The generation and application of porcine iPSCs (piPSCs) as a large animal model may enable the test for the efficacy and safety of the therapy in the field of human regenerative medicine. Here, we report the generation of piPSC from wild (a 10-day-old Massachusetts General Hospital miniature pig; MGH minipig) and genetically modified pig, alpha1,3-Galactosyltransferase knock-out (—/—) (GalT KO homo) and human CD46 (membrane cofactor protein) knock-in (hCD46 KI) MGH minipig (a 10-day-old). Fibroblasts were isolated from the ear skin of wild and MGH minipigs, respectively. After 2 passages, each of fibroblasts was transduced with cocktail of 6 human factors (POU5F1, NANOG, SOX2, C-MYC, KLF4, and LIN28) and cultured on a mitotically inactive mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) monolayer. Both of reprogrammed somatic cells expressed the classical pluripotency markers (POU5F1, NANOG, and SOX2) and surface marker (SSEA1). Similar to mouse ESCs, both piPSCs from wild and transgenic minipigs were negative for SSEA3, Tra-1-60, and Tra-1-81. Further these cells could form embryoid body (EB) and differentiate into 3 germ layers in vitro (ectoderm: FOXJ3 and PAX6, mesoderm: HAND2, and endoderm: SOX17 and GATA6). Our piPSCs may provide useful source as a large animal model for studying approaches that can reduce an immune- rejection of cell or organ transplantation.