이 글의 목적은 조선 중기 부휴 선수(1543-1615)의 법맥 및 사상의 특징과 이것이 그의 시 세계 어떻게 투영, 변용되고 있는지를 살펴보 는 데 있다. 청허 휴정과 함께 한국불교의 근간이 되고 있는 조사선 의 전통을 계승하고 있는 부휴 선수는 탁월한 시적 재능과 선적 상 상력으로 격조 높은 수많은 시를 남겼다. 그 대표적인 결과물이 성성 적적(惺惺寂寂)한 수행과 깨달음의 선심(禪心)을 노래한 『부휴당대 사집』이다. 여기에는 구도의 여정과 깨달음의 시, 조사선에 충실한 격외와 시법의 시, 유불회통의 교유의 시, 자연교감을 통한 세외지심 의 시, 애국애민의 시 등 빼어난 시문학 작품들이 실려 있다. 무엇보 다도 그의 선심을 시적으로 형상화 하는 데 있어서 중심적인 사유는 모든 대상과 현상, 사량 분별을 초월하여 일체화 하는 것이다. 결국 그의 이러한 선적 사유의 시적 형상화는 고도의 상징과 은유, 그리고 역설적인 반상(反常)을 기반 한 시적 상상력의 조화로운 결과물이라 할 수 있다.
PURPOSES: This study analyzed the differences in drivers’behaviors and car movements between drowsy driving conditions and normal driving.
METHODS: This study analyzed behavior data from 32 participants and the related car movement data in a field test under drowsy driving and normal driving conditions. Acquired data were closed-eye time, distance between the test car and the left lane, distance between the test car and the right lane, driving speed, video clip of the driver’s face during driving, and so on. A total of 30 samples for drowsy driving and normal driving were selected once errors had been excluded.
RESULTS: There were three factors that differed between drowsy driving and normal driving conditions: closed-eye time, distance between the test car and the left lane, and distance between the test car and the right lane. These results were significant at the 0.05 level.
CONCLUSIONS : This study shows that there are three factors that vary significantly between drowsy driving and normal driving conditions that can be useful for detecting drowsy driving. Future studies should be designed with these results in mind, further considering, age, type of road, study site, and so on.
최근 신재생에너지의무화제도(RPS: Renewable Portfolio Standard)대상 신재생에너지 항목에 발전소 온배수가 신재생에너지공급인증서(REC:Renewable Energy Certificate)의 수열에너지(가중치 1.5)로 추가되어 온배수 열원에 대한 가치가 높아졌다. 본 연구에서는 고탁도지역 온배수의 직접적인 활용을 위한 방안으로 히트펌프시스템 내 탁도저감장치를 도입하여 열교환기에 가해지는 오염물질의 저감 효과를 확인해보기 위해 한 달 동안 실증테스트를 실시하였다. 실험결과 탁도 저감효과가 80 % 이상으로 고탁도 지역의 온배수 활용을 위한 방안으로 탁도저감장치의 적용가능성을 확인 할 수 있었다. 또한 탁도저감시스템에 따른 열교환기의 오염도 저감 효과를 검증하기 위해 30일간 운전한 열교환기를 해체하여 분석해본 결과 탁도저감시스템을 거친 열교환기보다 그렇지 않은 열교환기의 오염정도가 높은 것을 확인하였다. 열교환기에 유입된 오염물질(스케일)을 분석해본 결과 주로 SiO2, Na(Si3Al)O8, CaCO3, NaCl 성분의 광물이 검출되었는데 이는 높은 탁도로 인해 해양퇴적토가 열교환기에 유입된 것으로 분석되었다. 그 외에도 소량이지만 TiO2, MnO, Cr2O3가 검출되었다. 이는 열교환기를 세척할 때 열교환기 재료로부터 기인한 중금속이 소량 용출된 것으로 판단된다.
PURPOSES : This study aimed to evaluate the influence of weigh-in-motion (WIM)-based overloading enforcement systems on the performance of a traffic stream.
METHODS: A VISSIM simulator was used for the evaluation of various scenarios. Actual WIM event data collected from the field was used for simulation parameter calibrations. A genetic algorithm was incorporated into the calibration procedure to identify the optimal set of parameters. The impact of the overloading enforcement systems on the traffic stream was investigated from the perspective of mobility, safety, and environmental compatibility.
RESULTS: The existing enforcement system is generally superior to the new pilot enforcement system.
CONCLUSIONS : Policies and regulations to fully exploit the benefits of WIM-based enforcement systems on freeways need to be developed and implemented. In addition, various enforcement scenarios should be tested on both actual and simulated environments.
PURPOSES: As the population of the mobility handicapped, who are classified as the disabled, the elderly, pregnant women, children, etc., has increased, the voices for guaranteeing their rights have been increasing as well. Thus, the design manuals for roads and sidewalks for the mobility handicapped were developed by the local government, such as the Ministry of Land, Transport, and Tourism, in Seoul City. However, according to the 2013 survey results of the Seoul Metropolitan City, the mobility handicapped still feel uncomfortable with the sidewalks, and particularly request for the improvement of the step and slope of the sidewalk curb. Therefore, in this study, we conducted an empirical experimental study to determine the slope of the sidewalk curb and height of the steps considering the mobility handicapped and analyzed whether there is a statistically significant difference.
