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        검색결과 23

        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In Korea, the construction of dry storage facilities for spent nuclear fuel is being promoted through the 2nd basic plan for high-level radioactive waste management. When operating dry storage facilities, exposure dose assessment for workers should be performed, and for this, exposure scenarios based on work procedures should be derived prior. However, the dry storage method has not yet been sufficiently established in Korea, so the work procedure has not been established. Therefore, research is needed to apply it domestically based on the analysis of spent nuclear fuel management methods in major overseas leading countries. In this study, the procedure for receiving and storing spent nuclear fuel in a concrete overpack-based storage facility was analyzed. Among the various spent nuclear fuel management systems, the metal overpack-based HI-STAR 100 system and the concrete overpackbased HI-STORM 100 system are quite common methods in the United States. Therefore, in this study, work procedures were analyzed based on each final safety analysis report. First, the HI-STAR 100 overpack enters the facility and is placed in the transfer area. Remove the impact limiter of the overpack and install the alignment device on the top of the overpack. Place the HI-TRAC, an on-site transfer device, on top of the alignment unit and remove the lids of the two devices to insert the canister into the HI-TRAC. When the canister transfer is complete, reseat the lid to seal it, and disconnect the HI-TRAC from the HI-STAR 100. Raise the canister-loaded HI-TRAC over the alignment device on the top of the HI-STORM 100 overpack and remove the lids of the two devices that are in contact. Insert the canister into the HI-STORM 100 and reseat the lid. The HI-STORM 100 loaded with spent nuclear fuel is transferred to the designated storage area. In this study, the procedure for receiving and storing spent nuclear fuel in a concrete overpack-based storage facility was analyzed. The main procedure was the transfer of canisters between overpacks, and it was confirmed that HI-TRAC was used in the work procedure. The results of this study can be used as basic data for evaluating the exposure dose of operating workers for the construction of dry storage facilities in Korea.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        황색점착트랩의 설치각도에 따른 고설재배 딸기의 주요 해충종들의 부착 특성을 확인하기 위해 수직, 수평 앞면 및 뒷면, 45도 앞면 및 뒷면 등으로 달리 트랩을 설치하여 점착트랩내의 부착위치를 조사하고, 각 트랩에 포획된 곤충종의 다양성을 분석하였다. 설치각도에 따른 점착트랩 내의 포획 위치는 진딧물류와 총채벌레류가 유사하게 모든 각도에서 상부에서 유살수가 많았으나 유의한 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 수직, 45도 윗면 트랩에서 종수와 총포획수가 유의하게 높았으나 각 처리별 Shannon 지수의 차이는 없었다. 45도 윗면 트랩에서만 Shimpson 지수가 높게 나타나 소수 종에 집중된 포획양상을 보였으며 모든 트랩에서 공통적으로 초파리와 총채벌레류가 우점하여 포획되었으나 총포획수가 적은 45도 아랫면 트랩의 경우 이들 우점종의 검출도가 낮았다.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        점착트랩은 특정 광파장에 유인되는 곤충의 반응을 이용하여 비행 곤충의 유살 및 모니터링에 널리 이용되고 있다. 그러나 유색 점착트랩은 해당 색상에 반응을 보이는 모든 곤충을 유인하기 때문에 비표적곤충(Non target insect)이 부착되는 문제가 발생한다. 비표적곤충은 부착면을 차지하여 표적곤충의 유인을 방해하며, 해충밀도 모니터링에 필요한 노력과 시간 소요를 증대시킨다. 