
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 49

        2018.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The variations of internal temperature, relative humidity (RH) and gas concentration in the pallet modified atmosphere package (MAP), using polyamide (PA) film and linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) film, were investigated to extend the shelf life of tomatoes and paprikas. The temperature and RH inside the MAP were higher than that in the cold room, but there was no water condensation inside the MA film. The ethylene concentration in the MAP was maintained below 10 ppm. Oxygen level was stabilized at 2 to 5% during the storage and carbon dioxide level was also stabilized at 15 to 20%. The weight loss of the MAP tomatoes and paprikas was lower than that of the control because the RH in the pallet MAP was higher than that of the cold room. The fungal decay rate in the pallet MAP was also lower than that in the control due to a low oxygen concentration rate. There were no significant differences in the soluble solids, titratable acidity and Hunter’s color, but differences did exist in the hardness between the MAP and the control. So, this pallet MAP method was effective at extending the shelf life of tomatoes and paprikas considering the weight loss, fungal decay and hardness.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to propose the conditions of controlled atmosphere (CA) storage suitable for the storage of winter Chinese cabbage and to investigate the maximum storage period of Chinese cabbage based on the results of the quality analysis for CA storage. The weight loss rate of Chinese cabbage stored at 194 days in low temperature storage was about 2 times higher than that in CA storage. The trimming loss rate of Chinese cabbage stored at low temperature was 1.5 times higher than that of CA storage after 83 days of storage. Bolting of Chinese cabbage was observed in only low temperature storage. The Chinese cabbage firmness of CA storage was not different in the range of 5.7-6.2 N, while low temperature storage gradually increased after 83 days of storage and was 7.5 N at 194 days. The incidence of mold occurred after 83 days in low temperature storage, while in CA storage it occurred after 153 days. In the quality evaluation, CA storage for Chinese cabbage was rated 1.5-1.9 points higher than the low temperature storage. The maximum storage period of Chinese cabbage at low temperature storage was 83 days and that at CA storage 153 days.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Weight loss that influences quality and farmer incomes is affected by the storage environment of agricultural products. The interior of storage should be maintained at high humidity to prevent the weight loss of products which contain a lot of moisture. The research had constantly proceeded with change in the heat exchanger surface areas, humidity systems, and weight loss forecast to maintain high humidity within storage. Relative humidity that exerts an effect weight loss of crop is influenced by storage temperature, leak state, and volume of product. When weight loss is predicted, different conditions of these factors are derived. In case of CA storage, ways of forecasting the weight loss become easier compared to cold storage due to sealed storage with external environment during storage period. In this study, apples were stored in purge-type CA storage and weight loss has been predicted by using operating characteristics and environmental conditions. As a result, humidity variation in the storage fluctuates with the operation of the unit-cooler. Furthermore, unit-cooler operation factor is influenced by outside temperature and respiration heat. Prediction value of weight loss according to temperature and humidity has been most accurately predicted. Prediction value through defrosting water measured shows unit-cooler work quality. K-value needs verification to calculate the VPD method.