METHODS: The methodology of this study is an empirical experimental one. In the study, five non-disabled people, 10 wheelchair users, and 10 eye patch and stick users walked about 2-3 min on the sidewalk plates of the sloped type (0%, 5%, 6.3%, 8.3%) and stepped type (0 cm, 1 cm, 3 cm, 6 cm), and their human physiological responses, such as the skin temperature, volume of perspiration on forehead and chest, and heart rate, were measured and recorded. After combining the data, we conducted a nonparametric test, ANOVA, or t-test to determine whether there was a statistically significant difference according to each slope and step type.
RESULTS: It was found that for the non-disabled, there was no significant difference in human physiological responses according to the slope and steps of the sidewalk. It can be said that the non-disabled do not feel much physiological discomfort while walking. In the case of the sloped sidewalk plate, the heart rate of the wheel chair users increased when the slope was 6.3%. In the case of the eye patch and stick users, the volume of perspiration on the chest increased at a slope of 5.0%. In general, it is judged that a sidewalk with a slope that is less than 5% does not cause a change in the physiological response. In the case of a stepped sidewalk plate, when 0 cm, 1 cm, and 3 cm were compared for wheelchair users, the amount of forehead perspiration increased from 1 cm. Meanwhile, in the case of the eye patch and stick users, when 0 cm and 6 cm were compared, the amount of perspiration on the forehead and chest as well as the heart rate all increased at 6 cm. Taken together, in the case of wheelchair users, a difference was shown when the height of the step of the sidewalk plate was 1 cm, suggesting that installing it at 0 cm does not cause any physiological discomfort. Moreover, in the case of the eye patch and stick users, when comparing only 0 cm and 6 cm, 0 cm was considered to be suitable, as there was a difference in physiological response at 6 cm.
CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we set the human physiological responses such as chest skin temperature, amount of perspiration, and heart rate as evaluation items, and our study was considered to be a meaningful experiment that targeted wheelchair users as well as eye patch and stick users. The validity of the evaluation items was confirmed, as the results of human physiological responses were significant. As for the sidewalk design, according to the experiment result, it is considered that differential application should be implemented according to the type of mobility handicap, rather than uniformly applying a sidewalk step of 2 cm and sidewalk slope of 1/25, which are the current legal standards.
PURPOSES : This study analyzed the difference in a driver’s workload between using a driving simulator and field driving in tunnel, highway.METHODS: Based on the literature review, it was found that a driver’s workload could be quantified using biosignals. This study analyzed the biosignal data of 30 participants using data collected while they were using a driving simulator and during a field test involving tunnel driving. Relative energy parameter was used for biosignal analysis.RESULTS : The driver’s workload was different between the driving simulator and field driving in tunnels, highway. Compared with the driving simulator test, the driver’s workload exhibited high value in field driving. This result was significant at the 0.05 level. The same result was observed before the tunnel entrance section and 200 m after the entrance section.CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates the driving simulator effect that drivers feel safer and more comfortable using a driving simulator than during a field test. Future studies should be designed considering the result of this study, age, type of simulator, study site and so on.
PURPOSES:The objectives of this study are to evaluate moisture sensitivity of various asphalt mixtures and to suggest an alternate method for the dynamic immersion test, which is used to determine the application of anti-stripping agent, by analyzing bond strength.METHODS:The bond strength of various asphalt mixtures such as hot mix asphalt, warm mix asphalt, and polymer-modified asphalt was evaluated by the ABS test. In order to characterize moisture sensitivity at different temperatures of the mixtures, the ABS test was conducted at -10°C, 5°C, 20°C, 40°C, and 54°C under both dry and wet conditions. The concept of the bond strength ratio was applied for objective moisture sensitivity analysis. Moreover, the bond strength characteristic was compared to the dynamic immersion test to suggest an alternate method to determine the application of anti-stripping agent.RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS :Overall, the polymer-modified asphalt demonstrates the highest bond strength characteristic regardless of moisture condition and temperature. The bond strength characteristic displays a highly reliable linear relationship from 5°C to 40°C, and the relationship could be used to predict bond strength at any intermediate temperature. Based on the analysis of bond strength and retained asphalt ratio, the bond strength value of 1254 kPa could be applied as a criterion for anti-stripping agent.
PURPOSES: The objective of this study is to analyze factors affecting traffic accident severity for determining countermeasures on freeway climbing lanes.
METHODS : In this study, an ordered probit model, which is a widely used discrete choice model for categorizing crash severity, was employed.
RESULTS: Results suggest that factors affecting traffic accident severity on climbing lanes include speed, drowsy driving, grade of uphill 3%, gender (male offender and male victim), and cloud weather.
