In this work, we investigated the photo-degradation performance of MnO2-SiC fiber-TiO2 (MnO2-SiC-TiO2) ternary nanocomposite according to visible light excitation utilizing methylene blue (MB) and methyl orange (MO) as standard dyes. The photocatalytic physicochemical characteristics of this ternary nanocomposite were described by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), tunneling electron microscopy (TEM), ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis), diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), photocurrent and cyclic voltammogram (CV) test. Photolysis studies of the synthesized MnO2-SiC-TiO2 composite were conducted using standard dyes of MB and MO under UV light irradiation. The experiments revealed that the MnO2-SiC-TiO2 exhibits the greatest photocatalytic dye degradation performance of around 20 % with MB, and of around 10 % with MO, respectively, within 120 min. Furthermore, MnO2-SiC-TiO2 showed good stability against photocatalytic degradation. The photocatalytic efficiency of the nanocomposite was indicated by the adequate photocatalytic reaction process. These research results show the practical application potential of SiC fibers and the performance of a photocatalyst composite that combines these fibers with metal oxides.
Bacterial phytopathogen Pectobacterium causes soft rot disease in several vegetable crops globally, resulting in heavy agricultural losses at both the pre and postharvest stages. The present work was carried out to screen Kimchi cabbage genetic resources conserved at the National Agrobiodiversity Center, Rural Development Administration, Korea, for resistance against the soft rot pathogen Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum KACC 21701 over a period of three years (from 2020 to 2022). Infection of the phytopathogen was carried out at four-leaf stage and for each accession, twenty-five plants per germplasm were infected with KACC 21701. Kimchi cabbage cultivars Wangmatbaechu, Seoulbaechu, and CR Kiyoshi were used as control. Seven-days post-infection, the Disease Index (DI) values were manually recorded from zero to four, zero matched perfectly heathy plants and four completely dead plants. The 682 accessions of Kimchi cabbage exhibited varying degrees of disease resistance to KACC 21701 and thirty accessions, exhibiting a DI≤2, were considered for replication studies. During the replication studies, four landrace germplasms (IT102883, IT120036, IT120044, and IT120048) and one cultivar (IT187919) were confirmed to be moderately susceptible to KACC 21701. Results of the preliminary screening as well as replication studies were documented for the all the 682 germplasms. Addition of such information to the passport data of stored germplasms might serve as potential bio-resource for future breeders and researchers to develop resistant varieties or study the mechanisms involved in resistance of plants to such phytopathogen.
In 2018, media reports raised issues related to radon released from building materials used as finishing materials in apartment houses. Accordingly, related ministries recommended not to use materials with a radiation index value exceeding 1. In order to calculate the radioactivity index, not only 226Ra producing radon (222Rn) but also 232Th and 40K radioactivity concentrations are required. To determine the concentration of the radionuclide, 40K is measured by a single gamma ray of 1,460.8 keV. And the 228Ac used to measure 232Th mainly utilizes gamma rays of 911.2 keV. However, 228Ac does not appear as a single peak unlike 40K, and appears as multiple peaks at various energies. Among them, gamma rays are emitted at a intensity of 0.83% at 1,459.2 keV, which is likely to interfere with 40K. Therefore, what is actually measured at 1,460.8 keV is theoretically a compound peak of 40K and 228Ac. Because the probability of emission at 1,459.2 keV (0.83%) is low, a low concentration of 232Th will result in little 40K radioactivity error. However, samples containing a high concentration of 232Th overestimate the 40K radioactive concentration, so correction is required. In this study, the IAEA standard substance (IAEA-RGTh-1) ontaining 232Th of actual high concentration was analyzed, and the results of the analysis without correction of 40K were compared and verified. As the 40K correction method, the 911.2 keV gamma-ray of 228Ac was used as the reference peak to separate the peak of 228Ac (1,459.2 keV) from the 40K (1,460.8 keV) mixed peaks. And, the coefficient value obtained by subtracting the peak of 228Ac (1,459.2 keV) from the 40K (1,460.8 keV) mixed peak was set to a pure peak of 40K and the radioactivity concentration was calculated therefrom. As a result of calculating the IAEA-RGTh-1 reference material without correction, it was confirmed that the 40K value was overestimated by about 38 times. If a measurement beyond the MDA of 40K is generated by 228Ac radioactivity because the 40K correction constant is not applied, there is an error in determining that there is 40K radioactivity. However, even if 40K radioactivity is overestimated due to the high concentration of 232Th, the degree to which this effect contributes to the radioactivity index is very small. However, as an analyst, 40K radioactivity correction should be made for more accurate analysis.
