
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 22

        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 ‘피오네’ 포도 무핵재배 생력화를 위한 생장조정제 이용과 착과량 조절이 과실의 특성과 품질에 미치는 영향을 구명하고자 실시하였다. 착과량 조절에 의한 과방중은 신초당 70립/1송이로 하였을 때, 681.6 g으로 가장 무거웠으며,35립/2송이에서 가장 낮은 결과를 나타냈다. 과립중은 신초당50립/1송이에서 10.1 g으로 가장 높은 결과를 보였던 반면, 송이수 및 착립수가 많을수록 낮아졌다. 품질은 신초당 50립/1송이에서 당도는 17.3 oBrix로 다른 처리구에 비해 유의하게높았고, 안토시아닌, 명도, 적색도 등도 좋았다. 수확기는 농가관행 70립/1송이 처리구의 8월 하순 대비 50립/1송이 처리구에서는 8월 상순으로 20일 정도 단축되었다. 이로서 신초당50립/1송이의 500 g 정도의 착과량 조절이 상품성 향상에 적정하였다. 무핵 생력화를 위한 GA3 + TDZ 혼용 1회 처리에서 과방중은 TDZ 농도가 높을수록 무거운 경향을 보였으며, 대조구 568.9 g 대비 모든 처리구에서 낮은 과방중을 보였으나,GA325 mg·L−1 + TDZ 10 mg·L−1처리 구에서 상품성을 향상할수 있었다. GA3에 CPPU와 TDZ 혼용 2차 처리의 경우, 과방중은 처리 농도가 높은 GA325 mg·L−1+CPPU 20 mg·L−1처리 구에서 694.2 g으로 가장 무거웠으며, GA325 mg·L−1 + TDZ 5 mg·L−1처리구와 GA325 mg·L−1+CPPU 10 mg·L−1처리 구에서 당도가 높고, 산도는 낮아 품질 면에서 상품성이 우수하였고,과립비대에 TDZ보다 CPPU의 영향을 더 잘 받는 것으로 나타났다. 전엽 5매 출현시 GA3 5 mg·L−1처리 구에서 착립밀도 개선에 노동력 절감 효과가 있음을 알 수 있었다.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        사과 기상변화로 인한 사과 ‘후지’는 개화기는 빨라지고 생육기간이 연장됨으로서 품질변화를 가져오고 있다. 시험포장은 청원, 충주 및 제천에 각 2농가를 선정하였고, 기상 측정장비 4기를 설치하여 3년간 기상자료를 수집하였으며, 과실특성과 기상요소 간 상관을 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 과중은 충주 C, D과원에서 제일 크고, 제천 F과원이 작았다. 전 생육기의 최고기온과 정의 상관, 최저기온과 부의 상관을 나타냈다. 강수량은 10월에 고도의 정의 상관을 나타냈다. 과형지수는 만개 후 서늘한 기온이 종경비대에 영향을 미치는 충주 D과원이 높았다. 또한 경도는 평균기온이 낮은 충주 D과원과 제천 E과원에서 높았다. 당도는 표고가 높은 충주 D과원과 제천 E과원에서 높았다. 8월 이후 수확 때까지의일사량과 일조시간이 정의 상관을 보여 당도에 영향을 미치는것을 알 수 있다. 산도는 충주 D과원에서 높았는데, 4월~7월유과기 최고기온과 일교차에서 부의 상관을 최저기온에서 정의 상관을 보였다. 감미비는 지역간 통계적인 유의차를 보였다. 안토시아닌 함량은 10월 평균기온이 낮은 제천 E, F과원에서 높았다. 9월~10월, 10월의 평균기온이 고도의 유의한 부의 상관을 보였다. 착색도는 표고가 높은 충주 D과원에서 유의하였다. 명도는 평균기온이 고도의 정의 상관을 10월의 일사량이 고도의 부의 상관을 나타내며, 적색도는 평균기온 및최저기온이 고도의 부의 상관을 10월의 일사량이 고도의 정의상관을 나타내며, b값은 평균기온 및 최저기온이 정의 상관을 유의하게 나타냈다.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was executed to evaluate the phenolic content, DPPH radical scavenging rate, and the cytotoxic effect in human cancer cell, 3T3-L1 cell from C. lanceolata extracts at various ethanol concentration. Total polyphenol and flavonoid content of the C. lanceolata at various ethanol concentration showed the high amount in 70%, 100% ethanol extract. The DPPH radical scavenging activity progressively increased in a dose-dependent manner, and showed the highest in 100% ethanol extract. The cytotoxic effect against human cancer cell of the C. lanceolata was higher in 50% and 70% ethanol extracts. In particular, the cytotoxic effect in MCF-7 cell was relatively higher than in other cells. The IC50 (concentration causing 50% cell death) value showed the highest on MCF-7 cell (538.39 ㎍/㎖) in 70% ethanol extract, and exhibited significant activity against Hela cell (637.87 ㎍/㎖), Calu-6 cell (728.64 ㎍/㎖). The extract of 70% ethanol at 1,000 ㎍/㎖ exhibited a pronounced cytotoxic effect on 3T3-L1 cell comparable to that of the other extracts, and reduced in a concentration-dependent manner.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The present study was performed to investigate the effects of the colchicine concentrations on chromosome doubling for producing of tetraploid plants of Codonopsis lanceolata, and its effect on plant morphology. A total of 180 individuals germinated from 16 treatment groups, were exposed to various concentrations (0.05-1.0% w/v) of colchicine for different soaking duration (3-24 hour). The highest numbers of tetraploid plants (3) were observed from the lowest concentration of colchicine (0.05%), and one (1) tetraploid plant was obtained from the 0.5% concentration group with a 6 hour treatment. However, no tetraploid individual was observed in any other treatment groups. The plant height of the diploid (18.1 ㎝) was slightly shorter than that of the tetraploid (13.4 ㎝). The fresh weight of the main root in the diploid (0.5 g) was four-fold higher than the tetraploid (2.2 g). The colchicine-treated plant regeneration rate in C. lanceolata was decreased when the plants were subjected to high concentration of colchicine. In particular, the highest number of tetraploid plants (5 and 3) was obtained from the lower concentration (0.05% and 0.1%) of colchicine for 6-hour treatment, which were a higher rate (29.4% and 30%) of regenerated tetraploid plants than other regenerated plants. As in the seed treatment result, the plant height of the diploid was significantly higher (10.4 ㎝) than tetraploid. The higher morphological changes were observed comparatively from tetraploid plants than the diploid.