
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The first all-sky mid-/far-infrared survey by IRAS in the 1980s, has been followed by only two more, by AKARI, from 2006, and WISE in 2010. I discuss some features of the WISE survey, and highlight some key results from early extragalactic observations that have been made by the science team during the operation of the telescope, and the post-operation proprietary period during which the public release data products were being generated. The efficient survey strategy and very high-data rate from WISE produced a catalogue of 530 million objects that was released to the public in March 2012. The WISE survey strategy naturally provided the deepest coverage at the ecliptic poles, where matched comparison fields were obtained using Spitzer, and where AKARI also observed deep fields. I describe some of the follow-up work that has been carried out based on the WISE survey, and the prospects for enhancing the WISE data by combining the AKARI survey results are also discussed. While the all-sky AKARI survey is less deep than the WISE catalogue, and is still being worked on by the AKARI science team, it includes a larger number of bands, extends to longer wavelengths, and in particular has very complementary band passes to WISE in the mid-infrared waveband, which will provide enhanced spectral information for relatively bright targets.