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        검색결과 32

        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2006.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the use of different sorts of Korean traditional liquor among male and female adults in Seoul and Gyeonggi province, their awareness of them and their preference in an effort to discuss what problems Korean traditional liquors were faced with and how they could gain popularity among people in general. First, It is investigated of drinking frequency by gender, 51.3 percent of the male adults drunk once or twice a week, and 33.2 percent of the female adults drunk once or twice a month. Thus, the men drunk more often than the women. By age, the adults who were in their 20s and 30s were far different from those who were in their 50s above in drinking frequency. Second, regarding what kind of liquor they enjoyed, the men enjoyed Soju the most, followed by beer and traditional liquors. The women enjoyed beer the most, followed by Soju and wine. The favorite liquor of the men was Soju, followed by beer and traditional liquor, and the women most liked for beer, followed by wine and Soju. The female adults preferred low-proof liquor more than the male adults. Third, concerning their awareness of traditional liquor, Andong-soju was most widely viewed as traditional liquor, which were followed by Munbaeju, Gyeongju-gyodongbeopju, Gyeongju-beopju, Gukhwaju, Ssal- makgeolri, and Geumsan-insamju. Overall, they were rarely aware what traditional liquor was. Fourth, as to purchase experience, the men and the older people had more experience to buy traditional drinks than the women and the younger ones. Fifth, as for anju (dishes for traditional drinks), they believed that panfried food and Kimchi should be served with coarse liquor. Panfried and streamed dishes were considered to be good complements to Takju (rice wine) and Cheongju (clear strained rice wine), and pot stew and soup were looked upon as good complements to distilled liquor. The above-mentioned findings illustrated that in order to step up the development of the traditional liquor industry, perpetual research efforts should be put into adding new tastes to unique traditional liquor drinks. And it's required to commercialize those drinks, and multiple P.R. and marketing strategies should be prepared to promote their sales.
        2005.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to investigate the information concerning dietary patterns and analysis of the various factors that influence obesity. The subjects of this study were 1,020 middle and high school students in Seoul. Subjects were classified into under weight, normal weight and over weight group by body mass index. We investigated eating habits, life habits, food behavior and food consumption. Data were collected by questionnair and analysed with the SAS program. The results of this study way are summarized and concluded as fellows; In the case of dietary pattern, over weight group showed significantly higher in skipping a meal than the other group. Also over weight group tend to eat fast. There were significant differences of food intake frequency score by body mass index. From the results of factor analysis of variable related to obesity, 4 factors were generated and the factors were named 'Food behavior related to obesity', 'Snack consumption pattern', 'Life habit', 'Family environment related to food habit'. These factors were associated with obesity. To maintain nutritional balance and health, we should implement to ensure good dietary patterns.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was implemented to offer materials for the activation of On-line food shopping mall though census about purchasing food. A percentage of people who had accessed to On-line food shopping mall was 53.8%, and who had an experience of purchasing food at the On-line sopping mali was 18.9%. The number of food purchasing in On-line food market is 1~3 times(67.7%). It is general that an amount of food purchase is less than 100,000 wons. And the health assistant food is the most interesting item followed by Meet, Special products like a laver and mushroom, and an anchovy. in purchasing food at On-line market, customer thought that the confidence and the freshness of food are important because customer can't choose a product directly. In the future of food purchase using On-line shopping mall, 38.1% of people show their intend of purchasing at the mall. People who had experience of food purchase though the Internet have more positive view about repurchase than ones had not.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the job characteristics of foodcoordinator. 34.56% of subjects have the part of food as a speciality in college or University. 50.67% of subjects don't have any licence which is related with food. 30.67% of subjects have 1-3year or under career in the food part. Upon investigation the educational period by the period of career in food part, Subjects who had 5 year over career in the food part have 60.34month educational period. Upon investigation the speciality in college or University by the period of career in food part, 58.33% of 5 year over career in the food part respondents have food speciality in college or University. As the period of career in food was increased, the importance of cooking was increased.
        2003.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        백작약 분말을 떡과 국수에 첨가(0, 1, 3, 5%)하여 저장기간별로 이화학적, 관능적, 미생물학적 특성을 검토하여 저장성 및 제품 특성을 살펴보았다. 수분은 저장 기간동안 감소하였고, 무첨가군이 첨가군들에 비해 보다 급격한 감소를 보였다 이는 백작약 섬유소의 수분 보유력 때문으로 여겨진다. 떡의 밝기의 기준인 L 값은 첨가량이 증가할수록 감소하였으며 저장 기간동안 증가하였다. 적색도 a값과 황색도 b값은 백작약 분말을 첨가할수록 증가하였다. 백작약 분말 첨가 국수의 경우 밝기의 기준인 L값은 첨가량이 증가할수록 감소하였고, 저장기간 동안에도 감소하였다. 황색도 b값은 첨가량이 증가할수록 증가하였다(p〈0.05). 백작약 분말 첨가 떡과 국수 모두 무첨가군에서 총균수가 첨가군보다 더 급격하게 증가하였으며 백작약 분말 첨가량이 많을수록 미생물의 증식 억제효과가 큰 것으로 나타났다. 무첨가 떡과 국수를 48시간 저장 후 총균수는 1.0×103 CFU/g에 달한 반면 5% 첨가군은 96시간 이후 그 수준에 달하였다. 떡과 국수의 색, 향, 맛, 쫄깃한 정도, 전반적인 품질에 대한 관능 검사 결과 백작약 분말 첨가 떡이 무첨가군에 비해 선호도가 높았다(p〈0.05). 백, 국수 모두 촉촉한 정도는 제조 후 24시간 이전에는 무첨군이 더 높은 값을 보였으나 그 이후에는 첨가량이 증가할수록 더 높은 값을 보였다. 백작약 분말 첨가떡과 국수 모두 색은 3% 첨가군의 기호도가 높았으며 향, 맛, 전반적인 품질은 1% 첨가군을 선호하였다. 이상의 결과로 보아 백작약 분말 첨가는 떡과 국수의 기호성을 높이고 저장기간을 연장시키는 가능성을 확인하였다.