A 13-year-old mixed dog was referred to the animal medical center, Gyeongsang National University. Lung masses were diagnosed at the left cranial and caudal lobes through diagnostic imaging, and consequently, left pneumonectomy was performed using a self-cutting linear endoscopic stapler. The pulmonary arteries, veins, and bronchus of each lung lobe were sealed and resected at once, and any air leakage or bleeding was not observed after the surgery. Compared to the conventional ligation method, the self-cutting linear endoscopic stapler has the advantage of significantly reducing the operation time and enabling simple and reliable sealing.
The embryonic genome activation (EGA) is genetically activated states that embryos make the materials such as growth factors for using themselves. EGA is various because they have many materials, different site, different stage, also different species. At this time, transcription factors are expressed. Transcription factors bind to specific DNA region, and regulate the gene expression. Thus, we check the expression of transcription factors, we can know that embryo development is very well or not. The development stages of embryos are basically the stages from fertilization to blastocyst. So, we check the embryos oocyte to blastocyst. In our experiments, we focus the early developmental transcription factors such as Cdx2, Oct4, Sox2, Nanog and E-Cadherin. Above antibody factors showed different expression sites, and there were many differentiated parts from other animal species. In addition, we compared the SCNT and parthenogenetic activation (PA) because these are same methods using electrical activation among the embryo production methods. Our results showed not only similar patterns but also different patterns between pig and mouse. Therefore, we have to investigate that different patterns of transcription factors play a role in pigs, and why occur.
The early-onset familial Alzheimer's disease (EOFAD/ FAD), the less common type of Alzheimer's disease (AD) currently affects a vast number of individuals worldwide. This type is being inherited as an autosomal dominant fashion. Missense mutations on Amyloid precursor protein (APP) and Presenilins 1 and 2 (PSEN1 & PSEN2) are known as major genetic factors in FAD. Conversely, missense mutations on microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT) are also thought to involve. Up to date, several triple-transgenic animal models with muted forms of the human APP, PSENs and MAPT have been reported. Compared to other animals, canines are more emotional and their disease signs can be easily diagnosed. This attempt was to develop a triple transgenic canine model for the AD. We have obtained the coding sequences of APP, PSEN1 and MAPT from Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center DNA resource core at HMS and incorporated several common AD mutations. The transgenic construct is composed of hNSE (ENO2) promoter-driven three AD genes fused together with modified 2A sequences. It was transfected into the canine fetal fibroblasts which were then used to perform somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). The viable transgenic embryos were obtained after in vitro culture and the GFP was detected. In this study, we have successfully produced viable triple transgenic canine cloned embryos using SCNT technique. These transgenic canine embryos will be further developed into canines with FAD. The transgenic canines will be a good candidate in the AD research field.
Until now, problems related to shortage of organ for transplantation have been continuing. Pigs are the most suitable animal for xenotransplantation. Although primates are most similar to humans, they are not suitable because they have low productivity. Pigs are more productive than primates, and their organ size and physiological characteristics are similar to humans, with the exception of primates. In this study, we breeding the transgenic minipigs using natural mating to produce transgenic pigs. And, transgenic pigs has transmission rate that follow mendel’s rule. There are 20% hDAF gene, 20% US11 gene and 50% both hDAF and US11 gene in transgenic offsprings. Furthermore, transgenic pigs followed normal litter size, and piglets also has normal sex ratio. To suppress the immune function, experiments were performed using porcine ear fibroblast that transfected with hDAF and US11gene. In Cytotoxicity experiment against human complement, hDAF gene and double transgenic cell with both hDAF and US11 gene showed effect to reduce cytotoxicity rate in all of human complement condition. US11 gene and double transgenic cell were significantly reduce the cytotoxicity ratio in human NK cell. Besides, hDAF gene transgenic cell also reduce immune response in 10:1 concentration of human NK cell. In conclusion, natural mating was efficient method for breeding transgenic pigs. And, hDAF and US11 genes has effect for reduce cytotoxicity against human NK cell and human complement conditions.
2017년 경북지역은 약 700ha 이상의 면적에서 미국선녀벌레의 피해를 입었다. 그 중 600ha의 피해면적이 떫은감 주요 생산지인 청도군에서 발생하였다. 미국선녀벌레의 효율적인 방제를 위해 2018년 5월 상순에 침투이행성 약제를 토양에 처리하여 약충이 부화하기 전감나무 수체 내 약제를 이행시켜 방제효과를 조사하였다. 토양입제처리의 방제효과 조사를 위하여 토양입제 단독처리(5월 상순), 경엽살포 단독처리(6월 중순), 토양입제(5월 상순) 및 경엽살포(6월 중순) 체계처리를 비교하였다. 조사결과 토양입제 단독처리 시 약제처리 후 약 70일 이상 90%이상의 방제효과가 지속되었고, 경엽살포 단독처리 시 약제처리 후 약 2주 동안 90%이상의 방제효과를 보인 뒤 방제효과가 감소하였다. 또한 토양입제 및 경엽살포 체계처리 시 약제처리 후 약 70일 동안 95%이상의 높은 방제효과를 보였다.
