, N06, and N16 showed high levels of insecticidal activites against larvae of Plutella xylostella, Spodoptera exigua, and Ostrinia furnacalis. Mut-N16, which showed the highest insecticidal activity, is expected to be a desirable cry gene for introduction into transgenic crops. This study could provide useful means to construct mutant cry genes with improved insecticidal activities and expanded host spectrum for transgenic crops.
        2015.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In establishing and overseeing ASIAPARC Federation in March of 2016 in Jeju Island Korea, it will be essential for us to learn aspiration, network, purpose, values, goals and strategies from 42 years experiences of EUROPARC Federation as our partnership organization such as practicing exchange programs and joint conferences. We also believe we can add one more principle, ‘Initiating Island Resilience’, into the three principles of the Jeju Declaration of 1) Scaling up Conservation, 2) Nature-based Solutions, and 3) Sustainability in Action through the opening of a "Green Growth Organization" of the Jeju Declaration of WCC 2012.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was designed to evaluate the effect of bovine serum albumin (BSA) in a maturation medium on oocyte maturation and embryonic development in pigs. Immature pig oocytes were matured for 44 h in a medium supplemented with 0.4% (w/v) BSA, 0.1% (w/v) polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), or 10% (v/v) pig follicular fluid (PFF). After IVM, oocytes reached metaphase II stage were activated for parthenogenesis (PA) or used as cytoplasts for somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). Nuclear maturation (89.5%, 90.7% and 91.3% for BSA, PVA and PFF, respectively) and intraoocyte glutathione contents (1.20, 1.16 and 1.00 pixels/oocyte for BSA, PVA and PFF, respectively) were not altered by the macromolecules added to maturation medium. IVM of oocytes in a medium containing BSA (21.4%) and PVA (20.7%) showed significantly lower blastocyst formation after PA than culture in medium with PFF (39.2%). After SCNT, oocytes matured in medium with BSA showed decreased embryonic development to the blastocyst stage (9.2%) compared to those matured in medium with PFF (28.9%), while 23.6% of SCNT oocytes matured in medium with PVA developed to the blastocyst stage. When the effect of BSA in a maturation medium during the first 22 h and the second 22 h of IVM in combination with PFF or PVA was examined, PVA-BSA showed a higher nuclear maturation (94.1%) than BSA-PFF (84.5%). However, there was no significant difference in the blastocyst formation among tested combinations (47.3, 52.2, 50.0, 44.4 and 49.0% for PFF-PFF, PFF-BSA, PVA-BSA, BSA-PVA and BSA-PFF, respectively). Our results demonstrate that BSA and PVA added to maturation medium can support oocyte maturation comparable to PFF-supplemented medium. However, maturation of oocytes in a BSA-containing medium decreases embryonic development after PA and SCNT when compared with the medium supplemented with PFF.
        2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The world is in the process of a structural change related to ICT convergence knowledge industries. ICT is leading to the creation of new products and services, and is making our lives more convenient, safer, and more efficient. In advanced countries, many studies have been conducted with the goal of developing new business models converged with ICT, and this is also the case in the food industry. Korea possesses world-leading ICT, and if this ICT is applied to the food industry, a world-class new business model can be developed. The u-Food System, which is in the process of development in Korea, is a next-generation food system that can allow food providers, consumers, and distributors to access various types of information about food products, including traceability, distribution, safety, quality, and freshness, and manage this information. It is a future food system that converges ICT, biotechnology and sensing technology with food. Based on the u-Food System, this paper will introduce the status of current smart quality distribution technologies that converge ICT (such as sensor tag, sensor network, LBS, GIS, and CDMA) with food technologies (such as traceability, quality, distribution management) to manage the safety and quality of fresh food in the distribution process.