The performance of a teacher has an important role in the success of education in general. This study aims to determine the factors that affect the decline in teacher performance in one of the junior secondary schools in Indonesia. Based on the literature review, four exogenous variables were identified, namely, training, utilization of information technology, intellectual intelligence, and emotional intelligence. This study uses primary data, collected from a questionnaire distributed to respondents. The questionnaire items are measured using a Likert scale. The sample in this study were all teachers at MTS Darul Falah Sirahan, totaling 32 people. The analysis technique used in testing the hypothesis of this study is multiple regression analysis. Statistical product and service solutions are used as analysis tools. The results of this study indicate that only the variable ‘utilization of information technology’ has a positive and significant effect. However, the variables ‘training,’ ‘intellectual intelligence,’ and ‘emotional intelligence’ did not have a significant effect. This finding contradicts the literature in general. Therefore, this study recommends improving training methods, both those carried out internally by schools and by related agencies, and schools still need to optimize guidance and potential for teacher’s intelligence in improving performance.
This study provides an understanding of the role of job satisfaction as a mediator of compensation and workplace environments for the organizational commitment of employees in the public sector. This study used a structural model using path analysis. The population and sample in this study were all employees at the Population and Civil Registry Office of one of the districts in Indonesia. The sampling technique used was total sampling, due to the considerably smaller amount of the sample size. This study found that compensation and workplace environment could explain job satisfaction variables with a 93.8% confidence level and simultaneously compensation, workplace environment, and job satisfaction that could explain organizational commitment with a variable of 97.4%. This findings also shows that the manifest bonus variable on the latent compensation variable is one of the main indicators that needs to improve to increase job satisfaction and organizational commitment. One of the important things which needs to be done is to increase compensation. The first thing which needs to be done is to increase the bonus. Furthermore, to improve the quality of the workplace environment, facilities, and infrastructure such as stable internet connections, computer specifications are the important criteria that must be met.