Xenotransplantation is proposed as a solution to the problem of organ shortage. However, transplantation of xenogeneic organs induces an antigen-antibody reaction in α-1,3-gal structure that are not present in humans and primates, and thus complement is also activated and organs die within minutes or hours. In this study, we used FasL gene, which is involved in the immune response of NK cell, and US11, which suppresses MHC Class I cell membrane surface expression, to inhibit cell mediated rejection in the interspecific immunity rejection, and also hDAF(CD55) was introduced to confirm the response to C3 complement. These genes were tranfeced into Korean native pig fetal fibroblasts using pCAGGS vector. And cytotoxicity of NK cell and human complement was confirmed in each cell line. The US11 inhibited the cytotoxicity of NK cell and, in addition, the simultaneous expression of US11 and Fas ligand showed excellent suppress to T-lymphocyte cytotoxicity, hDAF showed weak resistance to cytotoxicity of natural killer cell but not in CD8+ CTLs. Cytotoxicity study with human complement showed that hDAF was effective for reducing complement reaction. In this studies have demonstrated that each gene is effective in reducing immune rejection.
Embryo development is very important in reproductive physiology of domestic animal experiments. Therefore, in the above experiment, we want to provide a lot of important information with regard to fertilization breeding by looking at the expression of transcription factor by early embryo development. It is known that mice affect early embryonic development of many transcription factors, many experiments are underway. Different types of mammals showed different expression patterns, thus, we used pigs, which are known to be the most similar to humans, to observe the expression of transcription factors in early embryonic development. Transcription factors were observed using CDX2, OCT4 and E-CADHERIN. CDX2 was expressed in 2 cells, OCT4 and E-CADHERIN were expressed in blastocyst. OCT4 was expressed specifically in ICM (inner cell mass) in blastocyst, and E-CADHERIN was expressed in cell wall and junction of blastocyst. These results show that CDX2, OCT4 and E-CADHERIN play an important role in early embryonic development in pigs.
본 연구는 수박 접목묘의 활착에 미치는 상대습도의 영향을 알아보고자 수행하였다. 2품종(‘스피드’, ‘삼복꿀’)의 수박(Citrullus vulgaris Schrad.)을 ‘RS-동장군’ 박 대목(Lagenaria siceraria Stanld.)에 접목하고, 접목묘는 주간 25oC/야간 18oC, 광주기는 1일 16시간 기준으로 몰리어다이어그램을 따라 3수준의 상대습도, 95-96%[1.1-0.8(주간) 또는 0.8-0.6(야간) g·m-3수분부족분(VPD)], 97-98%[0.7-0.4(주간) 또는 0.5-0.3(야간) g·m-3 VPD], 또는 99-100%[0.3-0.0(주간) 또는 0.2-0.0(야간) g·m-3 VPD]로 유지하였다. 상대습도 처리 중 97-98% 처리는 대목과 ‘스피드’ 접수의 생체중과 초장을 가장 크게 증가시키며 접목 2일 후에 접합부의 연결을 향상시켰다. 그러나 ‘삼복꿀’의 경우 상대습도 99-100% 처리에서 경경과 초장이 증가하였다. 또한 상대습도 95-96%와 97-98% 처리에서 재배한 2 품종 모두 과산화수소가 덜 발생하고 산화적 스트레스의 지표인 항산화 효소의 활성이 덜 나타났다. 따라서 이 연구의 결과는 수박묘의 접목활착에 가장 적절한 상대습도는 97-98%였다.
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of FES and ankle mobilization on the ankle motion and the quality of gait of chronic hemiplegic patients with limited ankle joint motions. As research subjects, 24 chronic hemiplegic patients who could walk independently, regardless of assistive aids, were selected. Then, 8 subjects received mobilization randomly and 8 subjects received FES and 8 subjects received mobilization and FES, at the same time. The dorsiflexion PROM significantly increased in the group of mobilization therapy, mobilization and FES all together(p<.01). There were statistically significant differences among the three groups(p<.01). The 10m walking test significantly decreased in the group of mobilization therapy, mobilization and FES all together(p<.05). There were statistically significant differences among the three groups(p<.01). The gait velocity significantly increased in the group of mobilization therapy, FES therapy, mobilization and FES all together(p<.05). There were statistically significant differences among the three groups(p<.01). The stride length significantly increased in the group of mobilization therapy, mobilization and FES all together(p<.05). There were statistically significant differences among the three groups(p<.05). In conclusion, these findings demonstrate that rather than only using one treatment technique, applying mobilization and FES together brings a more satisfactory result to hemiplegic patients with limited ankle joint motions.