CONCLUSIONS : Several countermeasures are proposed for improving traffic safety on freeway climbing lanes based on the analysis of crash severity. More extensive analysis with a larger data set and various modeling techniques are required for generalizing the results.
In this study, we investigated the macrobenthic community structure and spatiotemporal variations in Uljin Marine Ranching area, East Sea of Korea. Macrobenthos were collected using a modified van Veen grab sampler from April to September 2013. Total number of species sampled was 345 and mean density was 5,797 ind. m-2, both of which were dominated by the polychaetes. The most dominant species were Spiophanes bombyx (53.64%), followed by Magelona sp.1 (6.96%), Cadella semitorta (2.73%), Lumbrineris longifolia (2.16%) and Alvenius ojianus (2.08%). Cluster analysis and nMDS ordination analysis based on the Bray-Curtis similarity identified 2 station groups. The group 1 (station 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9) was characterized by high abundance of the polychaetes Magelona sp.1, Lumbrineris longifolia, Scoloplos armiger, Praxillella affinis, Maldane cristata and the bivalve Alvenius ojianus, with fine sediment above 30m water depth. On the other hand, the group 2 (station 1, 4, 7 and 10) was numerically dominated by the polychaete Lumbrineriopsis sp. and the bivalve Cadella semitorta, with coarse sediment below 5m water depth. Collectively, the macrobenthic community structure showed a distinct spatial trend, which seemed to be related to the water depth and sediment composition.
영지버섯은 두 가지 형태인 녹각형과 편각형이 알려져 있다. 최근 녹각형 영지버섯이 편각형 영지버섯보다 더 많은 양의 β-glucans 및 triterpenoids 가 함유되어있어 편각형 영지버섯보다 더 강한 생리활성이 있다고 제안되었으며, 실제로 녹각형 영지버섯의 추출물을 이용한 항종양활성 연구에서 종양억제의 탁월한 효과가 있다는 것이 보고되었다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 영지버섯(Ganoderma lucidum) 종내 24균주(녹각형 5균주, 편각형 19균주)를 대상으로 미토콘드아 SSU rDNA의 염기서열을 비교 하였고 녹각형과 편각형 영지버섯을 판별할 수 있는 SNP 부위에 대해 분석을 수행하였다. 그 결과, SNP를 포함한 미토콘드리아 SSU rDNA 부위의 단편(499bp)을 증폭하여 HinfI 제한효소를 처리하였을 때 녹각형 영지버섯에서만 369bp와 130bp 크기를 가진 두 개의 제한 단편이 확인되었고 편각형 영지버섯에서는 499bp의 증폭산물이 유지되는 것을 확인하였다. 이에 따라 녹각 형태의 영지버섯의 자실체 발생은 CO2 농도 및 광량뿐만 아니라 유전적인 관련성이 어느 정도 있을 것으로 사료된다.
PURPOSES : The control delay in seconds per vehicle is the most important traffic operational index to evaluate the level of service of signalized intersections. Thus, it is very critical to calculate accurate control delay because it is used as a basic quantitative evidence for decision makings regarding to investments on traffic facilities. The control delay consists of time-in-queue delay, acceleration delay, and deceleration delay so that it is technically difficult to directly measure it from fields. Thus, diverse analysis tools, including CORSIM, SYNCHRO, T7F, VISTRO, etc. have been utilized so far. However, each analysis tool may use a unique methodology in calculating control delays. Therefore, the estimated values of control delays may be different by the selection of an analysis tool, which has provided difficulties to traffic engineers in making solid judgments. METHODS: This study was initiated to verify the feasibility of diverse analysis tools, including HCM methodology, CORSIM, SYNCHRO, T7F, VISTRO, in calculating control delays by comparing estimated control delays with that measured from a field. RESULTS : As a result, the selected tools produced quite different values of control delay. In addition, the control delay value estimated using a calibrated CORSIM model was closest to that measured from the field. CONCLUSIONS: First, through the in-depth experiment, it was explicitly verified that the estimated values of control delay may depend on the selection of an analysis tool. Second, among the diverse tools, the value of control delay estimated using the calibrated microscopic traffic simulation model was most close to that measured from the field. Conclusively, analysts should take into account the variability of control delay values according to the selection of a tool in the case of signalized intersection analysis.
PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting the effectiveness of speed limit change that is defined as the amount of increased travel speed. METHODS: A ordered logit model was adopted to analyze the relationship between the change in travel speed and contributing factors. A stretch of Kyungbu freeway was selected for the analysis because the Korea expressway corporation has raised speed limit from 100km/h to 110km/h since September 1st in 2010. RESULTS: The results showed that geometric design elements, speeding cameras, and section length were identified as factors contributing the effectiveness. Contributing geometric design elements include the number of horizontal curves and vertical curves that do not meet the design requirement with 110km/h speed limit. CONCLUSIONS: The outcome of this study will be used for establishing various traffic operations and control strategies for freeway speed management.