        2003.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was to investigate the consumer recognition of commercial Sunsik & Saengsik. The data was collected from the 395 married women residing in Seoul and Kyungki area by the self-administered questionnaire. A related purpose was to analyze the nutrient composition and the hygienic safety of commercial Sunsik and Saengsik. The results from this study were as follows. The purchasing and using behaviors were significantly different between two user groups. Sunsik users have generally purchased the products at a discount store(41.0%) as a between-meal snack(36.4%). The products were usually the ones made on the spot(55.0%). However, Saengsik users have purchased the manufactured products-serving size package-(84.0%) at a health foods store(50.7%) as a health food(38.7%). Many of Sunsik users have had Sunsik in water or milk with sugar(40.7%) and 1-2 times a week(40.0%). But Saengsik users have usually had Saengsik in water or milk with honey(38.6%) and everyday(34.7%). According to the analysis on nutrition composition, crude proteins were significantly more rich in Sunsik samples, and crude ashes were more rich in Saengsik samples(p〈0.01). Sunsik E and all the Saengsik samples showed the high total viable plate counts of 4.8~7.0 log cfu/g. Coliform groups were detected in all the Saengsik and two Sunsik(A, E) samples.
        1998.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        α-아밀라제의 강력한 저해물질을 생성하는 분리주 BY-445를 토양으로부터 분리하여 이를 동정하였다. 이 균주의 기균사는 나선형이며, 포자의 표면은 침상형(spiny)이었다. 멜라닌 색소 및 용해성 색소는 음성이었으며, 단백질 및 전분 분해력은 강한 편이었다. 세포벽 성분중 diaminopimelic acid는 LL형이었고 세포의 지방산은 16 : 0 iso가 25.30%, 15 : 0 anteiso는 16.19% 그리고 16 : 0이 13.16%였으며 이 균주는 Streptomyces violaceusniger와 유사하였으나 몇몇 배양학적, 생리학적 특성이 달라 Streptomyces sp. BY-445로 명명하였다.
        1996.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        전통 식품의 소재 등 많은 식품의 원료로 사용되는 대두의 가수분해물을 제조하여 혈압 강하 효과를 검토하였다. Bromelain, papain, pepsin 등 단백분해효소를 사용하여 각 효소의 최적반응조건에서 생성한 가수 분해물의 혈압 강한 효과를 비교한 결과, bromelain과 Bacillus subtilis 기원의 단백분해효소에 의해 생성한 가수분해물의 혈압 강하 효과가 가장 뛰어났으며, Bacillus subtilis 기원의 단백분해효소에 의해 생성한 가수분해물의 분해도가 높아 가수분해조건을 검토하였다. Bacillus subtilis 기원의 단백분해효소에 의한 가수분해물의 제조조건은 5%의 기질농도, 0.1% 효소 첨가량, 그리고 2시간 가수분해시 가장 높은 혈압 강하 효과를 보였으며, 이때의 반응 pH와 온도는 단백분해 효소의 최적반응조건과 큰 차이가 없었다. Bacillus subtilis 기원의 단백분해효소에 의한 4시간 가수분해하여 얻은 가수분해물의 소수성도는 1시간 가수분해시 가장 높은 소수성도를 보이고 있으나, 혈압 강하 효과는 2시간 가수분해물이 가장 높은 경향을 보였다. pH변화에 따른 용해도는 산성에 비해 알칼리성 용액에서 높은 용해도를 보였다. 기포 생성능을 비교한 결과, 용해도와는 달리 비교적 산성용액에서 높은 기포 형성능을 보였으며, 기포 안정성은 알칼리 용액에서 높았다.
        2010.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        반건조 고추의 냉동조건 설정을 위해 와 에서 냉동한 후 실험한 결과, 저장구의 경우 capsaicin 함량은 저장 30일 후에 초기 함량 대비 40% 이상 감소를 보인 반면, 이하 저장에서는 21% 수준으로 감소하였다. 초기 비타민 C 함량은 1,358.45 mg%으로 30일 경과 후 저장구의 경우 859.55 mg% 수준으로 가장 큰 감소를 보였으며 저장구의 경우 초기 함량과 유의적인 차이가 없었다. ASTA 값은 저장온도 및 저장 기
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