
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 74

        2009.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, according to changes of global logistics environment, various issues have been presenting. These issues are including the pursuit of low cost-high added value, the realization of sustainable logistics system, the protection of environment, and the development of ubiquitous techniques. To cope with these environment changes and improve the national logistics system, the government have carried out various logistics policies and pushed ahead development of national logistics information network. But still, from a view-point of national logistics, there are several inefficient elements such as information inconnection and code/data unstandardization. In this paper, the survey result of domestic inland-logistics information system status will be presented and the future developments will be presented for the efficient national logistics.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the effects of Takju lees hot water extracts on the blood pressure in spontaneously hypertension rats (SHR). Twenty eight male SHR were grouped by their blood pressure and fed a control diet or experimental diets containing 1% (G1), 2% (G2), or 4% (G4) Takju lees extracts for 4 weeks. Food intake was not significantly different among the groups. However, body weight gain was significantly lower in groups fed the Takju lees extract than the control group. The systolic blood pressure was significantly lower in the Takju lees extract containing groups (especially in G4 group) than the control groups. In addition, mean blood pressure {(systolic+dyastolic)/2} decreased with an increase in the amount of Takju lees extract in the diet and feeding period. Takju lees extract decreased angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE) activity in a dose-dependent manner. These results suggest that the Takju lees extract exert an antihypertensive effect by decreasing ACE activity.
        2009.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 물류 분야는 국가나 기업의 가치창출의 핵심동력으로 인식되고 있다. 하지만 내륙운송의 경우 정보화시스템의 현대화 및 정보연계는 미진한 실정이다. 국가물류의 효율화를 위해서는 물류흐름상의 정보 단절을 방지하는 것이 중요하며, 각 주체별 물류정보 연계/통합의 필요성이 확산되고 있다. 본 연구는 국가물류 효율화를 위해 각 물류 주체별 정보 현황 및 정보 통합의 문제점을 살펴보고, 물류 정보 표준화 방향성을 제시하고자 한다.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Many people transfer from the automobile to the subway because of increasing in oil price and improvement of mass transit system of Seoul Metropolitan City. But Seoul Metropolitan Subway have brought out passengers discomfort because it is more crowded over the appropriateness because of very high utilization though it is highly technically facilitated. This study deals with the development and simulation study of subway train simulator. We performed the validity simulation study for the simulator for the interval from Sindorim station to Samsung station in Seoul Subway Line 2. We analyzed the simulation results considering crowdedness after we defined the concept of crowdedness. Also we accomplished the analysis of simulation results after simulation under the assumption that the crowdedness is alleviated by controlling the passengers using RFID technology.
        2008.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Many people transfer from the automobile to the subway because of increasing in oil price and improvement of mass transit system of Seoul Metropolitan City. But Seoul Metropolitan Subway have brought out passengers discomfort because it is more crowded over the appropriateness because of very high utilization though it is highly technically facilitated. This study deals with the development and simulation study of subway train simulator. We analyzed the simulation results considering crowdedness after we defined the concept of crowdedness.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, as change in global logistics environment, various issues have been presenting. These issues are including the pursuit of low cost-high added value, the realization of sustainable logistics system, the protection of environment, and the development of ubiquitous techniques. To cope with these environment changes and improve the national logistics system, the government have carried out various logistics policies and pushed ahead development of national logistics information network. But still, from a view-point of national logistics, there are several inefficient elements such as information connection and utilization, code/data standardization. In this paper, the survey result of global logistics environment change, logistics policy of a developed countries, domestic logistics policy and information system status will be presented. And from these status, suggestive points are mentioned. Finally the status of railway logistics information and future developments are presented.
        2008.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국가의 경쟁력은 급변하는 환경에 적극적이고 빠르게 대처해야만 제고될 수 있다. 최근 고부가가치 창출, 지구온난화, 보안 안전 등의 글로벌 환경변화에 따라 교통 및 물류체계 효율성은 국가의 중요 이슈 중 하나가 되었다. 정부에서는 물류발전을 위하여 다양한 정책 및 물류정보망사업을 추진해 왔으나 국내 물류체계의 비효율성 문제는 여전히 거론되고 있다. 이러한 시점에서 국가물류체계의 발전적 개선을 위해서는 최근 세계 환경변화와 각국의 물류정책 및 정보화 추진현황 분석이 필수적이다. 본 논문에서는 글로벌 물류환경의 변화, 물류선진국들의 물류정책을 살펴보고, 국내 물류정책의 과거와 현재, 그리고 물류정보화 현황을 소개한다. 마지막으로 향후 발전 방향 설정을 위한 시사점을 요약 제시하고자 한다.
        2006.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2005.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Line capacity calculation has been used to determine optimum efficiency and safe train service for train scheduling plan and investment priority order throughout detecting bottleneck section. Because of some problems of Yamagisi and UIC methods for line capacity calculation, developing of the method of line capacity calculation and evaluation for the Korea circumstance is important. This paper deals with the integrated system of TPS(Train Performance Simulator), PES(Parameter Evaluation Simulator), LCS (Line Capacity Simulator) and sensitivity analysis for line capacity calculation model.
        2005.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Line capacity calculation has been used to determine optimum efficiency and safe train service for train scheduling plan and investment priority order throughout detecting bottleneck section. Because of some problems of Yamagisi and UIC methods for line capacity calculation, developing of the method of line capacity caculation and evaluation for the Korea circumstance is important. This paper deals with the reliability improvement on the integrated system of TPS(Train Performance Simulator), PES(Parameter Evaluation Simulator), LCS(Line Capacity Simulator) and simulation and sensitivity analysis for line capacity.
        2004.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A purpose of this research is building a Parameter Evaluation Simulation(PES) program which is present proper parameter value to calculate line capacity. This research performs a detailed simulation and a analysis of it using PES and it is developed on the basis of Line Capacity Simulation model. Chosen simulation sectors are that happened a big change of a line capacity because of joining a high speed train(KTX). Moreover this research performs a sensitivity analysis when basic data are changed.
        2004.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Railway system is consisted of various resources such as rail-line, signal, and railcar. It is necessary to efficiently utilize these limited and expensive resources as much as possible up to given line capacity. So far, we treat the line capacity as the criteria for evaluating investment alternatives or for restricting train frequencies, and this criteria is calculated statical and experimental numerical formula. But, line capacity has special attribute that changes dynamically according to operational conditions, so there is a need of new line capacity estimation system. In this paper, we present an improved systematic line capacity model. The proposed model has three main components ; TPS(lain performance simulator), PES(parameter evaluation simulator), LCS(line capacity simulator). The concept of each sub-component is described, including the evaluation method of capacity parameters. And capacity parameter evaluation and estimation results using sample line section data are presented.
        2003.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Railroad line capacity is influenced by Quantitative and Qualitative factors which is applied by parameter to calculate it. But these parameters have been used experiential value without analyzing its reasonability or appropriate level. In this paper, we introduce the concept of robustness to Quantify parameter and evaluate robustness of it. For this purpose, we develop parameter evaluation simulator and present it. If this simulator is utilized, we can find the parameter having appropriate robustness and it will be applied to calculate more reasonable and systematic railroad line capacity.
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