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The present study aimed to compare and investigate the morphological characteristics and yield components according to ploidy level of diploid and tetraploid Platycodon grandiflorum under vinyl-greenhouse and open field conditions. Plant height of diploid and tetraploid P. grandiflorum was 51.3 ㎝, 54.0 ㎝, respectively. The results revealed that the plants grown in the vinyl-greenhouse showed significantly higher growth compared to those grown in the open field. Regardless of the growing place, diploid and tetraploid of P. grandiflorum showed the rapid elongation of internodes after 4 and 3 internodes respectively and elongation tends to be decreased as entering the flower-bud differentiation period. The starting day of flowering in vinyl-greenhouse cultivation was found to be faster than that of the open field cultivation by 2∼ 3 days and tended to be delayed by about 5∼6 days in tetraploid P. grandiflorum compared to diploid. Fresh weight of roots from the vinyl-greenhouse cultivation showed a high quantity as 34.2g and 49.4g in diploid and tetraploid P. grandiflorum, respectively and especially tetraploid P. grandiflorum was found to be increased by approximately 44.4% compared to other plots.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was executed to evaluate the immune activity, nitrite scavenging activity and ABTS radical scavenging activity against extracts of various concentration of ethanol solvent from Codonopsis lanceolata cultured at 6 local regions. The immune responses from both human T and B cell line was significantly enhanced in the cell growth compared to control while the cell growth was influenced at a certain period of culture. The results revealed that the cell growth of both human T and B cell was altered in a time dependent manner. The nitrite scavenging activity of ethanol extracts from various solvent concentration of C. lanceolata were affected by pH. At a pH of 1.2, the nitrite scavenging effect of all of the extracts tested observed higher than that of the other two pH ranges. There was no distinct detection of nitrite scavenging effects of the pH range 6.0. The ABTS radical scavenging activity was progressively increased in a dose-dependent manner, and the activity was the highest in 100% ethanol extract. The result from this investigation suggests that the extract of Codonopsis lanceolata could be an addition to basic medicine for immune modulation and natural food additives.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The present study was performed to compare the morpho-physiological characteristics of the tetraploid and diploid varieties of Platycodon grandiflorum and to obtain basic data for cultivating a tetraploid variety with high yield and content of functional substances. The plant height of the tetraploid variety (54.0 cm) was slightly higher than that of the diploid variety. The leaf length and width of the tetraploid variety were 10.2 cm and 7.3 cm, respectively. The results obtained from the present study revealed that the form of the leaf changed from lanceolate to ovate, and the chlorophyll content in the tetraploid variety (16.7) was slightly higher than that in the diploid variety. The photosynthetic rate significantly increased (24%) to 13.4 μmol CO2·m -2 ·s -1 in the tetraploid variety from that of the diploid variety. The pollen viability of the tetraploid variety was decreased by approximately 33% with respect to that of the diploid variety, but this did not have a significant adverse effect on seed production. The fresh weight of tetraploid P. grandiflorum was 49.4 g, which was approximately 44% higher than that of the diploid variety.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to investigate the effects of temperature and shade, which are basic environmental conditions, on growth, yield, inorganic components, and general components of Codonopsis lanceolata, in order to obtain basic data for improving yield capacity. In natural light, in the 15, 20, and 25°C groups, the plant heights ranged between 218.9 cm and 223.9 cm, and there was no significant difference between groups. However, the leaf size was larger in shade, and the leaf area was significantly larger in the 15 and 30°C groups. In natural light, root length and diameter were shorter and thinner when the temperature was higher, and growth was highly suppressed at 30°C. With regards to macroelements, the contents of Na, Mg, and P increased