        2017.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구에서는 현장에서 필요한 겨울배추 CA저장에 적합한 조건을 제시하고, 저온 저장한 배추와의 품질 및 저장 기간을 비교 분석하여 겨울배추의 최대 저장 가능기간을 제시하고자 본 연구를 수행하였다. 겨울배추 CA저장의 저장 조건은 0°C, 90-95%, O2 1.0-3.0%, CO2 0.2-5.0%로 최종 설정하였으며, 저온저장고와 CA저장고에 예건한 겨울배추를 각각 1.8 ton, 1.0 ton 입고하였다. 품질조사 항목은 중량감모율, 정선손실율, 경도, 곰팡이 발생율, 관능검사이며, 품질조사는 입고 후 0일, 52일, 83일, 153일, 194일차에 진행하였다. 194일 저온 저장한 배추의 중량감모율은 CA저장한 배추보다 약 2배정도 높았으며, 정선손실율도 저온저장이 CA저장보다 1.5배 많았으며, 저장 83일 이후부터 배추 내부의 추대현상이 저온저장에서 많이 관찰되었다. 경도의 경우 CA저장 배추는 5.7 - 6.2 N범위에서 큰 변화를 보이지 않은 반면, 저온저장 배추는 83일 이후부터 점차 증가하는 모습을 보여 194일에 7.5 N을 가졌다. 곰팡이 발생율의 경우 저온저장 배추는 83일 이후 발생하기 시작하였으며, CA저장 배추는 153일 이후 발생하여 70일 정도 곰팡이 발생을 지연시켰다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 관능검사의 경우 CA저장이 전반적인 평가항목에서 저온저장보다 1.5 - 1.9점 높게 평가되었다. 겨울 배추의 최대 저장기간은 저온저장이 83일, CA저장이 153일로 CA저장이 저온저장보다 약 1.9배 더 장기간 저장이 가능한 것으로 나타났다.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the effects of 27.12 MHz radio frequency (RF) heating on heat transfer phenomena during the thawing process of frozen food. To determine the velocity of the RF thawing machine, samples were frozen at -80oC and subjected to different power treatments. The phase change times (-5 to 0oC) of frozen radish were 30, 26, 13, and 8 min; those of pork sirloin were 38, 25, 11, and 5 min; those of rump were 23, 17, 11, and 6 min; those of chicken breast were 42, 29, 13, and 9 min; and those of tuna were 25, 23, 10, and 5 min at 50, 100, 200, and 400 W, respectively. The heating limit temperatures of the radish, pork sirloin, rump, chicken breast, and tuna samples were 19.5, 9.2, 21.8, 8.8, and 16.8oC at 50 W; 23.5, 15.5, 27.3, 12.3, and 19oC at 100 W; 42, 26.9, 45.7, 22.1, and 39.4oC at 200 W; and 48.5, 54.7, 63.6, 57.3, and 44.9oC at 400 W. These results suggest that high-power RF improves thawing velocity and heating limit temperatures, and that an improvement on the operation of the RF thawing machine, according to food temperatures, is needed.
        2016.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to indirectly predict the storage time limit, hardness, and acidity of Fuji apples in controlled atmosphere (CA) storage. A sensor installed inside the CA storage measured temperature, relative humidity, and gas composition data in real time. The respiration rate from five tons of apples in CA storage was calculated to predict the weight loss rate. As a result, the predicted and actual weight loss rate induced a predictable residual storage time equation that showed a significantly high correlation. The apple storage period showed a high reliability (R2=0.9322) because the predicted equation using respiration rate and number of days stored was about nine months for five tons of apples. Furthermore, the hardness and acidity prediction equation were derived from the quality analysis. However, there was not enough analysis sample correlation (the coefficient was as low as 0.3506 and 0.3144, respectively), but the tendency could be confirmed by reduced hardness and acidity. As a result, these quality prediction equations could encourage CA container distribution, effective for agricultural shipment regulation and increasing the ease of operations.