
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5,447

        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Demand for research on the use of hydrogen, an eco-friendly fuel, is rapidly increasing in accordance with global environmental problems and IMO environmental regulations in the shipbuilding and marine industry. In the case of hydrogen, similar to liquefied natural gas, it has a characteristic that its volume decreases hundreds of times during phase transformation from gas to liquid, so it must be stored in a tank in the form of liquefied hydrogen for transport efficiency. The material of the liquid hydrogen tank is selected in consideration of mechanical properties and hydrogen embrittlement at cryogenic temperatures. In this study, welding research was conducted on STS316L material, which was most commonly used in the space industry. In this study, flux cored arc welding was performed under 4 welding conditions to derive the optimal welding conditions for STS316L material, and then mechanical properties of the welded part were compared and analyzed.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        스베덴보리의 신비주의 사상은 인간의 감정을 자극하는 요소가 아니라 사실과 진리의 경계를 가르는 지식과 사실적 감각으로 다가간다. 이는 사실과 환상, 영계와 현실, 종교와 과학의 접점과 고정점을 마련해주어 예이츠에게 지식과 영감을 주었다. 스베덴보리는 주님께서 다스리기 때문에 온 우주가 이미 영적 균형과 통합을 이루고 있다고 말한다. 반면 예이츠는 이들을 동등하게 수용하면서 세상을 유지하는 균형의 힘과 원동력을 찾는 일이 바로 시인들의 임무라고 여긴다. 이로써 이원론을 극복하고 존재의 통합을 추구하였다.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to develop a method for establishing an educational system for World Heritage interpretation applicable to World Heritage sites and to design an education program for World Heritage interpretation by applying the developed education system in this study. This study first identified the definition of interpretation and the relationship between interpretation and education through previous research and analyzed the role and significance of heritage interpretation due to the paradigm transition in the capacity building of World Heritage sites. Next, the educational status of World Heritage interpretation was analyzed through educational institutions, educational subjects, and curriculum examples. Finally, this study argues that a method for establishing a World Heritage interpretation education system should be presented according to the composition of the curriculum, and the interpretation curriculum planning by interpreters should be proposed focusing on the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of World Heritage sites.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문에서는 기존의 조인트 교량을 일체식 교대 교량으로 변경할 경우, 온도하중에 의한 상부구조의 인장에 따른 흉벽의 휨거동을 보강하기 위한 흉벽 FRP 보강공법을 제안하고, 설계 및 유한요소해석을 통해 보강 효과를 검토하였다. FRP 보 강재는 펄트루젼 공정으로 제작하며, 흉벽 전면부에 부착하여 일체식 교대 교량으로 변경할 때, 흉벽에 부족한 인장철근의 역할 을 대체하게 된다. 흉벽 FRP 보강공법의 설계는 ACI Committee 440을 참고하여 수행하였으며, 유한요소해석은 콘크리트, 철근 및 유리섬유와 비닐에스터로 제작한 FRP 보강재의 최대응력을 보강 방법에 따라 비교하였다. 유한요소해석 결과, FRP 보강재는 콘크리트에 발생하는 인장응력을 감소시키는 역할을 하며, 흉벽이 저항할 수 있는 휨모멘트를 증가시킬 수 있는 것으로 나타났 다.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study proposes brief guidelines for traffic engineers in the field to refer to when operating tram priority signals based on the "early green" and "green extension" methods. METHODS : A set of VISSIM simulation analyses was conducted considering various traffic and control conditions in a hypothetical corridor consisting of two signalized intersections. The traffic conditions were varied at five different levels. The control conditions were varied at twenty-five levels by changing the tram priority traffic signal control parameters, i.e., the early green unit time and green extension unit time. A total of 125 simulation runs were from these combinations. A set of optimal signal timings for ordinary non-tram vehicles was prepared with TRANSYT-7F and implemented for the simulation. A tram priority signal control module based on VISVAP was exclusively developed for this study. RESULTS : As expected, no specific trend was found in the relationship between the two tram priority control parameters (early green time and green extension time). However, a trend was observed when assuming that the early green and green extension operations were mutually exclusive. Specifically, an inverse trend appeared between the tram priority control parameter values and level of congestion according to the performance measure (average network delay). CONCLUSIONS : For the early green control parameters, it is better to provide six seconds when undersaturated and four seconds when near-saturated. For the green extension control parameter, four seconds is suitable.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : Advancements in science and technology caused by industrialization have led to an increase in particulate matter emissions and, consequently, severity of air pollution. Nitrogen oxide (NOx), which accounts for 58% of road transport pollutants, adversely affects both human health and the environment. A test-bed was constructed to determine NOx removal efficiency at the roadside. TiO2, a material used to reduce particulate matter, was used to remove NOx. It was applied to a vertical concrete structure using the dynamic pressurized penetration TiO2 fixation method, which can be easily applied to vertical concrete structures. This study was conducted to evaluate the NOx removal efficiency of the dynamic pressurized-penetration TiO2 fixation method in a test-bed under real roadside conditions. METHODS : A test-bed was constructed in order to determine the NOx removal efficiency using the dynamic pressurized penetration TiO2 fixation method on the roadside. The dynamic pressurized-penetration TiO2 fixation method was applied by installing a vertical concrete structure. NOx was injected into the test-bed using an exhaust gas generator. By installing a shading screen, the photocatalytic reaction of TiO2 was suppressed to a maximum concentration of 1000 ppb along the roadside. The removal efficiency was evaluated by measuring NOx concentrations. In addition, illuminance was measured using an illuminance meter. RESULTS : From the results of the analysis of the NOx removal efficiency in the test-bed which the dynamic pressurized type TiO2 fixation method was applied to, an average removal efficiency ranging from 18% to 40% was achieved, depending on the illuminance. Similarly, according to the results of the evaluation of the NO removal efficiency, an average of removal efficiency ranging from 20% to 62% was achieved. Thus, the NOx removal efficiency increased when the illuminance was high. CONCLUSIONS : From the results of the experiment conducted, the efficiency of NOx removal per unit volume was obtained according to the illuminance of TiO2 concrete along an actual road. Field applicability of the dynamic pressurized-penetration-type TiO2 fixation method to vertical concrete structures along roads was confirmed.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문은 루이자 메이 올컷의 『작은 아씨들』과 존 번연의 『천로역정』의 내 용상 상관관계를 살펴보고 『천로역정』의 주제가 『작은 아씨들』 주인공 네 자 매의 성장에 어떻게 영향을 주고 있는지 고찰하기 위한 시도이다. 『천로역정』 은 근대 영미 대중에게 크나큰 영향을 준 기독교적 삶에 대한 우화로서, 천국에 이르기까지 기독교인들이 맞게 되는 어려움에 대해 경고하면서 바람직한 순례 자의 길에 대해 보여준 작품이다. 『작은 아씨들』첫 부분부터 주인공들은 자신 들이 겪고 있는 어려움을 『천로역정』의 주인공 크리스천이 이겨냈던 상황에 빗 대고, 각 주인공들이 극복해야 할 어려움을 『천로역정』에서 따오는 등 두 작품 은 밀접한 상관성을 보인다. 루이자 메이 올컷은 작품 속 소녀들이 겪는 고난을 성별 구분 없이 기독교인이라면 누구나 극복해야 할 어려움으로 상정함으로써 이 작품이 소녀들의 성장기일 뿐만 아니라 보편적 기독교인의 성장 이야기로 만들어 시대를 초원하여 우리에게 여전히 감동을 전해주고 있다.