An analysis of Lysiphlebus Foerster species reared from various field-collected aphid species determined the presence of probably trans-palearctic L. fabarum (Marsh.), L. testaceipes (Cress.) which is an accidentally introduced and established immigrant from North America, and L. koraiensis Stary sp. n., a native species of presumably broader distribution. Both parthenogenetic and biparental populations of L. fabarum were identified in Korea.
Three new species of aphid parasitoids and their host-plant associations are described: Pauesia koraiensis Stary(Cinara cembrae Inouye and C. sp. on Pinus koreaiensis), Pauesia holmani Stary(Cinara sp. and C. watanabei Inouye on Pinus koraiensis, and C. laricis Hartig on larix olgensis) and Pauesia gwangleungensis Stary(Cinara shinjii Inouye on Pinus parviflora).