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구는 떫은감의 저장기간을 연장시키기 위한 CA저장에서 저장고 내부의 적정 기체 조성비를 파악하기 위하여 CA챔버 내부의 기체 조성을 다르게 유지하고 그 기체 조성이 떫은감의 품질에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 떫은감의 품종은 상주둥시를 이용하였으며 저장 온도 조건은 0~1℃, 습도조건은 90~95%로 유지하였고 기체 조성(O2, CO2)은 CA저장 5처리구(CA 1: 2.0~4.0%, 2.5~3.0%; CA 2: 2.0~4.0%, 4.5~5.0%; CA 3: 4.0~6.0%, 0.5~1.0%; CA 4: 4.0~6.0%, 2.5~3.0%; CA 5: 4.0~6.0%, 4.5~5.0%) 및 저온저장구로 구분하여 120일간 저장하였다. 감모율은 CA저장에서 CA 5 처 리구가 3.22%로 가장 낮았고 CA 2 처리구가 5.25%로 가장 높았으며, 저온저장구는 11.58%로 CA 처리구에 비해 약 2배 이상 감모율이 높았다. 떫은감의 과육경도는 CA 2 처리구가 1.09N으로 가장 높았으며 저온저장구는 0.39N으로 가장 낮게 나타났다. 당도는 CA저장에서 CA 5 처리구가 18.80°Brix로 가장 높게 나타났고 CA 2 처리구가 16.71°Brix 로 가장 적게 나타났으며, 저온저장구가 20.42°Brix로 CA 처리구에 비해 높았다. 감의 최종 적정산도는 저온저장구에 서 0.28%로 CA저장에 비해 높게 나타났으며, CA저장에서 CA 5 처리구가 0.23%로 가장 높았다. 저장기간 동안 과피 흑변의 발생률은 저온저장구에서 72%로 CA 처리구보다 최대 48% 높게 나타났으며, CA 처리구에서 CO2에 의한 과육 갈변은 나타나지 않았으나 95일 이후 연화가 급속하게 진행되었다. 저장병은 저장 후 95일에 CA 처리구에서 평균적 으로 10%가 발생하였으나, 저온저장구에서는 50%가 발생하였다.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구에서는 배출식 CA저장 컨테이너의 사과 저장성능을 평가하기 위하여 9개월 동안 CA저장한 ‘후지’사과와 저온저장 한 사과의 품질을 비교하였다. CA저장 조건은 O2 1-3%, CO2 1.0% (3개월까지 0.5%이하) 이하로 설정하였으 며, 사과 저장 후 3주 동안은 기체조건을 조절하지 않고 저온저장 상태를 유지하는 지연 CA를 실시하였다. CA저장 및 저온저장의 저장온도는 0℃, 습도는 90~99%를 유지하였다. CA저장한 사과의 최종 감모율이 0.5%로 저온저장 한 사과의 1.2%보다 2배 이상 무게변화가 적게 나타났다. CA저장한 사과의 최종 경도는 15.3N으로 저온저장의 10.2%보 다 높게 유지되었으며, 7개월 경과 후부터 경도차가 크게 발생하였다. 당도는 CA저장과 저온 저장한 사과 간에 차이 를 보이지 않았다. 산도의 변화는 CA저장한 사과의 경우 0.304%로 저온 저장한 사과의 0.178보다 높게 유지되었으며, 저장 6개월 후부터 차이가 크게 나타나기 시작하였다. 갈변율은 CA저장 사과가 1.7%, 저온 저장한 사과가 4.9%로 나 타났지만 두 처리 간에 발생빈도가 일정하지 않아서 유의성이 없는 것으로 판단되며, 저산소 장해는 CA저장이 1.7% 로 나타났지만 저온저장의 경우도 1.5%, 1.7%로 2회 나타났기 때문에 CA저장과 저온저장 간에 차이가 없는 것으로 판단되었다. 사과의 갈변을 유발하는 밀 증상은 입고 시에 55.2%로 높게 나타났지만 3주 동안의 저온저장을 거치면서 CA저장과 저온저장 시 각각 3.2% 및 4.5%로 밀 증상이 없어졌으며, 저장기간이 경과하면서 밀명증상은 모두 사라진 것으로 나타났다. 관능평가(9점 만점)를 실시한 결과 CA저장한 사과가 착색 7.63, 위조현상 8.11, 단맛 6.83, 신맛 5.31, 아삭한 정도 6.37, 사과향 6.37, 이취 8.43으로 저온저장 및 1-MCP 처리하여 저온저장 한 사과에 비해 모든 항목에서 높은 점수로 나타났다.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to develop and evaluate an appropriate control device for a purge type controlled atmosphere (CA) storage in Korea. To determine ideal performance, oxygen and carbon dioxide control capability and airtightness were analyzed according to the postharvest management manual of CA storage of Fuji apples. In shortened experiments for CA storage, the condition was delayed CA at 0-0.5oC for three days and stored at 0.1-0.5% carbon dioxide levels for 3 days and then further stored 6 days under 1% carbon dioxide. As a result, the temperature control range of a developed CA container was 0.0-0.5oC, and the relative humidity was more than 90%, except for the defrosting step for the freezer during the storage period. The rate of pressure reduction for the CA container in the negative and positive pressure states was 0.45 and 0.21 mmH2O/min, respectively, and it was twofolds higher than standard airtightness for CA storage. After nitrogen injection, oxygen concentration was achieved at 2%, and carbon dioxide concentration was maintained at 0.1-0.5% for 6 days. Afterwards, carbon dioxide levels were tightly controlled between 0.1-1.0%. These results suggest that a developed purge type CA container could be effective in commercially maintaining the quality of agricultural products.