as temperature increased, regardless of the plant part; however, no constant tendency was observed in K and Ca according to temperature. The contents of Mg and Ca (from highest to lowest) were in the order leaf>stem>root, whereas the contents of Na, P, and K were in the order stem>leaf>root. Contents of general components varied according to temperature, and were highest at 30°C. While the plant height was increased under the constant 25°C +DIF (Difference between day and night temperature) condition, growth was suppressed in the –DIF group, in which the night temperature was higher than the day temperature, which suggests that a change in night temperature is one of the factors that affects the growth of C. lanceolata. As in the growth of the above-ground parts, fresh weight of the root was high in the constant 25°C group and +DIF group. Notably, it was more than 2.5 times the fresh weights in the constant 15°C group, constant 20°C group, and –15 DIF group.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The roots of Platycodon grandiflorum species either dried or fresh, are used as an ingredient in salads and traditional cuisine in Korea. To interpret the root proteins, a systematical and targeting analysis were carried out from diploid and tetraploid roots. Two dimensional gels stained with CBB, a total of 39 differential expressed proteins were identified from the diploid root under in vivo condition using image analysis by Progenesis Same Spot software. Out of total differential expressed spots, 39 differential expressed protein spots (≥ 1.5-fold) were analyzed using LTQ-FTICR mass spectrometry. Except two proteins, the rest of the identified proteins were confirmed as down-regulated such as Isocitrate dehydrogenase, Proteasome subunit alpha type-2-B. However, the most of the identified proteins from the explants were mainly associated with the oxidoreductase activity, nucleic acid binding, transferase activity and catalytic activity. The exclusive protein profile may provide insight clues for better understanding the characteristics of proteins and metabolic activity in various explants of the economically important medicinal plant Platycodon grandiflorum.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The roots of Platycodon grandiflorum are massively used in traditional herbal medicine as a remedy for pulmonary disease and respiratory disorders. However, in spite of its potential medicinal significance, the molecular mechanism of its roots is still unknown. In the present study, high throughput proteome approach was conducted to profile proteins from 3, 4 and 5 months aged diploid and tetraploid roots of Platycodon grandiflorum. Two dimensional gels stained with CBB, a total of 68 differential expressed proteins were identified from diploid root out of 767 protein spots using image analysis by Progenesis SameSpot software. Out of total differential expressed spots, 29 differential expressed protein spots (≥ 2-fold) were analyzed using LTQ-FTICR MS whereas a total of 24 protein spots were up regulated and 5 protein spots were down-regulated. On the contrary, in the case of tetraploid root, a total of 86 differential expressed proteins were identified from tetraploid root out of 1033 protein spots of which a total of 39 differential expressed protein spots (≥ 2-fold) were analyzed using LTQ-FTICR MS whereas a total of 21 protein spots were up regulated and a total of 18 protein spots were down-regulated. It was revealed that the identified proteins from the explants were mainly associated with the nucleotide binding, oxidoreductase activity, transferase activity. In that way, the exclusive protein profile may provide insight clues for better understanding the characteristics of proteins and metabolic activity in various explants of the economically important medicinal plant Platycodon grandiflorum.