본 연구에서는 비표적 곤충과 이물질의 부착을 물리적으로 방지하기 위하여 내경 5mm, 10mm의 방지망을 설치하였을 때, 각 처리에 따른 유입 곤충의 종다양성 지수를 분석하여 방지망의 현장 적용 가능성을 검정하였다. 그 결과 망을 처리하지 않은 트랩과 5mm, 10mm 방지망을 설치한 트랩 간 종다양성 지수에서 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 그러나 포획된 총 종의 수는 망을 처리하지 않은 트랩에서 높게 나타났는데 이는 대형 비표적 곤충의 포획수가 높은 것이 주 요인이었다. 표적 해충인 총채벌레, 가루이 등 미소해충의 유입 빈도 또한 무처리, 5mm, 10mm 간에 유의한 차이를 보이지 않아 방지망의 설치가 표적곤충인 미소해충의 유입에 악영향이 없으며, 5mm 망을 적용하여도 무방하다는 결과를 얻었다.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a single most arthritic disease. Knee joint space width (JSW) is commonly used for grading severity of knee OA. However, previous studies did not established criterion validity and test-retest reliability of ultrasound (US) image for measuring JSW. Objects: The aim of this study was to establish criterion validity and test-retest reliability of US measurement of medial and lateral knee JSW. Methods: Twenty-nine subjects with knee OA were participated. The US and X-ray were used to measure knee JSW. One sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to confirm the data normal distribution. Pearson correlation coefficient and ICC were used to calculated and establish criterion validity and test-retest reliability, respectively. Results: US measurement of medial and lateral knee JSW was highly correlated with radiographic imaging measure (r=.714 and .704, respectively). Test-retest reliabilities of medial and lateral knee JSW were excellent correlated (ICC=.959 for medial side and .988 for lateral side, respectively). Conclusion: US may be valid tool to measure knee JSW.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        기존 발표된 CLIMEX 매개변수와 RCP 8.5 시나리오에서의 기후자료를 이용하여 우리나라 금지급 과실파리 12종의 국내에서의 향후 기후적합도를 산출하고 국내정착가능 여부를 평가하였다. 열대내지 아열대성인 Anastrepha ludens와 A.obliqua, Zeugodacus cucurbitae, Bactrocera latifrons, B.tryoni, Ceratitis capitata, C.rosa는 모두 2010년대에는 제주도 남부지방 또는 해안가 일부가 경계 지역으로써 정착 가능한 것으로 평가되었다. B.correcta와 B.zonata는 2010년대에 제주 산간을 제외한 전역과 남해안 극히 일부 지역이 경계 지역에 포함되며, B.zonata, B.latifrons의 경우 제주에 적절내지 최적 지역이 형성되었다. 중북부, 내륙에서 이들 종의 기후적합성이 부적절한 것은 주로 저온 스트레스에 의한 것으로써 지구 온난화에 의해 기온이 상승하면서 2090년대에는 경계지역 범위가 해안가를 따라 상승하였다. 한편, B.tsuneonis와 Rhagoletis pomonella는 온대성 과실파리로서 주된 스트레스 요인은 습윤 스트레스였다. B.tsuneonis 는 2010년대부터 국내 산간을 제외한 대부분 지역이 이들 종의 최적 지역에 포함되었으며 그 범위는 점점 확장되었다. R.pomonella는 국내 대부분 지역이 적절 지역으로 평가되나 2050년, 2090년대에는 제주도 산간을 중심으로 정착 부절절 지역의 면적이 확장되었다. 한편, R.indifferens는 국내 중부지역을 중심으로 한 중산간 지역이 경계내지 적절 기후로 평가되나 정착가능 면적은 점차로 좁아져 2090년대에는 산간 극히 일부지역만 경계 지역으로 포함되었다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        황색점착트랩의 설치각도에 따른 고설재배 딸기해충의 유인 특성을 구명하기 위해 수직, 수평 앞면 및 뒷면, 45도 앞면 및 뒷면 등으로 달리 설치하고 유인된 해충수를 조사하였다. 모든 트랩은 딸기 포기 정상부로부터 30cm 높이에 트랩의 중심이 오도록 설치하였다. 총채벌레류의 경우 45도 윗면, 수직, 수평 윗면은 45도 뒷면이나 수평 뒷면보다 많은 수가 유인되었다. 또한 트랩내 공간위치에 따라 유인수가 달랐는데, 수직트랩에서는 주로 상단부와 좌우 가장자리에 많은 수가 유살되는 경향이었다. 다른 각도의 트랩은 위치에 따른 경향성이 없었다. 뿌리파리류는 수직, 45도 위면, 수평 윗면 순으로 많은 유인수를 보였으며, 45도 뒷면과 수평 뒷면보다 유인수가 높았다. 수직과 45도 윗면 트랩에서는 좌우 가장자리에 많은 유살수를 보였다. 매미충류는 수직 또는 45도 위면 트랩에서 통계적으로 많은 수가 유살되었고 전체적으로 45도 뒷면, 수평 윗면이나 뒷면은 적은 수가 유살되었다. 수직과 45도 윗면, 수평 윗면 트랩에서 중앙자리를 중심으로 높은 유살수가 나타났다. 진딧물과 가루이류는 발생밀도가 낮은 관계로 뚜렷한 경향이 나타나지 않았다.