        2015.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper presents using Newton-Raphson method calibration for planar cable robot. In cable robot there are three big error issue which are geometric error and and modeling error and non-geometric error, in this paper we just focus on first two issue. Using MATLAB simulation we found minimum of 8 pose we have to use in calibration equation and the initial vale can decrease of the iteration.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to develop the domestic production of a controlled atmosphere (CA) storage system, including nitrogen generator and carbon dioxide eliminator using selective gas separation membrane and operating program. Generally, the gas composition inside general cold stores constantly changes due to the metabolic activity of the respiring vegetables and fruits and leakage of gases through doors and walls. However, the CA container developed by our research team is able to control of the level of oxygen and carbon dioxide inside the reefer, making it simple and effective in operation. The efficiency of the nitrogen generator to replace oxygen with nitrogen inside the CA container was approximately 1.33% per hour. The change in oxygen concentration inside the CA container during the operation refrigerator almost did not show any difference for 8 days. Therefore, CA storage container should be a promising approach to maintaining the high quality of agricultural products during storage.
        2014.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As demands of microrobots increases, micro-actuators for lhe microrobots are actively studied. However, miniaturized motors cannot be easily applied 10 microrobots owing to lhe limitatioJ1s of lheir sizes antd generating forces. Therefore, a new smart material for microrobots should be developed. A mong various smart materials, such as PZT, SMA, Ferrofluid, we focused on a ferropaper actuator using ferrof1uid. The ferropaper actuator is regarded as a smart mater ial and can show large displacemenls, excellent repetilion perfonnances, and relative small actuation forces. In lhis paper, a cellulose is used 10 make a backbone membrane because il has superior properties compared with any others conventional papers. The cellulose paper backbone membrane is easily fabricated as complex shapes and shows a large displacement in a magnetic tield. In detail, patterned ferropaper actuator is made of cellulose acetate using general MEMs procedure and PDMS molding method. Finally, through EDS mapping and alignment experiments of the làbricated ferropaper actuator using an electromagnetic actuation (EMA) system, the patterned ferropaper actuator was characterized.
        1999.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        구매력평가(PPP)는 국제금융이론에서 중요한 비중을 차지하고 있다. 초기 환율의 화폐적 모형인 신축물가모형은 지속적인 구매력평가의 성립을 전제로 하고 있으며, 경직물가모형은 환율의 구매력평가로부터의 단기적 괴리를 허용하나 장기에서는 균형이 이루어짐을 상정하고 있다. 이러한 PPP의 중요성에도 불구하고 단기에서 PPP가 성립하지 않는다는 데에는 일반적으로 견해가 일치하고 있으나, 장기에서의 PPP 타당성에 대해서는 많은 논란이 되고 있다. 이러한 결과는 저자에 따라 물가지수, 자료의 빈도 또는 이용하는 검정기법상의 차이가 있기 때문이다. 일반적으로 장기PPP검정에는 흔히 공적분기법이 주로 이용되고 있다. 그러나 많은 문헌들이 사용하는 정수차분에 근거를 두는 기존의 Dickey-Fuller류의 공적분기법은 충격효과가 즉시 소멸하는가 아니면 영구히 지속되는가 하는 양 극단의 경우만을 다룰 수 있을 뿐이다. 즉 시계열의 특성이 I(0)인가 흑은 I(1)인가를 식별하는 데 그치고 있다. 이에 따라 정상성과 추세회귀성향을 구분할 수 있는 장점을 지닌 분수차분에 의한 검정이 이루어져야 한다. 이러한 분수차분에 의한 GPH검정을 통해 한국의 원화환율은 장기에 있어서 PPP를 지지하지 않음을 밝힌다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We have studied the technology to extend the storage period of ‘Seolhyang’ strawberries using modified atmosphere package (MAP) and ethyl pyruvate (EP) treatment for domestic distribution and export. The selected ripe strawberries harvested on December 28, 2016 at the Sancheong farmhouse were transported to the laboratory for 2 h and tested. After a day’s precooling at 4℃, the strawberries were divided into seven experimental groups. These groups were control, active MAP using low density polyethylene (LDPE), active MAP using polyamide (PA), active MAP using PA with EP treatment, passive MAP using LDPE, passive MAP using PA and passive MAP using PA with EP treatment. Quality analysis was carried out every 4 days during the storage period of 16 days. During the storage period of 16 days, MAP decreased from 3.5% to less than 1.1% in weight loss ratio compared with control, and decreased from 36% to less than 7% in fungal incidence. In the case of fungi in the EP treatment group, hyphae did not grow on the outside of the strawberry but grew to the inside. This tendency was similar to that in the low oxygen and high carbon dioxide environment of the MAP, the mycelium of the fungus did not grow outside of the strawberry. Fungi are the biggest problem in the distribution and export of strawberries, and these results suggest that MAP alone could inhibit mold and increase shelf life.
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