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The roots of Platycodon grandiflorum are known as traditional medicine, has been extensively used since ancient times as a therapeutic to treat cold, cough and asthma in Korean traditional medications. This study was conducted in order to profile proteins from the hormone induced diploid and tetraploid roots using high throughput proteome approach. Two dimensional gels stained with CBB, a total of 64 differential expressed proteins were identified from the diploid root using image analysis by Progenesis SameSpot software. Out of total differential expressed spots, 20 differential expressed protein spots (≥ 2-fold) were analyzed using MALDI-TOF-TOF mass spectrometry whereas a total of 13 protein spots were up regulated and 7 protein spots were down-regulated. However, in the case of tetraploid root, a total of 78 differential expressed proteins were identified from tetraploid root of which a total of 28 differential expressed protein spots (≥ 2-fold) were analyzed by mass spectrometry whereas a total of 16 protein spots were up regulated and a total of 12 protein spots were down-regulated. However, proteins identified using iProClass databases revealed that the identified proteins from the explants were mainly associated with the nucleic acid binding, oxidoreductase activity, transporter activity and isomers activity. The exclusive protein profile may provide insight clues for better understanding the characteristics of proteins and metabolic activity in various explants of the economically important medicinal plant Platycodon grandiflorum.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This experiment was conducted to obtain the have higher contents of pharmaceutical constituents as well as higher yield from colchicine induced diploid and tetraploid extracts of Platycodon grandiflorum. In order to determine the biological activity, this study was focused to evaluate the cytotoxicity, antimicrobial on the bronthus disease bacteria, antioxidant enzyme activity of diploid and tetraploid extracts in P. grandiflorum. The activities of antioxidant enzyme according to different solvent extracts were measured as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD), and ascorbate peroxidase (APX). The cytotoxicity of methanol extracts of P. grandiflorum showed significant differences between tetraploid and diploid. That is, the cytotoxic effect against human cancer cell was higher in tetraploid than in diploid. At all extracts concentration, tetraploid samples showed high toxicity and the IC50 (concentration causing 50% cell death) value showed the highest on HCT-116 cell (105.91 μg/mL), and exhibited significant activity against the Hep 3B cell (140.67 μg/mL), SNU-1066 cell (154.01 μg/mL), Hela cell (158.37 μg/mL), SNU-601 cell (182.67 μg/mL), Calu-6 cell (190.42 μg/mL), MCF-7 cell (510.19 μg/mL). Antimicrobial activities of diploid P. grandiflorum were relatively low compared to tetraploid P. grandiflorum on most of the bacterial strains. In tetraploid P. grandiflorum, K. pneumoniae showed the clear zone formation (18~19 mm) of growth inhibition, followed by the clear zone formation of 13~15 mm on C. diphtheria and S. pyogenes. The antimicrobial activities in diploid P. grandiflorum were the highest on K. pneumonia (14~15 mm), and showed the clear zone formation of 11~12 mm on C. diphtheria and 12~13 mm on S. pyogenes. The antimicrobial activity is thought to look different depending on the bacterial strains and the polyploidy of P. grandiflorum. The root extract of P. grandiflorum had the highest (97.2%) SOD enzyme activity in ethyl acetate partition layer of tetraploid while water partition layer of diploid showed the lowest (48.6%) SOD enzyme activity. The activity of CAT showed higher values in the root of tetraploid than in the diploid of P. grandiflorum in all partition layers except butyl alcohol. The activities of APX and POD showed higher values in the root of tetraploid than in the diploid of P. grandiflorum in all fraction solvents except water layer. These results indicate that the tetraploid P. grandiflorum can be used as a source for developing cytotoxic agent and antimicrobials which can act against bronchus diseases bacterial strains.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to find out the effective induction method of tetraploid plants to obtain potential data for cultivating superior varieties by colchicine treatment. The seed germination were decreased by the higher concentration of colchicine treatment and longer soaking time. A total of 907 individuals were germinated in 16 treated plots except control (untreated plot) and 28 tetraploids were induced which was about 3.1% of the number of seed germinated. The plant regeneration rate by colchicine treatment on explant of Prunella vulgaris for. albiflora Nakai under in vitro culture was decreased with the higher concentration of colchicine. While a total of 312 individuals were regenerated in all treatments, the explant was soaked in more than 0.05% for over 1 hour, tetraploid could be obtained. In particular, for the soaking treatment in 0.05% for 6 hours and 12 hours, 37 tetraploids were induced, which was about 57.8% of the number of plant regenerated. In accordance with the observation on doubling of DNA contents in leaf in order to identify polyploid, the peak DNA content of G1 phase was 101.3 for diploid and 197.2 for tetraploid. The result confirmed the doubling of DNA content. Furthermore, the number of chloroplasts per guard cell depending on polyploid was around 10 in diploid and 19.3 in tetraploid, which was around 1.9 times as much as diploid.