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Chitosan is attracting attention as a health supplement material because of its various physiological activities. In this study, sugar solution containing chitosan was fed to honey bees to induce the production of ‘chitosan fortified honey’ by their same mode of natural honey production. To accomplish this, sugar solutions containing 0.1%, 1%, 2% and 5% chitosan were fed to the honey bees. Fully inverted Chitosan-honey was harvested after feeding the chitosan in sugar solution. To investigate the anti-obesity and immune-enhancing effects of Chitosan-honey, 1% and 10% Chitosan-honey containing drinking water were administrated freely to C57BL mice. Glucosamine concentrations in serum rapidly increased to peak levels in 10 minutes (1261.0 ± 97.6 ng/ml), then decreased gradually for more than 24 hours 793.0 ± 34.7 ng/ml. There were no significant differences in weight and or splenocyte proliferative capacity among experimental mice groups. However, increased granulocytes and monocytes were observed upon flow cytometric analysis. These results suggest that Chitosan-honey could induce removal of foreign antigens. In conclusion, ‘Chitosan-honey’ developed in this study has the potential for use as a honey type dietary health supplement with the same bioactivity as chitosan; however additional research should be conducted to confirm these effects.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        오리엔탈과실파리는 동남아시아에서 유래한 주요 검역해충으로써 북쪽으로 중국 본토, 인도의 고위도 지역 및 중국남부의 고지대까지 그 범위가 확산되고 있다. 우리는 오리엔탈과실파리의 알려진 분포와 계절적 발생동향, 확산경로로부터 오리엔탈과실파리가 월동가능한 상한선을 결정하였다. 이 상한선으로부터 CLIMEX의 종 매개변수를 결정하고 RCP8.5 기후변화 시나리오를 따르는 국내 미래 기후도를 이용하여 오리엔탈과실파리에 대한 향후 우리나라 의 기후적합성을 검정하였다. 국내에서의 기후적합성의 검토는 이 해충의 잠재적인 정착능력과 영향에 대한 중요한 정보를 제공한다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A recent study reported that Pleurotus ostreatus has the potential to be used as a β-glucan-based cream for supportive complementary therapy of atopic dermatitis. KH054 is a new herbal prescription consisting of P. ostreatus and Panax ginseng. The effects of atopic dermatitis-induced materials on the expression of cytokine genes in human monocytes (THP-1, EoL- 1) have been examined. Some reports demonstrated that P. ginseng augments the activity of natural killer cells, which plays an important role in innate immunity against infection and tumor development. Monocyte chemotactic protein 1 (MCP-1), interleukin (IL)-6, and IL-8 have important roles in mediating the infiltration of various cells into the skin of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. The present study investigated whether KH054 on induced IL-6, IL-8, and MCP-1 secretion by house dust mite (Dermatophagoides pteronissinus) in THP-1 (human acute monocytic leukemia) and EoL-1(Human eosinophilic leukemia) cell. D. pteronissinus functions in the pathogenesis of allergic diseases, including atopic dermatitis and asthma. The inhibitory effect of KH054 on the induction of IL-6, IL-8, and MCP-1 secretion by D. pteronissinus extract in THP-1 and EoL-1 cells was examined. KH054 potently suppressed the elevated production of IL-6 and IL-8 induced by D. pteronissinus treatment in THP-1 and EoL-1 cells. Based on the present results, KH054 may be useful for developing functional foods to treat atopic dermatitis.
