Native of soybean aphid (Aphis glycines Matsumura) is an Asia and aphid is one of the dangerous pests in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. High density aphid populations can reduce crop production by causing severe damage. The objective of this study was evaluation of resistance to the soybean aphid in soybean cultivars and germplasms. A total of fifty five soybean cultivars or germplasms, including two susceptible and two resistant check varieties, were infested to evaluate their resistance in the field cage and greenhouse test by aphid colonies which derived from wild collected one soybean aphid biotype in Korea. The average number of reproduced soybean aphid was evaluated with 62.7 aphids in the resistant check variety PI 567598B and also estimated with 1,807 aphids for susceptible check variety Williams 82. In soybean varieties and germplasms, the average reproduced soybean aphid populations ranged from the lowest 497 aphids for Junjeori to the highest 3,862 aphids for Mansu. About seventy six percent of soybean cultivars and germplasms were shown high density soybean aphid populations when compared with another susceptible check variety PI 567543C in the field cage test. From the greenhouse test to evaluate aphid index, 87.3% of soybean cultivars or germplasms presented aphid index with 9.0. No soybean cultivars and germplasms were observed with soybean resistant phenotype when regarded a aphid resistant level as less than 10% aphid reproductions compared with susceptible check Williams 82. Although no Korean soybean cultivars were identified with resistant trait to the soybean aphid, we found one great resistant genetic resource PI 567598B in this study. This result will be helpful to further study for providing useful genetic information for soybean researchers.