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Platycodon grandiflorum, commonly known as Doraji in Korea, has a wide range of pharmacologic properties, such as reducing adiposity and hyperlipidemia, and antiatherosclerotic effects. However, the mechanisms underlying these effects remain unclear. In order to profile proteins from the nodal segment, callus, root and shoot, high throughput proteome approach was executed in the present study. Two dimensional gels stained with CBB, a total of 84 differential expressed proteins were confirmed out of 839 protein spots using image analysis by Progenesis SameSpot software. Out of total differential expressed spots, 58 differential expressed protein spots (≥ 2-fold) were analyzed using MASCOT search engine according to the similarity of sequences with previously characterized proteins along with the UniProt database. Out of 58 differential expressed protein, 32 protein spots were up-regulated such as ribulose- 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase, endoplasmic oxidoreductin-1, heat stress transcription factor A3, RNA pseudourine synthase 4, cysteine proteinase, GntR family transcriptional regulator, E3 xyloglucan 6-xylosyltransferase, while 26 differential protein spots were down-regulated such as L-ascorbate oxidase precursor, late embryogenesis abundant protein D-34, putative SCO1 protein, oxygen-evolving enhancer protein 3. However, frequency distribution of identified proteins using iProClass databases, and assignment by function based on gene ontology revealed that the identified proteins from the explants were mainly associated with the nucleic acid binding (17%), transferase activity (14%) and ion binding (12%). In that way, the exclusive protein profile may provide insight clues for better understanding the characteristics of proteins and metabolic activity in various explants of the economically important medicinal plant Platycodon grandiflorum.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to investigate the effects of Ca-gluconate (Ca-glu) on fruit firmness and softening enzyme activities of hydroponically grown tomato (Solanium esculentum Mill.). The obtained results revealed that the rate of weight loss was markedly increased from at storage to 5 days after storage (DAS) in control, and was constantly increased until 7 DAS as 4.1% in Ca-glu treatment. Fruit firmness was more rapidly decreased in Ca-glu induced fruit compared to control. Results showed that fruit firmness in control and Ca-glu treated fruit were 0.67 and 0.95 kg좵즤12 mm-1, respectively. In our investigation, no difference was revealed in Hunter…s ‥a… value between control and Ca-glu treated fruit. Total carotenoids content of control fruit were rapidly increased while the Ca-glu treated fruit were gently increased. Lycopene content was higher (63.3 즗g;g-1 FW) in control than Ca-glu treatment (56.8 즗g;g-1 FW). The activity of Polygalacturonase (PG) was rapidly increased with increasing storage period as from 0.4 to 1.2 units whereas the PG activity of Ca-glu treatment was gently increased from 1 to 7 DAS, and rapidly increased from 7 to 11 DAS. However, the pectinesterase (PE) activity was rapidly increased in control fruit, when the storage period was increased, but interestingly, the Ca-glu treated fruit was slowly increased from 1 to 7 DAS, and rapidly increased 7to 11 DAS. ?-galactosidase activity of Ca-glu induced fruit was rapidly increased from 1 to 7 DAS as from 1.6 to 3.0 units, and gently increased from 7 to 11 DAS. ?-galactosidase activity of control were higher than Ca-glu treatment.