        2009.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This experiment was conducted to determine the effects of applying level of pig slurry on the characteristics of runoff and leaching water in lysimeter. Treatments were broken down into five treatments such as non-chemical fertilizer, chemical fertilizer (200㎏ N/㏊) and pig slurry (200, 400, 600㎏ N/㏊), and 3-time-repeated randomized complete block design was fulfilled. The concentrations of NO₃-N was raised(p<0.05) in proportion to the applying level of pig slurry. NO₃-N concentration of leaching water collected from soil depth 20㎝ and 40㎝ was intensified as the applying level of pig slurry was higher (p<0.05) in pig slurry 600㎏ N/㏊ application. In conclusion, pig slurry at the volcanic ash soil in Jeju area can replace the chemical fertilizer as it is tested that applying 200㎏ N/㏊ of pig slurry and chemical fertilizer show the same productivity of sorghum×sudangrass hybrid. But more than 200㎏ N/㏊ of pig slurry may not be appropriate because it may contaminate the runoff and leaching water even though it may increase for the forage productivity.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Rehmannia glutinosa is a perennial herb belonging to the family Scrophulariaceae. Its roots have been utilized as a traditional medicine but the aerial parts (flower, flower stalk, leaf) were not used. In this paper, we aimed to determine the content of three compounds [aucubin, catalpol, and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)] in different organs of R. glutinosa. Methods and Results : The flower, flower stalk, leaf, and root of R. glutinosa were harvested in the end of August. The aucubin and catalpol were analyzed by LC/MS, whereas GABA was analyzed by GC/MS. The aucubin content was the highest in the leaf, while catalpol and GABA were the highest in the flower. The aucubin content of in the leaf was 1.43, 0.81, and 1.07 ㎎/g, respectively. The catalpol content of flower in Dakang, Tokang, and Suwon 9 was 41.06, 28.78 and 37.48 ㎎/g, respectively. The GABA content of flower in Dakang, Tokang, and Suwon 9 were 0.79, 0.76 and 0.65 ㎎/g, respectively. Conclusions : The contents of aucubin, catalpol, and GABA were higher in leaf and flower than that of root. This study provides the important information of R. glutinosa leaf and flower as a potential supplement.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Ginseng has been commonly used as a traditional oriental medicine for its wide spectrum of medicinal properties, including anti-inflammatory, antitumorigenic, adaptogenic and anti-aging properties. 20(S)-Protopanaxadiol (PPD), a intestinal metabolite of ginsenosides, is one of the active ingredients in ginseng. In this study, we have found inflammation-related genes regulated by 20(S)-PPD in mouse bone marrow-derived macrophage (BMDM) to elucidate the role of 20(S)-PPD in inflammatory signaling pathways. Methods and Results : We examined cell viability of BMDM cells after treatment of 20(S)-PPD and found that 20(S)-PPD has no cytotoxicity up to 10 uM. BMDM cells treated with none or 10uM 20(S)-PPD were used for RNA extraction and microarray analysis. It was found that 2 inflammation-related genes are upregulated and 4 genes are downregulated by 20(S)-PPD. Conclusion : These results can give clues to elucidate the role of 20(S)-PPD in inflammatory signaling pathways.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Ginseng, one of most famous traditional oriental medicines, has been known for a number of pharmacological properties including anti-tumor, anti-diabetic, anti-fatigue, anti-stress, anti-oxidative, and anti-aging effects. 20(S)-Protopanaxadiol (PPD), a intestinal metabolite of ginsenosides, is one of the active ingredients in ginseng. In this study, we investigated the synergistic anticancer effect of 20(S)-PPD and temozolomide (TMZ) and the mechanism of 20(S)-PPD on glioblastoma cells. Methods and Results : We examined cell viability and the morphological changes of C6 cells after treatment of 20(S)-PPD and TMZ. 20(S)-PPD showed a potent antiproliferative activity against C6 cells by triggering apoptosis. 20(S)-PPD-induced apoptosis was characterized by a dose-dependent mitochondrial damage. 20(S)-PPD and TMZ had a synergistic effect in increasing mitochondrial damage via caspase 3 activation. Conclusion : These results revealed an unexpected mechanism of 20(S)-PPD and TMZ, triggering a mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis in C6 cells. Our findings encourage further studies of 20(S)-PPD as a promising chemopreventive agent against glioblastoma.
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