
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The era of logistics 4.0 in which new technologies are applied to existing traditional logistics management has approached. It is developing based on the convergence between various technologies, and R&D are being conducted worldwide to build smart logistics by synchronizing various services with the logistics industry. Therefore, this study proposes a methodology and technology strategy that can achieve trend analysis using patent analysis and promote the development of the domestic smart logistics industry based on this. Based on the preceding research, eight key technology fields related to smart logistics were selected, and technology trends were derived through LDA techniques. After that, for the development of the domestic logistics industry, the strategy of the domestic smart logistics industry was derived based on analysis including technology capabilities. It proposed a growth plan in the field of big data and IoT in terms of artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, and marketability. This study confirmed smart logistics technologies by using LDA and quantitative indicators expressing the market and technology of patents in literature analysis-oriented research that mainly focused on trend analysis. It is expected that this method can also be applied to emerging logistics technologies in the future.