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Platycodon grandiflorum is a perennial flowering plant, known as Chinese bell flower, widespread in northeast Asia. The roots of this species are used for centuries to treat diseases, and have extensive pharmacological effects such as reducing adiposity, hyperlipidemia as well as anti-atherosclerotic disorder. In this study, systematical and targeting proteome analysis were executed from the 3, 4 and 5 months aged diploid and tetraploid roots of Platycodon grandiflorum and the proteins were separated by 2-DE and stained by CBB. In diploid roots, a total of 30 protein spots (≥ 2-fold) were analyzed using MASCOT search engine according to the similarity of sequences with previously characterized proteins along with the UniProt database. Among the 30 differentially expressed proteins, 21 proteins sopts were identified as up-regulated and 9 proteins were identified as down-regulated. In contrary, a total of 40 differentially expressed proteins were confirmed from tetraploid roots whereas 28 protein spots were confirmed as up-regulated and 12 proteins were identified as down-regulated. However, the differentially expressed proteins from diploid and tetraploid roots were classified into 12 and 14 possible functional categories respectively using Protein Information Resources. The results revealed that the identified proteins from diploid and tetraploid roots were mainly involved in oxidoreductase activity, nucleotide binding, transferase activity and catalytic activity in bellflower roots. In conclusion, the exclusive proteins from diploid and tetraploid roots may provide insight clues for better understanding the characteristics and functions of proteins and metabolic activity of Platycodon grandiflorum.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Platycodon grandiflorum, known as Doraji in Korea, is used in various medications and traditional cuisine in Korea. This study was conducted to characterize the hormonal effects of diploid and tetraploid roots of P. grandiflorum using proteomics technique. Prior to proteome analysis, different kinds of growth hormones; IBA (1mg/L), NAA (1mg/L) and IAA (1mg/L) were applied in the adventitious (Diploid and tetraploid) roots for investigation. Solid (1/4MS) and liquid (1/2MS) medium were performed in the present study to investigate the hormonal effects. In diploid roots, two dimensional gels stained with CBB, a total of 1154 protein spots were identified using image analysis by Ludesi REDFIN 3 programme (Ludesi AB, Lund, Sweden: www.ludesi.com). Out of 1154 differential expressed protein spots, a total of 33 protein spots (≥ 2-fold) were selected for mass spectrometry. Among the 33 protein spots, 7 protein spots were up-regulated in IBA, 12 proteins in NAA and 14 proteins in IAA. In the case of tetraploid roots that performed under solid medium, a total of 842 differentially expressed protein spots were identified of which 34 proteins spots (≥ 1.5-fold) were selected for mass spectrometry. Out of 34 protein spots, 11 proteins were up-regulated in IBA, 10 proteins in NAA and 13proteins in IAA. However, a total of 659 differentially expressed proteins were confirmed from the liquid medium of tetraploid roots from which 32 proteins spots (≥ 1.5-fold) were sorted for MS analysis. Out of these 32 proteins, a total of 3 proteins were up-regulated in IBA, 7 proteins in NAA and 22 proteins in IAA. The identified proteins may provide insight clues for better understanding of the characteristics of proteins and biological activity from adventitious roots of Platycodon grandiflorum.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The present study was carried out to elucidate the effect of girdling on the quality and harvest date of the 'Shigyoku' grapes. Among girdled vines, the interval from full bloom to harvest date was 77 days; this was as much as seven days shorter in vines receiving a 20% girdling treatment. With regards to fruit characteristics, significant differences were observed in cluster length, berry number, and berry weight in vines that received girdling treatments. There were also significant differences in cluster weight; 468.2 g, 491.6 g and 504.9 g in the control group, 10% girdling group, and 20% girdling group, respectively. Thus, the use of girdling treatments is an effective approach to increasing cluster weight by 5% in the 10% girdling treatment and 8% in the 20% girdling treatment. The 10% girdling treatment showed significant difference in terms of titrable acidity; in fact, the overall titrable acidity was relatively high among all the girdling treatments. The concentration of anthocyanin increased in 20% girdling treatment, but there were no significant differences in anthocyanin concentration among girdling treatments. Berry color developed rapidly in vines that received girdling treatment.
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